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In its highest aspect, Akasha is Divine mind reflected in the waters of Space or Chaos. It is undifferentiated Noumenal and Abstract Space, which will be occupied by Primordial Consciousness. Akasha has several fields: The first is the field of latent consciousness which is coeval with the duration of the First and Second Logos. Another Akashic field is coeval with the emergence of the Third Logos. From the latent potentiality there radiates a lower field of differentiated consciousness, which is Mahat, or the entire collectivity of those Dhyani-Chohans of sentient life of which Fohat is the representative on the objective plane and the Manasaputras on the subjective. 1. Akasha is eternal; Astral Light; periodic and ephemeral. The ideals of Divine Mind become reflected and reversed in the Astral Light, which also reflects the life of our Earth. 2. Akasha is eternal divine consciousness, undifferentiated, and unconditioned. Astral Light is a periodic projection of the One Celestial Unconsciousness to myriads of terrestrial, individualised consciousnesses. 3. Akasha is the germ within the acorn; Astral Light is the acorn. 4. Akasha is the Divine Soul of Thought and Compassion, a perpetually reasoning Divinity. Compassion, being the Spirit of Truth, is the Law of laws. 5. Akasha is the Soul of the World on the spiritual plane; Astral Light, the Body of the World on the psychic plane. 6. Astral Light is the dregs of Akasha polluted by man’s selfish and perverted thoughts and deeds, storehouse of all human and especially psychic iniquities. Astral Light is bi-sexual. The male part is purely spiritual; the female part, tainted with matter. 7. Astral Light is not even the thought substance of the Universe, but a mere recorder of every thought. Astral Light retains the thoughts and deeds of the animal man; Akasha, those of the Spiritual Man.
The body of the world is a huge storehouse of corruption and degeneracy. In the great magical agent, which is the Astral light, are preserved all the impressions of things, all the images formed, either by their rays or by their reflections; it is in this light that our dreams appear to us, it is this light which intoxicates the insane and sweeps away their enfeebled judgment into the pursuit of the most fantastic phantoms. To see without illusions in this light it is necessary to push aside the reflections by a powerful effort of the will, and draw to oneself only the rays. Who are the dead whom we take for the living, and the vampires whom we mistake for friends? They are the poisonous mushrooms of the human species, absorbing the vitality of the living; that is why their approach paralyzes the soul, and sends a chill to the heart. These corpse-like beings prove all that has ever been said of the vampires, those dreadful creatures who rise at night and suck the blood from the healthy bodies of sleeping persons. In the hands of the true adept of the East, a simple wand of bamboo with seven joints, supplemented by their ineffable wisdom and indomitable will-power, suffices to evoke spirits and produce the miracles authenticated by the testimony of a cloud of unprejudiced witnesses.
Assimilation of universal laws is the first key to manhood. Sacrificing the ephemeral to the eternal is the final key. Sacrificing others is a crime against Nature, for sacrifice is always a voluntary, not an enforced, act. Sacrifice proper is unselfish love of humanity in person and in secret. Defiling the altars of gods with blood is worse than murder. Four Metaphysical and Philosophical Keys to Theosophy: 1. Parabrahman or Absoluteness is the One and Only Reality. 2. Mulaprakriti or Noumenon of Matter is a veil thrown over Parabrahman. 3. Logos or Word is Divine Thought Concealed. 4. Fohat or Light of Logos is Divine Thought Revealed. The Three Fundamental Propositions of The Secret Doctrine analysed and amplified. How The One Becomes Two Ones: Parabrahman and Logos, and then Three. And how The Three Live within The One. Allusions to Logos in the Bhagavad Gita examined in the Light of Theosophy. Deity is Life and Law, and vice versa. Compassion is the Divine Law of Universal Sympathy and Sacrifice. Overseen by Spiritual Intelligences above, Compassion is enacted by the Intelligence of Nature and Her dual forces below. Deity is Unerring Karman or Abstract Nature: the Mind and Soul of the Universe. The One Eternal Life and Law, triple in its manifestation, is underpinned by the three Propositions of The Secret Doctrine. Each proposition is examined according to The Bhagavad-Gita, and in the light of Theosophy. Narada and Krishna speak with One Voice. Narada is the Deva Rishi of Occultism. He impelled animal man towards intellectual freedom. Narada’s aphorisms on Devotional Love and Krishna’s precepts to Arjuna are impossible to tell apart. A recension of Narada Bhakti Sutra in the light of Theosophy: 1. O Lanoo, listen to the Voice of the Heart Doctrine. 2. Give it all away or you will lose it. 3. Let your life become an example to unbelievers. 4. True life can only be found through Devotion to All. 5. With subdued heart place all thy works on Me. 6. Rise above the trappings of personal life. 7. Feel the Great Heart within. 8. With unfettered mind throw every deed on Me. 9. Intoxicate yourself with the right attitude and ethic. Avataras are our Watchers and Guardians. Prince Siddhartha Gautama locked mankind within one embrace. Jesus was a martyred Adept, not an Avatara. The real Christ is Krishna: Internal Light, not external symbols. The “still small voice” is the Heart and Pulse of the Universe. She is the Voice of the Great Sacrifice. Voice of the Silence and Light on the Path: two books, One Voice! Who speaks with a “still small voice”? Where is The Voice? When will The Voice speak? Where will The Voice speak? Under what conditions? What will The Voice say? How will I know if The Voice is genuine? What will I learn? With twenty-one tips for Pilgrim Souls: 1. Rise above the Fog of Separateness. 