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Through the practice of 20 years of Carl Gustav Jung's active imagination, I came to know Zeus. In this book I talk about what Zeus said about Jung's Red Book. He gave me a task. I should feel the images in the Red Book, because for Zeus, Jung used the same technique that I use in my art and therefore, Jung's images should create the active imagination again, because all his art comes from the active imagination. He also compared these images to his 10 attributes. I wrote about the active imaginations I made sensing the images in the Red Book. Elsewhere in this book, you'll find Zeus's attributes in symbols, and you'll get to know him, too, by touching those parts of his symbol. Jung also participates in these dialogues and talks about man's life in our present time. Know now the attributes of Zeus and interact with his symbols contained in this book. Message from Zeus; Confrontation with Images from Jung's Red Book; Jung's drawings from the Red Book and Zeus; Exiting the state of suffering in Tiphareth; 1st confrontation with image no. 36 from Jung's Red Book; 2nd confrontation with image no. 36; 1st confrontation with image no. 45 from Jung's Red Book; 1st confrontation with image no. 53; 1st confrontation with image no. 55; Confrontation with image no. 59; Confrontation with image no. 63; Confrontation with image no. 69; Confrontation with image no. 71; Confrontation with the drawing on page 72 of Jung's Red Book; Confrontation with many images from the Red Book; Confrontation with image no. 89; Characters of the reconciliation of opposites; Zeus and Demeter; Zeus; Impressions of Zeus' 10 fragments in oil; 1 - I am a divine being; 2 - Guidance; 3 - Becoming a cosmic being; 4 - Health; 5 - Acting in other dimensions; 6 - The elements; 7 - Ethical doubts; 8 - Uncomplicated relationships; 9 - Financial support; 10 - Continuous progress; Order of the creams and their colors; Another moment with Zeus' fragments; Demeter; 1st impression of Demeter's cream; 2nd impression of Demeter's cream; 3rd impression of Demeter's cream; 4th impression of Demeter's cream; 5th impression of Demeter's cream; Ascension through the balance of the masculine and feminine; Reconciliation of opposites; The opposites and the spiritual Partzuf; Zeus in cream 10 times in a row; Meditation with Zeus and Demeter in creams; Zeus and Hecate; Zeus and the goddess Durga - Let there be...; Meditating with the system of creating the equivalence of opposites (1, 10, 2, 9, 3, 8, 4, 7, 5, and 6); Uniting Heaven and Earth through Zeus and Demeter; Zeus next to the Goddess Demeter; 1st Series - Kether; 2nd Series - Chokmah; 4th Series - Chesed; 5th Series - Geburah; 6th Series - Tiphareth; 7th Series - Netsach; 8th Series - Hod; 9th Series - Yesod; 10th Series - Malkut; Meditation with Zeus and Demeter; Zeus on the Tree of Life and its attributes; Cream "I am a divine being"; Becoming a cosmic being; Acting in other dimensions; The elements; Uncomplicated relationships; Ethics; Guidance; Health; Financial support; Continuous progress; Zeus and the reconciliation of opposites; The combination of the opposites of the 10 Spheres with their angels; All spheres together in Zeus' order; Visualization of the entire chain of manifestation. The original copyright of the images printed in this book are © 2009 Stiftung der Werke von C.G. Jung, Zurich. First published by W.W. Norton & Co. This book contains images from the Red Book provided by the Jungian Institute of Zurich through PAUL & PETER FRITZ AG, Literary Agency. The original copyright of the images printed in this book are © 2009 Stiftung der Werke von C.G. Jung, Zurich. First published by W.W. Norton & Co.
