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... ha generado una interesante expectativa entre los lectores, que buscan una alternativa al racionalismo puro de la ciencia, en forma de un texto más mundano, atractivo y hasta divertido. Desde los títulos que son llamativos por su originalidad, hasta el contenido que en muchas de las ocasiones implica información de primera mano, la columna no solo informa sino llega incluso a generar una inquietud en el lector para continuar informandose más al respecto. Tu intención de generar "toritos" científicos mentales, al ubicar temas polémicos como las tortillas, los extraterrestreso terapias génicas con células madre, hacen interesante la aventura de leer tus textos y eventualmente, sonreir o lanzar una carcajada ante lo lógico y lo absurdo... ... has generated an interesting expectation among readers seeking an alternative to pure rationalism of science in the form of a more worldly, attractive and even funtext. From the titles that are striking for their originality, to the content that in many cases involves first-hand information, the column not only informs but even creates a concern in the reader to continue learning more about it.Your intention to create scientific "toritos" for the mind, by placing controversial issues such as tortillas, alien life forms or stem cell genetherapy, make the reading of your texts to be an interesting adventure and, eventually, to smile or launch a laugh at facing the logical and the absurd... Dr. Miguel Ángel Mendez Rojas Aleph-Zero
... ha generado una interesante expectativa entre los lectores, que buscan una alternativa al racionalismo puro de la ciencia, en forma de un texto ms mundano, atractivo y hasta divertido. Desde los ttulos que son llamativos por su originalidad, hasta el contenido que en muchas de las ocasiones implica informacin de primera mano, la columna no solo informa sino llega incluso a generar una inquietud en el lector para continuar informandose ms al respecto. Tu intencin de generar "toritos" cientficos mentales, al ubicar temas polmicos como las tortillas, los extraterrestreso terapias gnicas con clulas madre, hacen interesante la aventura de leer tus textos y eventualmente, sonreir o lanzar una carcajada ante lo lgico y lo absurdo... ... has generated an interesting expectation among readers seeking an alternative to pure rationalism of science in the form of a more worldly, attractive and even funtext. From the titles that are striking for their originality, to the content that in many cases involves first-hand information, the column not only informs but even creates a concern in the reader to continue learning more about it.Your intention to create scientific "toritos" for the mind, by placing controversial issues such as tortillas, alien life forms or stem cell genetherapy, make the reading of your texts to be an interesting adventure and, eventually, to smile or launch a laugh at facing the logical and the absurd... Dr. Miguel ngel Mendez Rojas Aleph-Zero
This book reveals the history behind the trade of Colombian birds as a means of comprehending the scientific, economic and environmental relations between the United States and Colombia from the 1880s to the 1960s. Through the study of the feather trade, scientific expeditions, scientific communities and nature conservation, the author brings to light how international relations and national agendas shaped the study and perception of nature in both countries during those years.
Instrumentos Matemáticos complexos permitiram realizar com sucesso tarefas tão distintas como a programação de um voo a Marte, a previsão de resultados eleitorais, a explicação do funcionamento de alguns mecanismos do sistema nervoso, ou a abordagem crítica de obras de arte e de textos literários. Da Ciência à Sociedade, dos grandes avanços técnicos à solidez de uma argumentação lógica, a Matemática constrói Teias de uma imensa flexibilidade resultante do carácter universal da sua linguagem. Neste livro personalidades de diferentes universos dão o seu testemunho sobre a forma como usam as Teias Matemáticas para tecer a sua própria visão do mundo.
Libro de Actas del VII Congreso Internacional de Sinestesia, Ciencia y Arte celebrado en Granada y Alcalá la Real, Jaén ( España) Sedes: Facultad de Bellas Artes Alonso Cano, Universidad de Granada, España. Convento de Capuchino, Alcalá la Real (Jaén), España. Teatro Martínez Montañés, Alcalá la Real (Jaén), España. Versión digital, Septiembre de 2022. Primera Edición/First edition: Septiembre 2022 E-book ISBN: 978-84-948665-6-2 Comité editorial: Mª José de Córdoba Serrano; Dina Riccò; Timothy B. Layden. Diseño imagen, trípticos de promoción y cartel: Federico Barquero Mesa. ©Editorial: Fundación Internacional Artecittà. Granada. 2022. C/Doctor Medina Olmos nº 44. 18015-Granada, España. [email protected] Nota aclaratoria: E-book interactivo. Formato PDF. Todo el material recogido en este libro de Actas está protegido por copyright, ley internacional, y no debe ser reproducido, distribuido, ni publicado sin el permiso expreso solicitado previamente a sus autores//All materials contained on this Book are protected by International copyright laws and cannot be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcasted without the prior written permission of the publisher. Los textos se presentan como han sido enviados por los congresistas/investigadores, respetando si han querido publicar sus textos completos o sólo los resúmenes. Comité Organizador/Organization Committee: Comité de dirección: Mª José de Córdoba. F.I.A.C. y UGR, Granada, España.; Dina Riccò, Politecnico di Milano y F.I.A.C., Milán, Italia. Coordinadores FIAC: Julia López de la Torre y Timothy B Layden. Coordinadores Internacionales: Sean A Day, (IASAS y FIAC); Anton Sidoroff Dorso (Delegación FIAC Rusia); Ninghui Xiong (Delegación FIAC, (China); Timothy B Layden (Delegación FIAC, Inglaterra); Gaby Cardoso (Argentina). Comité Científico//scientific committee: Sean A Day, Joerg Jewanski, Anton Sidoroff Dorso, Danko Nikolic, Dina Riccò, Mª José de Córdoba, Helena Melero.
The unfortunate appearance of AIDS, the manifold problems with herpesviruses and other viruses attacking humans have led to an enormous dynamism of worldwide research and to an immense increase in the corresponding literature. With this first Special Topic of the monograph series Progress in Drug Research, the editor and the publishers undertake an effort to supply concise reviews on virus research, especially on the development of new and future antiviral agents in some important and widespread viral diseases. Latest Progress in Drug Research articles dealing with new chemotherapeutics for the treatment of the most threatening viral diseases are presented. These very well received articles were upgraded and supplemented with new chapters to form this actual overview of the achievements in the respective fields of virus research. This special volume contains six review articles covering the latest studies on the HIV and hepatitis C and B viruses...