2. Seek Darkness with the Lamp of Faith. 3. Confirm Faith by Reason and Experience. 4. Validate Imagination by Faith and Will. 5. Lose yourself in the Sea of Devotion. 6. Realise your Ideals. 7. Live your Dreams. 8. Axe the Ashvattha Tree. 9. Slay your Mind. 10. Charity begins at home? 11. Be wise! Restrain thyself! 12. Head learning versus soul wisdom. 13. The false is nothing but an imitation of the true. 14. Act in person but Impersonally. 15. Thoughts and emotions are one and the same. 16. Action speaks louder than words. 17. Higher versus lower altruism. 18. Charity is a debt of honour. 19. Merge self in Self. 20. Seek out the fifth way of Loving. 21. Listen to the Clarion Call. Followed by four parting thoughts: - Master thyself and protect others. - Despise the life that only seeks its own. - Let thy pulses beat to heaven’s own music. - Let us be true to each other. And twelve Appendices on: Theosophists described metaphysically and ethically. Action, Renunciation, and their endless variants. At the threshold of two paths. Parabrahman: aspects, epithets, synonyms. Mulaprakriti: aspects, epithets, synonyms. Logos: aspects, epithets, synonyms. Fohat: aspects, epithets, synonyms. AUM: definitions, derivatives, parallels. Conscience and Consciousness. A Marriage made in Heaven. Alaya: aspects, epithets, synonyms. Providence rules the Power of the Will and the Necessity of Destiny.
Trine presents an in-depth, yet easily understood history of the Akashic Records and uncovers the ancient connection to divine memory, judgment, and destiny as the Book of Life. She reaches into Hinduism, Buddhism, and Tibetan Bn to understand the Akasha.
Earth currents, terrestrial magnetism, and atmospheric electricity are all due to the fact that the earth is an electrified conductor, whose potential is ever changing owing to its rotation and its annual orbital motion, the successive cooling and heating of the air, the formation of clouds and rain, storms and winds. All such changes are due to akashic magnetism incessantly generating electric currents which tend to restore the disturbed equilibrium by producing weather changes and sudden disturbances. It is the earth’s magnetism that produces wind, storms, and rain. The Sun has nothing to do whatsoever with rain, and very little with heat. High above our earth’s surface the air is filled with magnetic or meteoric dust, which does not even belong to our solar system. As earth is passing through space, millions of meteors and fine meteoric particles reach us daily, without having undergone any change, the magnetism of the earth keeping them in cohesion. The relative distribution and proportion of land and water on our globe may be due to the great accumulation upon it of meteoric dust — snow, especially in the northern regions, being full of meteoric iron and magnetic particles; such deposits are found even in the bottom of oceans and seas. And, therefore, the northern hemisphere receives a greater proportion of meteoric dust than the southern, because of the number of continents and abundance of snow and moisture. Our Master calls meteoric dust a “mass,” for it is really one. Every atmospheric change and abrupt disturbance is due to the combined magnetism of the two great masses between which our atmosphere is compressed! Our earth’s magnetic attraction of meteoric dust, and the direct influence of the latter upon the sudden changes of temperature, especially in the matter of heat and cold, is still not a settled question. The Sun we see is not the central planet of our little universe, but only a veil or reflection of the Central Spiritual Sun of all Universes and solar systems. The head of a man in a strong ecstatic condition, when all the electricity of his system is centred around the brain, will represent (especially in darkness) a perfect simile of the Sun during such periods. The further the emanation of the Sun shoots out, the more it loses in intensity until, gradually subsiding, it fades out. Hence the rayed shape of the outer corona, whose effulgence proceeds from the magnetic nature of matter and electric energy — and not at all from intensely hot particles, as asserted by some astronomers. The Sun being the heart and brain of our Universe, we might compare its bright spots with the blood corpuscles of that luminary, though some of them are as large as Europe. The coronal changes have no effect upon the earth’s climate, though the spots have. The Sun is neither a solid, nor a liquid, nor yet a gaseous globe. It is a gigantic ball of electromagnetic forces, the store-house of universal life and motion, from which the latter pulsate in all directions, feeding the smallest atom as the greatest genius with the same material to the end of the Maha-Yuga. The Sun gives to All and takes back nothing from its planetary system. The Sun is Life itself, the all-pervading life, ever at work in its great laboratory. No planets, except one, have hitherto been discovered outside of the solar system, while we know with the sole help of our spiritual eye a number of them; every fully matured Sun-star having, like in our own system, several companion planets in fact. Every phenomenon is but the effect of the diversified motions of Akasha, the One Element and Causative Principle of All. There is a King-star, right behind Jupiter, that no mortal eye has ever seen during this Round. Could it be so perceived, it would appear as a small dimensionless point, thrown into the shadow by the brightness of any planet. Nevertheless, this Raja-Star is thousands of times larger than Jupiter.
