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La recopilación más completa de citas de Albert Einstein jamás publicada Presentamos la recopilación más completa de citas de Albert Einstein jamás publicada y que ha vendido decenas de miles de ejemplares en todo el mundo y ha sido traducida a veinticinco idiomas. Albert Einstein. El libro de nitivo de citas reúne alrededor de 1.500 citas cuidadosamente documentadas, organizadas temáticamente y acompañadas de fotografías y dibujos, así como una cronología de la vida del autor, galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Física en 1921 y una de las mentes más lúcidas de nuestra época.
The most comprehensive collection of Einstein quotations ever published Here is the definitive new edition of the hugely popular collection of Einstein quotations that has sold tens of thousands of copies worldwide and been translated into twenty-five languages. The Ultimate Quotable Einstein features 400 additional quotes, bringing the total to roughly 1,600 in all. This ultimate edition includes new sections—"On and to Children," "On Race and Prejudice," and "Einstein's Verses: A Small Selection"—as well as a chronology of Einstein’s life and accomplishments, Freeman Dyson’s authoritative foreword, and new commentary by Alice Calaprice. In The Ultimate Quotable Einstein, readers will also find quotes by others about Einstein along with quotes attributed to him. Every quotation in this informative and entertaining collection is fully documented, and Calaprice has carefully selected new photographs and cartoons to introduce each section. Features 400 additional quotations Contains roughly 1,600 quotations in all Includes new sections on children, race and prejudice, and Einstein’s poetry Provides new commentary Beautifully illustrated The most comprehensive collection of Einstein quotes ever published
Perlas de sabiduría y maravilla de un visionario y una mente legendaria. "Einstein en sus propias palabras" presenta una colección seleccionada de escritos personales, pensamientos y reflexiones del genio, ofreciendo a los lectores una mirada única e íntima al hombre detrás de las ecuaciones. Desde sus revolucionarias teorías de la relatividad hasta sus reflexiones sobre la vida, el amor y el universo, este volumen captura la brillantez y humanidad de Einstein. Ya seas un estudiante de ciencias, un amante de la historia o simplemente curioso sobre la enigmática figura cuyo nombre es sinónimo de genio, este libro iluminará, inspirará y provocará reflexión." Estas son las razones por las que deberías comprar y leer este libro: 1. Visión Auténtica de la Mente de un Genio Leer los escritos personales de Einstein proporciona una perspectiva sin filtros de sus pensamientos, un privilegio que pocos recursos pueden ofrecer. Sumérgete en las transmisiones directas de una de las mentes más increíbles de la historia. 2. Más Allá de la Ciencia Aunque Einstein es famoso por sus contribuciones científicas, sus reflexiones sobre la vida, filosofía, religión, política e incluso el amor son igualmente profundas. Este libro ofrece una comprensión holística del hombre, no solo del físico. 3. Lectura Inspiradora Einstein enfrentó muchos desafíos, tanto en sus esfuerzos científicos como en su vida personal. Sus escritos pueden inspirar resiliencia, creatividad y perseverancia, relevantes para cualquiera que navegue las complejidades de la vida. 4. Mayor Apreciación por la Ciencia Incluso si no eres un entusiasta de la ciencia, comprender los pensamientos de Einstein en sus palabras puede cultivar una nueva apreciación por la belleza y las complejidades del universo. 5. El Regalo Perfecto para Mentes Curiosas Si buscas un regalo considerado para un amigo o familiar que ama aprender, "Einstein en sus propias palabras" es una elección ideal. Es adecuado para una amplia gama de lectores, desde aquellos con un profundo interés en la física hasta aquellos que simplemente admiran a los grandes pensadores de nuestro tiempo. Ya sea para enriquecimiento personal o como punto de partida para una exploración más profunda de la vida y obras de Einstein, este libro promete ser una adición valiosa a cualquier biblioteca. ¡Descarga tu copia hoy! TAGS: Albert Einstein, Teorías de la relatividad, Teoría cuántica, Vida de Einstein, Reflexiones de Einstein, física teórica, Exploraciones del espacio-tiempo, Mecánica cuántica, Reflexiones de Einstein, Ganador del Premio Nobel, Teoría de la Relatividad Especial, Efecto Fotoeléctrico, Movimiento Browniano, Debates Bohr-Einstein, Coeficientes de Einstein, Paradoja EPR.
The kindly, white-heaired old fellow with the bushy mustache once called "the world's grandfather," Albert Einstein was easily the twentieth century's most remarkable and revered man of science. His leaps of imagination changed forever the way we look at the universe. He gained international celebrity by the very force of his personality, his wry sense of humor (often at the expense of himself), and his limitless humanity. The mind of Albert Einstein bulged at the seams not only with mathematics and physics but also with an insatiable curiosity about life itself. His wide-ranging observations and opinions about the nature of life and the world--not to mention the life and world of nature--are rich in insight, wit, and wisdom. His vision also us a unique opportunity to see ourselves. His thoughts are treasures in small packages; taken as a whole, they offer images and ideas of what we are and what it is possible to be.
