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It has been a long tradition among the Hebrews to use the pesher (dream interpretation code) which had encoded messages regarding two levels of information written within a story. One level was written as an allegory that told a message about morality. The other level was written about esoteric instruction and political events which mirrored inner growth. Each of the 22 chapters are inspired by the 22 Hebrew alphabet letters. In this book The Alchemy of Christ: The Book of Revelation I give a commentary on the Book of Revelations Apocalypse means revealing, and it is the revealing of the Christ within. The final battle of Armageddon takes place within us. This is an inner war that will transform us and bring us back to recovery to the state of Christ Consciousness. The political struggles within the world mirror the transformation of the individual. Just as we recover, the earth as a whole will recover as well leading to an enlightened Civilization.
It has been a long tradition among the Hebrews to use the pesher (dream interpretation code) which had encoded messages regarding two levels of information written within a story. One level was written as an allegory that told a message about morality. The other level was written about esoteric instruction and political events which mirrored inner growth. Delving into the contents of my book titled "The Alchemy of Christ: The Book of Revelation," I delve into an interpretation of the Book of Revelation. My analysis suggests that the true author could have been Mary Magdalene, the beloved disciple of Jesus, who also may have penned the Fourth Gospel anonymously. The term "Apocalypse" signifies a revelation, particularly of the Christ essence residing within each individual. The epic battle of Armageddon symbolizes an internal conflict within ourselves, a transformative struggle that ultimately guides us towards the restoration of Christ Consciousness. The world's external political turmoils reflect the inner metamorphosis of individuals. As personal healing occurs, a collective healing of the earth unfolds, paving the way for an era of enlightened civilization.
"Christ the eternal Tao shows Lao Tzu's Tao Teh Ching as a foreshadowing of what would be revealed by Christ, and Lao Tzu himself as a Far-Eastern prophet of the Incarnate God."-- Back cover.
The Bible Book of Revelation, also known as the Book of the Apocalypse explains the true science of enlightenment: body, mind and soul in a dramatic, fantastical and epic parable only 22 chapters long. The often misinterpreted mysteries of this enigmatic book are the keys to freedom, liberation and abundance - ELEVATION! The book of Revelation is a testimony about transformation. The ascension healers who wrote the original version of the book of Revelation knew the intricate science of human DNA; the fabric of life. This empowering interpretation relates to every individual: physiologically, psychologically and vitally. This book decodes the metaphors and symbols used in the King James version of Revelation with the aid of mystical insights and the corroboration of the latest scientific discoveries and theories. The interpretations given within this book focus on the chemistry and anatomy of the miraculous human body, and the bodies powerful electromagnetic energy which fluctuates according to one's psychological and emotional health. "For nothing in secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not become broad." Luke 8:17 (KJV) - meaning, nothing is concealed that will not be made known! And NOTHING IS HIDDEN THAT WILL NOT BE EXPOSED! Everyone knows that the most famous literary masterpieces are metaphorical, and The King James Book of Revelation is no exception. King James created a cinematic masterpiece with an all-star cast, that would cloud the minds of its readers for centuries to come. With the help of many notorious experts, the mysteries in Revelation have been intricately dissected, inspected and translated to give the clearest, most enriching physical and metaphysical explanations possible. The "coincidences" revealed cannot be denied and these elucidations are not for the faint-hearted.
