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CODEPENDENCY BOOK BACKCOVER The Milky Way Galaxy, and everything therein, consisting of suns, moons, planets, asteroids, gases, energy, black holes, and particles of dust among others are-ALL-infinitely connected to each other by gravity, which holds everything together. Likewise, CoDependency Addiction, similar to the Earth revolving around our Sun, it-too-revolves around the absence of mother, father, or mother surrogate love in a child’s life and beyond. It is the primary source from which it originates, develops, and thrives within the mind-body of an affected human being. Mother, father, and mother surrogate love is the fuel that drives the development of an infant through the dependency state one is born in into the higher conscious awareness interdependency state. Initially, mother or mother surrogate love is used to assist their infant to self-actualize, namely to learn he or she is love by being loved by their parents. If this most critical step is missed, at a most critical time in the early development of an infant, from birth to six years old; unfortunately, the latter does not evolve emotionally to the interdependency state, in which the child, by this time, knows one Self as being love, and who realizes simultaneously that it is necessary to give their love to another human being, and by doing so, one is enabled to learn and experience what it feels like to be loved. When this irreplaceable process is carried-out according to Nature, the child is embodied with the fundamental tool to transform Self progressively into a “work of art.” One of the many contributions this book makes to our understanding of CoDependency Addiction is, when a child does not evolve emotionally into the interdependency state, he or she remains in a dependency state beyond appropriate years. By six years old, a child, who has been adequately nurtured with love from the outset, develops in their brain what is called “love circuits.” In the absence of mother or mother surrogate love during this crucial time, these circuits-empathy, kindness, caring, altruism, friendship, compassion, etc.-are replaced with others such as anger, shame, denial, guilt, low self-esteem, not good enough, unworthiness, narcissisms, ego etc. It is in this developmental space we find the origin of CoDependency Addiction manifested in an affected person’s adult life. Unable to make genuine friends and be loved, both of which are cornerstones of the interdependency state, fear and self-preservation emerge as a daily preoccupation and concern. This book outlines in detail how CoDependency Addiction is repressed within one’s injured and wounded “self,” and because of denial and projection, a web of deception is employed to “Go Along, To Get Along.” Although the hypnotic rhythm makes healing more formidable as the years pass, the solution is determination to shatter denial. Marteau X received his Doctor of Philosophy Degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1977. He has spent 40 years studying social philosophy and dialectical materialism, including alienation and Psychology. He lives with his family in Baltimore, MD.
Through the vivid, true stories of five people who journeyed into and out of addiction, a renowned neuroscientist explains why the "disease model" of addiction is wrong and illuminates the path to recovery. The psychiatric establishment and rehab industry in the Western world have branded addiction a brain disease. But in The Biology of Desire, cognitive neuroscientist and former addict Marc Lewis makes a convincing case that addiction is not a disease, and shows why the disease model has become an obstacle to healing. Lewis reveals addiction as an unintended consequence of the brain doing what it's supposed to do-seek pleasure and relief-in a world that's not cooperating. As a result, most treatment based on the disease model fails. Lewis shows how treatment can be retooled to achieve lasting recovery. This is enlightening and optimistic reading for anyone who has wrestled with addiction either personally or professionally.
Part 1 Introduction: What is Deviant Behavior? Chapter 2 Criminology: An Integrationist Perspective Chapter 3 Psychological Theories of Deviance Part 4 Traditional Theories of Deviance Chapter 5 The Normal and the Pathological Chapter 6 Social Structure and Anomie Chapter 7 Illegitimate Means and Delinquent Subcultures Chapter 8 Evaluation of Structural-Functionalist and Anomie Theories Chapter 9 The Theory of Differential Association Chapter 10 Evaluation of Differential Association Theory Chapter 11 A Control Theory of Delinquency Chapter 12 Evaluation of Social Control Theory Part 13 Contemporary Theories of Deviance Chapter 14 Group Conflict Theory as an Explanation of Crime Chapter 15 A Radical Perspective on Crime Chapter 16 Evaluation of Conflict Theory Chapter 17 Secondary Deviance and Role Conceptions Chapter 18 Outsiders Chapter 19 Evaluation of Labeling Theory Part 20 Studying Deviance Chapter 21 Accessing the Stigmatized: Gatekeeper Problems, Obstacles and Impediments to Social Research Chapter 22 Personal Safety in Dangerous Places Part 23 The Deviance-Making Enterprise Chapter 24 Moral Entrepeneurs: The Creation and Enforcement of Deviant Categories Chapter 25 The Social Construction of Deviance: Experts on Battered Women Chapter 26 The 'Discovery' of Child Abuse Chapter 27 The Legislation of Morality: Creating Drug Laws Chapter 28 Medicine as an Institution of Social Control: Consequences for Society Part 29 Organizational Deviance-Beyond the Interpersonal Level Chapter 30 The Making of Blind Men Chapter 31 Record-keeping Practices in the Policing of Deviants Chapter 32 Constructing Probationer Careers: Revocation as Censure Transformation and Tertiary Deviance in the Deviance Amplification Process Chapter 33 The In-patient Phase in the Career of the Psychiatric Patient Chapter 34 Being Sane in Insane Places Part 35 Organizing Deviants-Subcultures and Deviant Activities Chapter 36 The "Mixed Nutters" and "Looney Tuners: " The Emergence, Development, Nature, and Functions of Two Informal, Deviant Subcultures of Chronic