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Inside Denali National Park and Preserve is a story about wayfarers in the heart of Alaska— campground hosts who quickly become enchanted with the savage River Campground in Denali Park and Preserve, its history, its wildlife, and its guests to the campground from all over the world. The campground is near the location of the first tent camp in the park where visitors came by horse and later touring car from the railway station twelve miles away. it's the first place along the park road where Mt. Mckinley, the highest mountain on the North American continent, can be seen. The stories of the early visitors— their desires to see wildlife and the mountain—are much the same as those of current campers. The people who are passers-by of this place may leave a legacy or a footprint, but they all take with them memories of a very special place.
This book relates stories past and present about Savage River Campground in Denali Park and Preserve, Alaska. It offers the reader a resource focused on Savage River Campground and the people who passed by that way which is both informational and entertaining. The author and her husband worked as campground hosts for two seasons at Savage River Campground, and the experience was life changing for them. The full color interior is a must because the pictures are such an integral part of the story. The pictures, both historical and those taken by the author, are only a sample of the wonders that visitors may explore in this magical place.
Winner of the John Burroughs Medal "A fascinating study of the life cycles of the animals of Alaska and their inter-relationships. One venturing to capture something of the true beauty of Alaska and its fauna will probably find it in this book."—Journal of the West "This book should be considerable aid to those who wish to preserve some of the great natural treasures still remaining in Alaska in the face of the inevitable pressures of a growing population. The writing is absolutely first rate. Highly recommended."—Library Journal
Along Alaska's Great Rive. A Popular Account of the Travels of Alaska Exploring Expedition Along the Great Yukon River, From Its Source to Its Mouth, In the British North-West Territory, And in the Territory of Alaska. Together with the Latest Information on the Klondike Country
Jim Rearden is Alaska's most popular outdoors journalist. He holds two degrees in wildlife management and was Professor of Wildlife Management at the University of Alaska Fairbanks 1950-54. As a member of the Alaska Board of Game 75-82 he helped develop the Tanana Flats wolf control program. He details with historical accuracy the controversy that erupted when the 1975 program was announced. Counterpointing the modern controversy, Rearden includes exciting segments of his best-selling Alaska's Wolf Man, the story of Frank Glaser, Alaska's full-time government wolf hunter who hunted wolves in the Territory of Alaska 1915-1955. Alaska’s wolves are the main characters in this historically and biologically accurate recounting. Included are vivid anecdotes about wolves with descriptions of their behavior and way of life, examples of their intelligence, and expressions of appreciation for their charm and beauty, as well as an honest look at their savage efficiency as predators and relationship to urban and rural Alaskans.
Between 1915 and 1955 adventure-seeking Frank Glaser, a latter-day Far North Mountain Man, trekked across wilderness Alaska on foot, by wolf-dog team, and eventually, by airplane. In his career he was a market hunter, trapper, roadhouse owner, professional dog team musher, and federal predator agent. A naturalist at heart, he learned from personal observation the life secrets of moose, caribou, foxes, wolverines, mountain sheep, grizzly bears, and wolves—especially wolves.