In this book, you will find the compilation of my work with Alchemy, active imagination, and art for 25 years. You will discover the extent to which working with Alchemy can reach and how many pantheons of gods, angels, and masters we can encounter through these practices. Some of the beings we can access through this practice are: God His wife, Adam, Eve, Greek gods, Hindu gods, Masters of the White Brotherhood, Egyptian gods. Thus, over the years, we can engage with these incredible beings and gain direct knowledge at the source. Explore the profound experiences that have emerged with numerous beings, their characteristics. Bring these beings close to you and receive their care, wisdom, love, guidance, and numerous benefits through contact with them.
xplore the deep mysteries of spiritual awakening in the engaging pages of this inspiring book. Enter a world of spiritual wisdom and discover the hidden truths behind the seven rays that illuminate and form the soul's journey. Delight in an in-depth exploration of the seven rays, an essential concept in Hindu, Buddhist and New Age traditions. Unlock the mysteries of the rays and discover how they shape all things and ourselves. Ancient Roots Discover their importance in ancient traditions and how they connect with contemporary spirituality. The Legacy of Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society Explore the impact of Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society on the modern understanding of the seven rays. Travel through time and discover the historical context that shaped this spiritual knowledge. Alice Bailey and Her Perspective Delve into Alice Bailey's vision of the seven rays. Explore how she saw their formation and interaction, and delve into the different facets of the spiritual awakening they represent. Unraveling the Seven Individual Rays Explore each of the seven rays individually. Discover how each ray influences and guides the spiritual journey in a unique way. Exploring New Perspectives: Venture into the new rays introduced by Maitreya Buddha. Explore their impact on the spiritual journey and understand how they expand our understanding of the original rays. Spiritual Conclusion: Immerse yourself in the gripping conclusion of this book and understand the work of Maitreya Buddha in a profound and transformative way. Leave with a new understanding of the Seven Rays and the spiritual journey we all share. "Spiritual Awakening through the Seven Rays of Maitreya Buddha: The Science of the Soul" is an invitation to explore the wealth of spiritual knowledge, uniting ancient traditions and contemporary wisdom. Get ready for a journey that will enlighten your soul and open doors to spiritual awakening in all dimensions of your life. Get it now and start your spiritual awakening journey today!
This book relate the conversations the autor had with Zeus through the practice of active imagination, a technique used by Jung to access the collective unconscious. For Zeus, the images in the Red Book can be compared to his attributes and show us why. Jung also makes his contribution talking about the times in which we live and about the nature of the human being. The conciliation of opposites is resolved by experiencing the union of Zeus and the goddess Demeter. This is Zeus' proposal to solve this problem.
I invite you to come with me and interact in the countless adventure stories through the tree of life between spheres and paths. These stories heal us in all aspects of human life, make us evolve, unlock our life, heal wounds, through the alchemy of these paths and the company of many deities such as Adam, Hecate, and many others. Don't be left out of this unique opportunity for transformation today. Alchemy in the Tree of Life and Tarot with its paths guided by the Great Mother and the Son Adam. Many wonderful stories, ideas, visions of the manifestation of life in the environment, as typical of active imagination. Discover the world of God's creation and our own in this book and learn how to improve it. The entire art of active imagination with the collective unconscious serves as a portal. Traverse the 32 paths of the Tarot on the Tree of Life and regenerate your system of creation. Read this book that was written through contact with the collective unconscious in a meditative manner. Read one story at a time, all the way to the end. Then stop, close your eyes, and feel those words within you. Perceive the spiritual, emotional, and physical effects of this book and let the transformations occur. In this book, you will find: Message from Adam; Mythologize; Constellations of Bert Helinger and the creams of the angels of the Kabbalah; The paths of the Tree of Life; Alchemy; Preparation for the journey of the 32 paths; The 22 paths; Paths guided by Hecate; The 32 paths under the guidance of Hecate/Maria; Meditation of paths 11-32 guided by Hecate; 32 paths: 10 spheres in initial summaries plus the 22 paths of Hecate; Necessity of Kether; The Tree of Life guided by Jesus and the elements water and earth by Gabriel; Union with Adam; The 50 Gates of Intelligence, according to Athanasius Kircher; The 32 Paths of Wisdom; Monsters and serpents in angel 22 and 44; Water and earth elements; Journey with Adam; Chain of life; Adam every day; Earth, water, and sulfur element; Itinerary guided by Kether; The Garden of Eden and Adam; Adam's voice within me; Adam and the hierarchy; The paths of Kether.
In 'The Red Book', compiled between 1914 and 1930, Jung develops his principal theories of archetypes, the collective unconscious & the process of individuation.