Part 1. The shoreless Ocean of Space is the Light of the Central Sun and First Cause. Space exists whether there is a God, gods or none; whether there is a universe or no universe: during the Maha Yugas, the Pralayas, as well as during the periods of Manvantara. Part 2. Space is Chaos, Unseen and Unknowable Deity that thrills throughout every atom in Boundless Kosmos. Space is filled with darkness, which is primordial matter in a pre-cosmic state. This Abstract Deity is a Single Absolute Omniscience and Intelligence that thrills throughout every atom, and infinitesimal point in boundless Kosmos. The Infinitude of Chaos is the Nest of the Eternal Bird, the flutter of whose wings produces life. Part 3. Space is the Pythagorean Monas, Potential Space within Abstract Space. It is symbolised by the Central Point of the Circle. Space and Universe are synonymous. In Space there is not only Matter, Force, and Spirit, but all that and much more. Space is the Soul of the World, the One Element or Root of Life which, in its eternal, ceaseless motion, like the out- and in-breathing of One Boundless Ocean, evolves only to reabsorb all that lives and feels and thinks and has its being in it. Part 4. Space is the Aether of the Greek philosophers or pre-cosmic Mind. Chaos is pre-cosmic Matter. Part 5. Parentless Space is the incomprehensible Deity, whose invisible robes are the mystic root of all matter, whether seen or unseen. Interplanetary Space is full of imponderable substances, interpenetrating each other. They are the direct cause of natural phenomena manifesting through vibration at the lower end. Part 6. Space is a body of limitless extent, whose Septenary Principles manifest in our phenomenal world only the grossest fabric of their sub-divisions. The septenary constitution of Space will become visible when the so-called “fourth dimension of space,” i.e., the sixth characteristic of matter and harbinger of the Sixth Sense, is fully awakened. Part 7. To the profane, Space is Eternal Darkness; to the Initiate, the Celestial Fountain of the Waters of Life. The Dark Energy of Be-ness is reflected in Chaos. The Waters of Life is the Fifth Principle of Kosmos in the lower septenary, however, they differ from the Waters of Salvation. Only earth and water, when warmed by the Sun, can bring forth a living soul. Part 8. Space is Akasha, Soul of the World: potential energy, whose function it is to evolve all visible things out of itself. Akasha is Aether, the Light of Creative Thought and Causeless Cause of every manifesting intellection, plus the reservoir of all thought because Absolute Thought. Ether is the lowest and grossest from of thought. Part 9. Space is Be-ness: Absolute Subjectivity plus Great Breath or motion unmanifested. Space and Time are forms of the One incognisable Deity. They are forms of That, the Absolute All. Real Time is abstract motion in Space. Part 10. The voidness of the seeming full is the fullness of the seeming void. Chaos is Void to sense, latent Deity to reason. Nature abhors a vacuum because there is no Spiritual Fire in vacuity. Nihil or Non-being in the mind of Ancient Philosophers became No-thing-ness and Emptiness among modern materialists. Vacuum or Voidness is a perception of lower minds. Vacuum is Absolute Deity, eternal and unchangeable. Its vehicle is pure, luminous Aether, Infinite Space. The abyss of Nothingness of the profane is the Infinite Space of the Divine Plenum of the Occultist.