Hermeticism, or alchemy, is the ancient, primordial mystery science of nature through which people in all times and places have, for the sake of world evolution, sought to unite Heaven and Earth--divinity, cosmos, earth, and humanity, as a single whole. Selfless, intimate, dedicated to healing and harmony, Hermeticism has accompanied and sustained every religious epoch and revelation. It may be found in all historical cultures, from the traditions of India and China in the East to the Judeo-Christian West. It could even be said that Hermeticism is the primal cosmological revelation and the common ground of all spiritual traditions. Nevertheless, in the great revival of mystical, esoteric traditions and practices during the last century, Hermetic tradition--in fact, Nature herself--has been largely ignored. Today, when the Earth seems most under attack, Green Hermeticism is especially appropriate. The book explores not only the ancient Masters' inner science, but also their science of Nature. During spring and summer 2006, Pir Zia Khan convened a series of gatherings to begin to unfold the contemporary meaning of ancient, sacred science for our time. Green Hermeticism is a partial record of that meeting. Peter Lamborn Wilson, explores the many ramifications of the alternative worldview offered by Hermeticism; Christopher Bamford provides a broad historical overview of the tradition from the Ancient Mysteries to contemporary manifestations of the alchemical tradition; while Kevin Townley brings a practical dimension to the gathering teaching the preparation of herbal elixirs and demonstrating that cosmology and philosophy can become a truly healing path for the Earth. Green Hermeticism is necessary reading for anyone seeking a spiritual and cultural path for the healing of the current ecological and cultural crisis. "In Alchemy, there is an injunction to quicken, or revive, the dead, which is illustrated by a dead tree growing verdant again. That is exactly what this wonderful and rare work does in awakening human consciousness to its Divine potential and Ultimate Destiny. Art thus helps Nature to achieve its ideal Perfection. The authors must be congratulated for their insightful words. I wholeheartedly recommend reading it again and again, and again." --Stanislas Klossowski de Rola, author Alchemy: The Secret Art and The Golden Game: Alchemical Engravings of the Seventeenth Century "Environmental solutions today are largely technical, but the planetary crisis is also a crisis of soul--or better yet, of the Imagination. Too tricky for religion, too poetic for reductionist science, Green Hermeticism reheats a prophetic imagination still in love with the material world--a new alchemy of ancient nature." --Erik Davis, author, The Visionary State: A Journey through California's Spiritual Landscape "Just when you felt numb and disenfranchised, thinking the world had become bleak and dead, along comes this rare, much needed book to remind us that there is still some sanity, depth, and creative energy percolating up from the heart of Reality. Thank God (and the Goddess Nature) for this smart and inspiring breath of fresh air! Green Hermeticism is where the wasteland ends--and where the world becomes re-enchanted with genuine living thought that goes beyond superficialities. It's a rare pleasure to be in the presence of living minds who actually know something wonderful and have not been deadened by the opiates of capital or the tenure track. Very highly recommended." --David Fideler, publisher (Phanes Press) editor (Alexandria), author of Jesus Christ, Sun of God and translator of Love's Alchemy: Poems from the Sufi Tradition (with Sabrineh Fideler) "The publication of Green Hermeticism has the sense we so rarely get, of a genuine moment in cultural history. It is not just the eloquence of its authors' knowledge and arguments or that they are showing us, once again, the depth and range and beauty of alchemy, and the Hermetic tradition, and what Peter Lamborn Wilson calls Romantic Science. Nor is it even the links they establish between the Hermetic tradition and ecology, and the value of a science that perceives the world as alive rather than a machine. What makes this work significant is the sense that it shows us how we can use these ideas and knowledge to create a genuine counter to destruction and despair, an alchemy of our politics as well as of our spirit." --Rachel Pollack, author of 78 Degrees of Wisdom: A Book of Tarot "Green Hermeticism reminds us that the art of the Great Work is to enter more deeply into the dynamic and practical wisdom of the universe, which is our laboratory, where work and prayer combine. When we engage with the All, we know ourselves to be one kindred with all in the viriditas--God's greening power--where body, soul, and spirit honor each other." --Caitlín & John Matthews, authors of Walkers Between the Worlds: The Western Mysteries from Shaman to Magus
Winner of 2015 Religion & Spirituality Double Decker Books Awards on Goodreads This book is a fascinating study in search of the real Jesus. The author concludes that scripture is essentially a collection of prophecies, not a record of past events. Jesus did not say, "Blessed is he who heeds the words of the history of this book," but rather "Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book." Thus, the current tenets of Christianity with regard to the origin and advent of Jesus are based on fundamental misconceptions. The book ́s argument is that Christ ́s visitation has not yet occurred in the world of time, since it is a future event, and that his origin will be derived from the Greeks, not the Jews, when he does appear.
Most professional historians see the relationship between pre-modern and modern alchemy as one of discontinuity and contrast. Mike A. Zuber challenges this dominant understanding and explores aspects of alchemy that have been neglected by recent work in the history of science. The predominant focus on the scientific aspect of alchemy, such as laboratory experiment, practical techniques, and material ingredients, argues Zuber, marginalizes the things that render alchemy so fascinating: its rich and vivid imagery, reliance on the medium of manuscript, and complicated relationship with religion. Spiritual Alchemy traces the early-modern antecedents of modern alchemy through generations of followers of Jacob Boehme, the cobbler and theosopher of Görlitz. As Boehme's disciples down the generations -- including the Silesian nobleman Abraham von Franckenberg and the London-based German immigrant Dionysius Andreas Freher, among others -- studied his writings, they drew on his spiritual alchemy, adapted it, and communicated it to their contemporaries. Spiritual alchemy combines traditional elements of alchemical literature with Christian mysticism. Defying the boundaries between science and religion, this combination was transmitted from Görlitz ultimately to England. In 1850, it inspired a young woman, later known as Mary Anne Atwood, to write her Suggestive Inquiry into the Hermetic Mystery, usually seen as the first modern interpretation of alchemy. Drawing extensively on manuscript or otherwise obscure sources, Zuber documents continuity between pre-modern and modern forms of alchemy while exploring this hybrid phenomenon.