A portable edition of the famous Red Book text and essay. The Red Book, published to wide acclaim in 2009, contains the nucleus of C. G. Jung’s later works. It was here that he developed his principal theories of the archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the process of individuation that would transform psychotherapy from treatment of the sick into a means for the higher development of the personality. As Sara Corbett wrote in the New York Times, “The creation of one of modern history’s true visionaries, The Red Book is a singular work, outside of categorization. As an inquiry into what it means to be human, it transcends the history of psychoanalysis and underscores Jung’s place among revolutionary thinkers like Marx, Orwell and, of course, Freud.” The Red Book: A Reader’s Edition features Sonu Shamdasani’s introductory essay and the full translation of Jung’s vital work in one volume.
• Examines the foundational texts and principles of Hermeticism and alchemy, showing how they offer a foundation for a psycho-spiritual creative practice • Takes the reader on a Hermetic journey through each of the seven traditional planets, offering meditative discourses that speak directly to the intuitive soul • Provides examples from traditional alchemical art and the author’s own intricate esoteric paintings Drawing on ancient Egyptian and Greek cosmogonies and essential Hermetic texts, such as the Corpus Hermeticum, the Emerald Tablet (Tabula Smaragdina), and the Nag Hammadi codices, Marlene Seven Bremner offers a detailed understanding of Hermetic philosophy and the art of alchemy as a foundation for a psycho-spiritual creative practice. Offering examples from traditional alchemical art and her own intricate esoteric paintings, Bremner examines the foundational principles of Hermeticism and alchemy and shows how these traditions are a direct means for accessing higher consciousness and true self-knowledge, or gnosis, as well as a way to extract the essence of one’s own creative gifts. The author takes the reader on a Hermetic journey through each of the seven traditional planets--Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon--exploring their mythological, philosophical, alchemical, Qabalistic, magical, astrological, and energetic natures and offering meditative discourses that reach past the rational mind to speak directly to the intuitive soul. She relates the seven planets to the esoteric anatomy of the human body, specifically the seven chakras, and shows how the planets can offer understanding and experience of archetypal energies and patterns in the body, in one’s life, and in the creative process. A profound synthesis of magical and occult teachings as well as an initiation into the alchemical opus, this book reveals how to integrate and apply Hermetic and alchemical principles to awaken inner knowing, liberate the imagination, and live a mystical, creative, and truly inspired life.
Jungian analysts from all over the world gathered in Montreal from August 22 to 27, 2010. The 11 plenary presentations and the 100 break-out sessions attest to the complex dynamics and dilemmas facing the community in present-day culture. The Pre-Congress Workshop on Movement as Active Imagination papers are also recorded. There is a foreword by Tom Kelly with the opening address of Joe Cambray and the farewell address of Hester Solomon. From the Contents: Jacques Languirand: From Einstein’s God to the God of the Amerindians John Hill: One Home, Many Homes: Translating Heritages of Containment Denise Ramos: Cultural Complex and the Elaboration of Trauma from Slavery Christian Roesler: A Revision of Jung’s Theory of Archetypes in light of Contemporary Research: Neurosciences, Genetics and Cultural Theory - A Reformulation Margaret Wilkinson, Ruth Lanius: Working with Multiplicity. Jung, Trauma, Neurobiology and the Healing Process: a Clinical Perspective Beverley Zabriskie: Emotion: The Essential Force in Nature, Psyche and Culture Guy Corneau: Cancer: Facing Multiplicity within Oneself Marta Tibaldi: Clouds in the Sky Still Allow a Glimpse of the Moon: Cancer Resilience and Creativity Astrid Berg, Tristan Troudart, Tawiq Salman: What could be Jungian About Human Rights Work? Bou-Yong Rhi: Like Lao Zi’s Stream of Water: Implications for Therapeutic Attitudes Linda Carter, Jean Knox, Marcus West, Joseph McFadden: The Alchemy of Attachment: Trauma, Fragmentation and Transformation in the Analytic Relationship Sonu Shamdasani, Nancy Furlotti, Judith Harris & John Peck: Jung after The Red Book