Part 1. Aether is the Father of the Universe and the all-vivifying Spirit of Cosmic Matter. Myths always speak to those who listen. In Kosmos there are three higher principles: Chthonia (Chaos), Æther (Zeus) and Chronos (Time). Æther is the Spirit of Cosmic Matter, represented by Zeus, Osiris, and other androgynous deities; Astral Light is their shadow on earth. Fire is the unity of Æther in its universality. But there are two Kosmic “Fires,” and a distinction is made between them in the Occult teachings. Æther and Hemera are the light of the superior and the light of the inferior or terrestrial regions. Æther–Chaos–Akasha is Deity. The Æther of the Greeks is the Akasha of the Hindus; the Ether of modern physics is one of Æther’s subdivisions on our plane. Æther and Chaos (Plato’s Mind and Matter) are the two primeval and eternal principles of the universe, utterly independent of anything else. Æther is the all-vivifying intellectual principle; Chaos, a shapeless liquid principle, without “form or sense,” from the union of which two sprung into existence the Universe the first androgynous deity — the chaotic matter becoming its body, and æther its soul. Chaos–Theos–Kosmos are aspects of the Unknown Space. Deity, in the shape of Æther–Chaos–Akasha, Soul of the Universe and noumenon of Astral Light, pervades all things. The Theurgists called it the Living Fire, and the Spirit of Light. The science of physics, and of metaphysics for that matter, know nothing of Æther. Yet Father-Æther is re-welcomed with open arms; and wedded to gravitation. Æther is the source and cause of all forces, whether cohesive, chemical, thermal, electric, or magnetic. Æther is septenary, whether Akasha is meant by the term, or its lower principle — Ether. Akasha is the Matrix of the Universe and the “Mysterium Magnum,” from which all that exists is born by separation or differentiation: it is the cause of existence; it fills the infinite Space; and is Space itself, in one sense. But as the finite within the Infinite, this light must have its shadowy side — the “Astral Light,” which is no light. Individual human beings can overpower that “fatal light” but only by the holiness of their lives, and by acts of kindness and brotherly love. In Buddhism there are no compulsory beliefs. We are to believe only when the writing, doctrine, or teaching is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. But then, we have to act accordingly and abundantly. Nihil is synonym for the impersonal divine Principle, the Infinite All, which is neither “being” nor “thing.” It is the Parabrahman of the Vedantist, The One Life of the Buddhist, “That” of the Chhandogya Upanishad, the Ain-Soph of the Kabbalah, The Absolute of Hegel. Lord Buddha taught that the Primitive Substance is eternal and unchangeable. Its vehicle is the pure, luminous Æther, boundless, infinite Space — still a creation of maya. Mastery of Buddhist dogmas can be attained only by following the Platonic deductive method, i.e., proceeding from universals to particulars. In Buddhist philosophy annihilation implies only a dispersion of matter in whatever form or semblance of form it may be. Even our astral bodies, pure ether, are but illusions of matter, so long as they retain their terrestrial outline. Æther is incorruptible. The spirits of creatures, who are emanations of the most sublimated portions of Æther, are Breaths not forms. The body of Jesus was abandoned to the earth while Christos, the Inner Man, was clothed with a luminous body made up of Æther. Part 2. Ether is the Mother of differentiated matter vivified by the formless Fire of Aether. When we recall pictures from the ether, the returning current meeting the outgoing wave of crystallised sound takes it up by magnetic attraction, and returns to us simultaneously the images of the past and the vibrations of its sounds. Each particle of matter is the register of all that has happened and previsionally apprehends even unspoken thought which, once conceived, displaces the particles of the brain by setting them in motion, and scatters its ideas throughout the universe, thus impressing them indelibly upon the eternal and boundless expanse of ether. The Divine Intellect is veiled in man. His animal brain alone philosophizes. When “astral light” circulates in harmony with the divine spirit, the occult powers of plants, animals, and minerals magically sympathize with the “superior natures,” and the divine soul of man attunes with the “inferior” ones. But during the barren periods, the latter lose their magic sympathy, and the spiritual sight of the majority of mankind is so blinded as to lose every notion of the innate powers of its divine lineage and essence. Spirit is the personal god of each mortal and his only divine element. The dual soul, on the contrary, is semidivine, i.e., potentially divine. It is only when the human individuality, soiled with earthly impurities, overcomes separateness and identifies itself with the divine intelligence within, that the aroma of personal experience can become immortal. Although invisible, thought is a material force. Let the least cerebral motion reverberate in the Ether of