" The Best Albert Einstein Quotation Book ever Published. Special Edition This book of Albert Einstein quotes contains only the rarest and most valuable quotations ever recorded about Albert Einstein, authored by a team of experienced researchers. Hundreds of hours have been spent in sourcing, editing and verifying only the best quotations about Albert Einstein for your reading pleasure, saving you time and expensive referencing costs. This book contains over 43 pages of quotations which are immaculately presented and formatted for premium consumption. Be inspired by these Albert Einstein quotes; this book is a niche classic which will have you coming back to enjoy time and time again. What's Inside: Contains only the best quotations on Albert Einstein Over 43 pages of premium content Beautifully formatted and edited for maximum enjoyment Makes for the perfect niche gift for you or someone special Enjoy such quotes such as: A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be. Albert Einstein A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem. Albert Einstein A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. Albert Einstein A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy? Albert Einstein A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy? Albert Einstein All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. Albert Einstein ... And much more! Click Add to Cart and Enjoy!"
A collection of insightful and thought provoking essays from one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century A new edition of the most definitive collection of Albert Einstein's popular writings, gathered under the supervision of Einstein himself. The selections range from his earliest days as a theoretical physicist to his death in 1955; from such subjects as relativity, nuclear war or peace, and religion and science, to human rights, economics, and government.
Preparada por el propio Einstein poco antes de morir, Mis ideas y opiniones es la antología definitiva de sus escritos menos técnicos. Junto a escritos científicos, seleccionados por su interés general, sobre la teoría de la relatividad, la evolución de la física o el método científico, leemos desde artículos y conferencias sobre derechos humanos, religión y ciencia, guerra atómica y paz, hasta una carta a Freud, un artículo publicado en Monthly Review sobre el socialismo o un debate con científicos soviéticos sobre un proyecto de gobierno mundial. La habilidad de Albert Einstein de llegar directamente al fondo de los problemas resulta clara tanto en sus artículos científicos como en sus demás escritos. Es esta excepcional virtud la que convierte, en sencillas, cuestiones complejas y confiere a su análisis su gran profundidad.
ABOUT THE BOOK Albert Einstein was born in 1879. By the time of his death in 1955, the world Einstein was born into would be completely foreign to him. Scientific breakthroughs and advancement over the 76 years of his life permanently changed the world. While Einstein was regarded as brilliant by both his contemporaries and predecessors, Einstein had a humble assessment of his mental faculties. Einstein published his theory of relativity in 1905, at the tender age of 26, and years later it was all but validated by the scientific community at large. Yet, the source of his greatest triumph also lead to his greatest sources of consternation. MEET THE AUTHOR Markkus took a degree in journalism and ran with it, covering topics such as music, technology, business, health and the future for a variety of print and online publications, including Remix, MaximumPC, DJ Tech Tools, Charged EVs, San Francisco Business Times, Philadelphia Weekly, Mac | Life, MacHome, Electronic Musician, and others. He likes to make music, funny voices, and people's days. He generally keeps a baseline healthy lifestyle going, and then experiments from there. Other interests include world travel, world shifts, and world non-domination. As a rule, he's more well rounded than he used to be. He's also currently training for a half marathon, and when finished will be halfway proud. Twitter: @treefitty EXCERPT FROM THE BOOK "It is just as important to make knowledge live and to keep it alive as to solve specific problems." Contact between the intellectual and the masses must not be lost. It is necessary for the elevation of society and no less so for renewing the strength of the intellectual worker; for the flower of science does not grow in the desert." "I am only coming to Princeton to research, not to teach. There is too much education altogether, especially in American schools. The only rational way of educating is to be an example—of what to avoid, if one can’t be the other sort." The wonderful things you learn in your schools are the work of many generations, produced by enthusiastic effort and infinite labour in every country of the world. All this is put into your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honor it, add to it, and one day faithfully hand it on to your children. Thus do we mortals achieve immortality in the permanent things which we create in common." the book to read more exclusive quotes!! CHAPTER OUTLINE Einstein in His Own Words: 100+ Quotes + Introduction + On Knowledge and Education + On Science + Einstein's Humility + ...and much more
"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." "Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them." "The value of achievement lies in the achieving." Albert Einstein was born March 14th, 1879 in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany and died on April 18th, 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A). He's a German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect, a pivotal step in the development of quantum theory. He is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century. This book, is a collection of 400 of Albert Einstein's best quotes & wisdom words that marked the history during his life and even today way after his death.
A new, updated edition of the ultimate Einstein reference book continues to provide readers with the best window into the life and wisdom of this twentieth-century icon in celebration of the centennial of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, with more than three hundred new quotations, an account of Einstein's final days, a new section "On Aging," and more. Simultaneous.