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The understanding of spin dynamics in laterally confined structures on sub-micron length scales has become a significant aspect of the development of novel magnetic storage technologies. Numerous ferromagnetic resonance measurements, optical characterization by Kerr microscopy and Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy and x-ray studies were carried out to detect the dynamics in patterned magnetic antidot lattices. Here, we investigate Oersted-field driven spin dynamics in rectangular Ni80Fe20/Pt antidot lattices with different lattice parameters by electrical means. When the system is driven to resonance, a dc voltage across the length of the sample is detected that changes its sign upon field reversal, which is in agreement with a rectification mechanism based on the inverse spin Hall effect. Furthermore, we show that the voltage output scales linearly with the applied microwave drive in the investigated range of powers. Lastly, our findings have direct implications on the development of engineered magnonics applications and devices.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in the field of spin dynamics and magnetic damping. It discusses the various ways to tune damping, specifically, dynamic and static control in a ferromagnetic layer/heavy metal layer. In addition, it addresses all optical detection techniques for the investigation of modulation of damping, for example, the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect technique.
In this dissertation, I explore the interactions that occur between transported spins and magnetization dynamics using spatially resolved imaging and magnetic resonance. The integration of spin transport and dynamics will be a crucial aspect of realizing spintronic devices, which seek to improve upon current charge based electronics. Rather than focusing on the charge degree of freedom as in traditional electronics, spintronics seeks to utilize the properties of the electron spin degree of freedom to revolutionize the fundamental operating principles of data processing and storage devices. Spintronics promises greater functionality and energy efficiency in devices based on electron spin. However, improved understanding and control of the spin degree of freedom is required for spintronics to reach its full potential. The work in this dissertation represents efforts towards addressing these requirements. I discuss my work relating to the development of a custom scanned probe microscope allowing simultaneous spatially resolved imaging while imposing transport in electrically active spintronic devices. Using this microscope, I correlate the switching of magnetic electrodes in a graphene spin valve to the resistance states by directly imaging the electrode magnetization configuration while simultaneously measuring the non-local magnetoresistance. I investigate interactions between a ferromagnet driven into resonance and proximal nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond. Spinwaves generated during the decay of the uniform mode driven to ferromagnetic resonance relax the diamond nitrogen vacancy center spins resulting in a change in the fluorescence intensity. This technique allows the study of transport of angular momentum between two separated spin systems, as well as the possibility for the nanoscale imaging of magnetization dynamics. I demonstrate Heusler alloy ferromagnetic materials as high spin polarization spin injectors for device applications by studying their magnetoresistive output as a function of composition at room and low temperatures. Spin injection efficiency is another important aspect in the performance of spintronic devices, and optimization of spin injection will be of importance in creating realistic devices. Another promising avenue for spin injection relies on the spin Hall effect. I discuss efforts at using the spin Hall effect in platinum to inject spins into an aluminum channel to be detected in another platinum electrode by the inverse spin Hall effect without the need for a ferromagnet, thus reducing complications resulting from the stray field of typical ferromagnetic injectors. I discuss exploration of spin pumping devices based on metallic and insulating ferromagnet/graphene bilayers using ferromagnetic resonance and electrical detection of the inverse spin Hall effect. Spin pumping represents another opportunity to study interactions of spin transport and magnetization dynamics, in this case leveraged for efficient spin injection. Finally, I perform magnetic resonance measurements of thin film iron germanium skyrmionic candidate materials. Skrymions are a candidate for high density and low power magnetic recording. Measuring the dynamics of these materials will be important for a full characterization of their properties. I demonstrate detection of multiple magnetic phases in this material, and show evidence of large internal fields, which may be of interest in stabilizing skrymions in thin films.
Spintronics is an emerging technology that exploits the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment in addition to its fundamental electronic charge. The central issue of this multidisciplinary field is the manipulation of the spin degree of freedom in solid-state systems. Discoveries in recent years have inspired a new route in spintronic research which needs no ferromagnetic components. The research field "spintronic without magnetism" is based on the possibility to manipulate electric currents via spin-orbit coupling only. The spin Hall effect (SHE) is one of the most promising effects for the generation of spin polarized currents which is even present in non-magnetic materials. The SHE appears when an electric current flows through a medium with spin-orbit coupling present, leading to a spin-current perpendicular to the charge current. In this work the SHE as well as the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) are investigated on a first principles level using the spin-polarized fully relativistic Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green's function method (SPR-KKR-GF) in conjunction with the linear response Kubo-Streda formalism. Intrinsic as well as extrinsic contributions to the SHE/AHE are treated on equal footing. This opened up for the first time the possibility to reliably decompose the SHE/AHE into skew and side-jump scattering as well as intrinsic contributions in a quantitative manner.
This second volume of the book on spin dynamics in confined magnetic structures covers central aspects of spin dynamic phenomena, so that researchers can find a comprehensive compilation of the current work in the field. Introductory chapters help newcomers to understand the basic concepts, and the more advanced chapters give the current state of the art for most spin dynamic issues in the milliseconds to femtoseconds range. Both experimental techniques and theoretical work are discussed. The comprehensive presentation of these developments makes this volume very timely and valuable for every researcher working in the field of magnetism. It describes the new experimental techniques which have advanced this field very rapidly. Among the techniques covered, particular attention is given to those involving high temporal, elemental and spatial resolution as well as to techniques involving magnetic field pulses with very short rise times and durations.