Ex-psychiatric Patients Chapter 37 Constructing Women and Their World: The Subculture of Female Impersonation Chapter 38 Into the Darkness: An Ethnographic Study of Witchcraft and Death Chapter 39 The Urban Speed Gang: An Examination of the Subculture of Young Motorcyclists Chapter 40 The Culture of Gangs in the Culture of the School Chapter 41 Parade Strippers: A Note on Being Naked in Public Chapter 42 Knives and Gaffs: Definitions in the Deviant World of Cockfighting Chapter 43 Policing Morality: Impersonal Sex in Public Places Part 44 Becoming Deviant Chapter 45 Paranoia and the Dynamics of Exclusion Chapter 46 Creating Crazies/Making Mentals: The Pre-patient Phase in the Moral Career of the Psychiatric Patient Chapter 47 A Model of Homosexual Identity Formation Chapter 48 Becoming an Addict/Alcoholic Chapter 49 Drifting into Dealing: Becoming a Cocaine Seller Chapter 50 Becoming a Hit Man: Neutralization in a Very Deviant Career Part 51 Managing Stigma/Managing Deviant Identities Chapter 52 Stigma and Social Identity Chapter 53 Deviance as Disavowal: The Managment of Strained Interaction by the Visibly Handicapped Chapter 54 Return to Sender: Reintegrative Stigma-Management Strategies of Ex-Psychiatric Patients Chapter 55 Double Stigma and Boundary Maintenance: How Gay Men Deal with AIDS Chapter 56 Ostomates: Negotiating and Involuntary Identity Part 57 Transforming Deviance Chapter 58 The 'Post' Phase of Deviant Careers: Reintegrating Drug Traffickers Chapter 59 Becoming Normal: Certification as a Stage in Exiting from Crime Chapter 60 Recovery through Self-Help Chapter 61 Gaining and Losing Wei
Focusing on language and the assessment of its meaning, this volume concentrates on a method of content analysis developed by the author and Goldine Gleser. Applicable to transcripts of speech or verbal texts, this method uses the grammatical clause as its smallest unit of communication, considers whether or not a verb is transitive and involves an object, or is intransitive and describes a state of being. It derives scores on many scales that have been tested for reliability of scoring and for construct validity with concurrently administered measures, such as rating and self-report scales as well as biochemical and pharmacological criteria. Finally, this volume provides detailed descriptions of the clinical and basic research establishing the validity of these scales, so that a reader can locate studies that have pertinence to any special interest area. A major achievement described in this book is the development of computer software that understands grammar and syntax, can parse natural language, knows most of the words in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, has been taught to identify idioms and slang, and is capable of continuing to learn. The program can score all the scales, report whether the scores obtained from a verbal sample are one to three standard deviations from the norms, and suggest APA DSM-IIIR diagnostic classifications the clinician might consider in assessing the patient.
This accessible, practical, and thoroughly updated second edition introduces and presents how emotionally focused therapy can be used effectively across all three modalities, couple, family, and individual therapy, with clients from a diversity of backgrounds. Responding to critical updates in the field, this second edition once again follows Emily, an EFT therapist, to demonstrate how EFT can be used in practice. With updated references, research, and terminology throughout, this new edition reflects recent theoretical and practical updates by refocusing the model toward therapist interventions, such as the "EFT Tango," rather than the client change events, making it more accessible for readers to learn. It addresses the current need to integrate explicit socio-cultural sensitivity into EFT by including diverse case studies, explicit discussion of how the model can be applied with a diversity of clients, and how EFT therapists can integrate cultural sensitivity and attunement across multiple and diverse identities, such as race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurotypicality, class, and religion. It can also be used alongside a practical new workbook, Workouts for Stepping into Emotionally Focused Therapy, providing therapists with all the tools needed to confidently integrate this approach into their practice. This book is an essential read for all marriage and family therapists in practice and in training as well as counselors who are looking to use EFT with couples, families, and individuals.
Addiction is increasing all around the world, and the conventional remedies don't work. The Globalization of Addiction argues that the cause of this failure to control addiction is that past treatments have focused too single-mindedly on the afflicted individual addict. This book presents a radical rethink about the nature of addiction.
Addiction is often thought about in terms of cause, be that brain chemistry, attachment patterns or cognitive schemas. But this does not allow an understanding of what addiction "is". It does not illuminate how addiction is lived. A phenomenology of addiction reveals that addiction is characterised by an intolerance of pain, a pursuit of pleasure, immediacy, technocratic solutions, alienation, ambiguity and is drenched in deception. These are its individual clinical manifestations, but this is also the way life, in this century, is lived. The addict is thus the ultimate 21st century subject, consuming without end, intolerant of emotion and unable to grasp their own limitations. Rather than embraced, these subjects act as a denied symptom, haunting late capitalism and exposing the vampire-like nature of our culture. As such, these subjects need to be treated not just as individuals who have "gone too far", but as victims of the political agenda shaping our lives. Thus the heart of the book is a description of addiction deepened by existential-phenomenological theory. This description is then used to understand the historical emergence of addiction, its socio-political manifestation and also the crucial issue of how to clinically treat the addict-subject.