The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation is about the author's miraculous transformation that was responsible for aligning her soul with the Spirit of the living God. As her journey progressed, God and his angels taught Laura the secrets to the Book of Revelation. They revealed that this sacred Scripture is not a book of doom and gloom, but simply describes in symbolic language the stages of metamorphosis that will occur on the planet as the souls of humanity are aligned with the divine spirit. Laura's own metamorphosis led her into the arms of true love as she and her soul mate were united. She reveals how the forces of the Holy Trinity become active in two souls as they become bonded by Divine Love. Laura has recorded her journey and the messages that the Divine Spirit imparted to her in the hopes that they will inspire others to search for truth and love in their own lives.
The most complete resource of its kind on alternative medicine• Herbal remedies, dietary supplements, and alternative therapiesTheir specific usesWhich ones really work (and which ones don’t)What to watch out for• Christian versus non-Christian approaches to holistic health• Clinically proven treatments versus unproven or quack treatments• Truths and fallacies about supernatural healing• Ancient medical lore: the historical, cultural, and scientific facts• And much, much moreAlternative Medicine is the first comprehensive guidebook to nontraditional medicine written from a distinctively Christian perspective. Keeping pace with the latest developments and research in alternative medicine, this thoroughly revised edition combines the most current information with an easy-to-use format. University lecturer and researcher Dónal O’Mathúna, PhD, and national medical authority Walt Larimore, MD, provide detailed and balanced answers to your most pressing questions about alternative medicine—and to other questions you wouldn’t have thought to ask.Also includesTwo alphabetical reference sections:Alternative therapiesHerbal remedies, vitamins, and dietary supplementsA description of each therapy and remedy, an analysis of claims, results of actual studies, cautions, recommendations, and further resourcesHandy cross-references linking health problems with various alternative therapies and herbal remedies reviewed in the book
An initiatic novel based on ancient teachings and astrological wisdom from bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow A debut novel from bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow • An intricately layered erotic thriller that reveals esoteric teachings on prophecy, power, ritual, and divination • Includes dramatic insights into the suppressed discoveries of the first Christian heretics and secret power rituals at work in the Vatican • From the author of The Pleiadian Agenda and The Mayan Code In her debut as a novelist, bestselling author and acclaimed spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow weaves an erotically charged story of romance, deep earth forces, psychic powers, aristocracy, and Vatican world control centered on an ancient ruby that inspires mystical visions. Set in Rome in 2012, the story follows Sarah Adamson, a beautiful young Catholic graduate student from Boston studying at the Vatican Library for her thesis on the first Christian heretic, Marcion of Pontus. She is being courted by two utterly different men: Simon Appel, a descendent of the kabbalist Isaac Luria who covers Vatican affairs for the New York Times, and Armando Pierleoni, the heir to an ancient Italian aristocratic family with strong ties to the Vatican. After a terrible encounter with the dark side at a castle in Tuscany, Sarah is given a ring set with a ruby crystal, a powerful stone that was once the third eye of an ancient Buddha statue in Nepal. With the mystic ring on her finger, Sarah’s visionary abilities are ignited. She remembers her past life as the Sibyl of Cumae, a Roman oracle whose powers are now being channeled by the Vatican to maintain world control. As Sarah’s research and visions reveal the cause of evil in the Church and Simon’s reporting exposes the depth of the sexual abuse scandals surrounding the Vatican, the two form an alliance with an ex-lover of both Simon and Armando, Claudia, who describes secret priestly power rituals going on in Vatican City. As the heightened energies of the winter solstice of 2012 arrive and 2013 dawns, will Simon and Sarah be able to harness their divine powers for transformation? Will the Vatican seek new direction as it elects a new pope? Revealing the very nature of how evil gets into the world, this novel of romance, mystery, heresy, and spirituality uncovers the esoteric foundations for the emergence of a golden new age.