Spintronics, an abbreviation of spin based electronics and also known as magneto electronics, has attracted a lot of interest in recent years. It aims to explore the role of electrons' spins in building next generation electric devices. Using electrons' spins rather than electrons' charges may allow faster, lower energy cost devices. Spin Hall Effect is an important subfield of spintronics. It studies spin current, spin transport, and spin accumulation in paramagnetic systems. It can further understanding of quantum physics, device physics, and may also provide insights for spin injection, spin detection and spin manipulation in the design of the next generation spintronics devices. In this experimental work, two sets of experiments were prepared to detect the Spin Hall Effect in metallic systems. The first set of experiments aims to extract Spin Hall Effect from Double Hall Effect in micrometer size metal thin film patterns. Our experiments proved that the Spin Hall Effect signal was much smaller than the theoretically calculated value due to higher electrical resistivity in evaporated thin films. The second set of experiments employs a multi-step process. It combines micro fabrication and electrochemical method to fabricate a perpendicular ferromagnet rod as a spin injector. Process description and various techniques to improve the measurement sensitivity are presented. Measurement results in aluminum, gold and copper are presented in Chapters III, IV and V. Some new experiments are suggested in Chapters V and VI.
Electrical generation of spin polarization by the spin Hall effect is imaged with both spatial and temporal resolution using Kerr rotation microscopy in bulk zincblende semiconductors. The spin Hall effect, which arises due to the spin-orbit coupling, refers to the generation of a pure spin current transverse to a charge current driven by an electric field which causes a spontaneous quasi-equilibrium spin accumulation near sample boundaries without the need for magnetic fields or magnetic materials. Bulk current-induced in-plane spin polarization and out-of-plane spin accumulation from the spin Hall effect are observed in the II-VI semiconductor ZnSe despite no evidence for a spin-orbit induced internal magnetic field, which are only observed sub-critical thickness ZnSe with enhanced k-linear Hamiltonian terms due to biaxial strain. The wide band gap of ZnSe enables the first observation of electrical spin generation at room temperature. The spatial dependence of steady-state spin accumulation from the spin Hall effect is addressed in channels made of the III-V semiconductor GaAs. One- and two-dimensional spatially-resolved diffusion modeling clarifies the important role of drift and diffusion in transporting spin generated at sample boundaries to the interior of the device. Driving spin accumulation with an electrical pulse and probing with a frequency-synchronized ultrafast laser enables time-resolved measurement of the spin Hall effect. Probing the dynamical processes of spin accumulation and diffusion reveals spatially-dependent nanosecond timescales comparable to the electric-field dependent spin coherence time. Prospects are considered for an all-electrical measurement of the spin Hall effect which should enable more accurate determination of the magnitude of the spin Hall conductivity and illuminate the microscopic mechanisms governing the spin Hall effect in GaAs.
Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences, Volume 22.2: Spin Waves and Magnetic Excitations focuses on the processes, methodologies, reactions, principles, and approaches involved in spin waves and magnetic excitations, including magnetic systems, fluctuations, resonance, and spin dynamics. The selection first elaborates on spin-wave resonance in metals, excitations in low-dimensional magnetic systems, and the theory of magnetic excitations in disordered systems. Topics include spin waves in ferromagnets with weak fluctuations of the exchange interaction; dynamics of propagating excitations; models of two-dimensional magnetic systems; spin-wave resonance in bulk metals; and standing spin-wave resonance in thin films. The manuscript then ponders on spin dynamics of amorphous magnets and magnetic excitations in spin glasses, including dynamics in reentrant spin glasses, dynamics of classical spin glasses, spin dynamical theory, spin dynamics of locally isotropic materials, and effects of dilution. The book takes a look at nuclear spin and magnetoelastic excitations and magnetic impuritons in antiferromagnetic dielectric crystals. Discussions focus on coherent and incoherent impurity excitations, equations of motion and the energy of a magnetoelastic medium, magnetoelastic excitations near magnetic orientational phase transitions, and the effect of frequency pulling on the behavior of nuclear spin echo signals. The selection is a vital source of data for researchers interested in spin waves and magnetic excitations.
The purpose of this book is to provide a theoretical foundation and an understanding of atomistic spin-dynamics (ASD), and to give examples of where the atomistic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation can and should be used. As argued in the text, a description of magnetism in an atomistic way is very natural and allows for an interpretation of experimental results in a clear and deep way. This description also allows for calculations, from first principles, of all parameters needed to perform the spin-dynamics simulations, without using experimental results as input to the simulations. As shown in the book, we are now at a very exciting situation, where it is possible to perform accurate and efficient atomistic simulations on a length- and time-scale which is balancing on the edge of what is experimentally possible. In this way, ASD simulations can both validate and be validated by state-of-the art experiments, and ASD simulations also have the possibility to act as a predictive tool that is able to explain the magnetization dynamics in experimentally inaccessible situations. The purpose of this book has been to communicate technically relevant concepts. An even larger motivation is to communicate an inspiration to magnetism and magnetization dynamics, and the emerging technological fields that one may foresee, e.g. in magnonics, solitonics and skyrmionics.
The project goal, to demonstrate electrical detection of electron spin transport in a semiconductor, has been met. We have achieved a clear spin-valve effect in an in-plane magnetic field and coherent precession and Hanle effect in a perpendicular magnetic field using a silicon spin transport device.