Space and it will produce a disturbance reaching to infinity. Akasha is not the Holy Ghost, because it would then be Shekh?nah (M?laprakriti). Akasha is the noumenon of the Cosmic Septenary, whose soul is Ether. Ether is the lining of Akasha, and Akasha is the Anima Mundi and Mother of Kosmos. Akasha, whose lowest form is the Ether of Space, is entirely different from the medium of Science. Fire is the Spirit of Deity, the active, male, generative principle; and Ether, the Soul of Matter, is the light of the Fire, the passive female principle from which everything in this Universe emanated. Hence, Ether or “Water” is Mother, and Fire is Father. Sound is the characteristic of Akasha (Ether): it generates air, the property of which is touch, and which, by friction, generates colour and light. The ether of Science is the grossest manifestation of Akasha, though on our plane, it is the seventh principle of the astral light, and three degrees higher than “radiant matter.” When ether penetrates or informs something, it may be molecular because it takes on the form of the latter, and its atoms inform the particles of that “something.” We may perhaps call matter “crystallised ether.” There is no such things as light, heat, sound, or electricity. There is nothing but radiant energy due to one thing — Motion of Ether. Modern Science may divide its hypothetically conceived ether in as many ways as it likes; the real Ether of Space, i.e., Æther, will remain as it is throughout. Ether is the vibrating sound-board in Nature, in all of her seven differentiations. Where there was no Ether there would be no sound. The “Astral Light,” or Ether of Space, preserves the images of all beings and things on its sensitised waves. An occult explanation of “Spirit” photographs is that they are objective copies from subjective photographs impressed upon the ether, and constantly thrown out by our thoughts, words, and deeds. There exists an infinite ocean of ether, in which all material substance floats, and through which are transmitted all forces in the physical universe. So long as “Spirit” photography, instead of being regarded a science, is presented to the public as a new revelation from the God of Israel and Jacob, the jury will go on deliberating much longer. The mediumistic rapping is a correlation of vital force, emitted from the person of the rapper, with the potential energy of the ether. Cyprianus, the reformed sorcerer of Antioch, confessed that he knew of the Chaldæan division of ether into parts. Part 3. The Seven Cosmic Elements, with their numberless sub-Elements, are modifications of One Element. There is but One Element in Nature, and at its rootless root is Deity. The so-called Seven Elements, of which five have already manifested and asserted their existence, are the fabric veiling Deity. Father-Æther has pre-eminence over, and is the synthesis of, all elements. Chaos-Theos-Kosmos is Unknown Space, producing the four primary Elements, which are known on the terrestrial plane as Seven Cosmic Elements. The attempt to derive God from the Anglo-Saxon word “good” is an abandoned idea. God is Jod, a phallic hook. He may be the creator of physical man, “out of nothing,” but not the spark of divine intelligence that “fell” in order to make animal man divine. The Seven “immortal gods who give birth and life to all” are constantly forming matter under the never-ceasing impulse of the One Element. The Seven Cosmic Elements, with their numberless sub-Elements, are modifications and aspects of the One and only Element. Four are entirely physical, and the fifth (Ether) semi-material. Akasha, of which Ether is the grossest form, is the Fifth Cosmic Principle which corresponds to, and from which unfolds, the human Manas. The first four numbers in German are named after four elements. But the Ancients represented the world by five elements. Had they been ignorant of the heterogeneity of the elements they would have had no personifications of Fire, Air, Water, Earth, and Æther. Of the Seven Elements on our Earth, four are now fully manifested, while the fifth — Ether — is only partially so, as we are hardly in the second half of the Fourth Round and, consequently, the Fifth Element will manifest fully only in the Fifth Round. It will only be in the next, or Fifth Round, that Ether, the gross body of Akasha, will become a familiar fact of Nature to all men, as air is familiar to us now. Cosmic Elements are the noumena of the terrestrial elements. “Water” is Matter in its precosmic state. Ether contains all other states of matter and their properties. The “waters” of creation are not the liquid we know, but Æther — the Fiery Waters of Invisible Space. Fohat is the “Son of Æther,” in its highest aspect. From Mahat-Intelligence proceeds ether; from ether, air; from air, heat; from heat, water; and from water, earth with everything on her. Æther is universal Fire — imponderable power and potency. Ether is one of Seven Cosmic Principles. Akasha is the synthesis of Æther; and Ether, an aspect of Akasha. The Astral Light is no “light,” it is the dark side of Ether, teeming with conscious, semi-conscious, and unconscious entities.