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The Drew Papers are award-winning master's theses selected for publication by the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (SAASS), Maxwell AFB, Alabama. This series of papers commemorates the distinguished career of Col Dennis "Denny" Drew, USAF, retired. In 30 years at Air University, Colonel Drew served on the Air Command and Staff College faculty, directed the Airpower Research Institute, and served as dean, associate dean, and professor of military strategy at SAASS. Colonel Drew is one of the Air Force's most extensively published authors and an international speaker in high demand. He has lectured to over 100,000 students at Air University as well as to foreign military audiences. In 1985 he received the Muir S. Fairchild Award for outstanding contributions to Air University. In 2003 Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands made him a Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau for his contributions to education in the Royal Netherlands Air Force. The Drew Papers are dedicated to promoting the understanding of air and space power theory and application. These studies are published by the Air University Press and broadly distributed throughout the US Air Force, the Department of Defense, and other governmental organizations, as well as to leading scholars, selected institutions of higher learning, public-policy institutes, and the media.
"This thesis examines historical targeting theories for airpower and their effects on the Air Force organize, train, and equip functions. This analysis is intended to develop lessons learned in order to focus Air Force cyberpower organize, train, and equip functions. Just as early theorists conceptualized the use of airpower, so must the Air Force develop a cyberpower targeting theory to apply in future war. Following World War I, Airmen at the Air Corps Tactical School (ACTS) developed an "Industrial Web Theory" for targeting to achieve victory through airpower. This theory informed senior leadership decisions regarding organize, train, and equip functions for the Air Force throughout its use. The targeting theory was employed with mixed results from World War II through the Vietnam War. In the late 20th century, Colonel John Warden conceptualized and validated an airpower targeting theory based around a concept of the enemy as a system. This model earned its success in Operation DESERT STORM and is continually used in doctrine, education and training, and planning today. Although the Air Force went to war with the force it had in the early 1990's, Colonel Warden's theory informs organize, train, and equip decisions for senior leaders today. An Air Force cyberpower targeting theory should consider lessons learned by early airpower theorists and practitioners. Just as Airmen attempted to influence the third warfighting domain during airpower's infancy and maturation, Airmen are attempting to influence the fifth warfighting domain of cyberspace today. This thesis evaluates early airpower targeting principles and attempts to draw parallels in order to propose a cyberpower targeting theory. Next, the thesis draws upon limited artifacts inherent to wielding cyberpower -- attribution, authorities, and centers of gravity -- and acknowledges their impacts upon leaders and practitioners of cyberpower. Finally, the thesis proposes a cyberpower targeting theory based on offense, defense, and exploitation objectives. In addition to focusing on the adversary, the theory is intended to cause introspect in order to identify potential Air Force and national security vulnerabilities in, through, and from cyberspace"--Abstract.
This collection of essays reflects the proceedings of a 1991 conference on "The United States Air Force: Aerospace Challenges and Missions in the 1990s," sponsored by the USAF and Tufts University. The 20 contributors comment on the pivotal role of airpower in the war with Iraq and address issues and choices facing the USAF, such as the factors that are reshaping strategies and missions, the future role and structure of airpower as an element of US power projection, and the aerospace industry's views on what the Air Force of the future will set as its acquisition priorities and strategies. The authors agree that aerospace forces will be an essential and formidable tool in US security policies into the next century. The contributors include academics, high-level military leaders, government officials, journalists, and top executives from aerospace and defense contractors.
This unique book reproduces four important government documents and reports dealing with the scientific and technical angle of flying, fighting and winning in cyberspace. The four books: 50 Cyber Questions Every Airman Can Answer, Airpower Lessons for an Air Force Cyber-Power Targeting Theory, For and from Cyberspace - Conceptualizing Cyber Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, and USCYBERCOM.What is Cyberspace? Author William Gibson coined the term cyberspace by combining cybernetics and space into the term cyberspace in his 1982 story "Burning Chrome" and popularized it is his 1984 novel Neuromancer. Gibson described cyberspace as "a consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions... A graphic representation of data abstracted from banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the non-space of the mind, clusters and constellations of data."In the minds of many, cyberspace became synonymous to the Internet. In September 2006, the Joint Chiefs of Staff endorsed a definition of cyberspace as "a domain characterized by the use of electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store, modify and exchange data via networked systems and associated physical infrastructures." We dissect this definition to derive the scientific basis of its intent. The word "domain" instead of "environment" carries legal implications under the laws of armed conflict. "Electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum" refer to the wave-particle duality of radiation which, when modulated with information, creates a signal. "Data and networked systems" refer to digital information and application programs, and the computers and networks on which they exist, in other words data and applications, at rest and in motion. For warfare purposes, we derive a working definition of cyberspace as "a domain in which signals hold at risk intelligent systems." This definition recognizes three components to cyberspace: (1) the "effectors" encompass a broad range of signal-borne threats, analog and digital; (2) the "medium" enables effectors to access the targets, wired and wireless, hardware and software; and (3) the "targets" include weapons and systems that use computers or networks.
Did the impact of air power in the Gulf War mark a revolution in warfare? Is air power impotent in politically fractured scenarios such as Bosnia? Does air power need to break free from habits and concepts induced by 40 years of superpower confrontation? How does air power impinge upon new security structures in Europe and the Middle East? Can air power any longer have the same meaning in Washington, Moscow, Stockholm or Copenhagen? How can air power contribute, and with what implications, to international peacekeeping and peace enforcing? How can the complexities of air power be contained within arms control and confidence-building regimes? What support can air power offer to international diplomacy?
There is no finer learning organization than the United States Air Force. At the tactical level, aircrews thoroughly debrief every sortie, supervisors carefully brief their shifts, and units maintain meticulous records. The Air Force uses precision instrumentation to record every test and debrief every Red Flag mission--these and other measures ensure the integrity of what we learn. We collect what we've learned in databases, lessons learned, tactics manuals, histories, and professional journals--we accumulate useful knowledge so we can serve more effectively. Whether newly enlisted or general officers, we continue to learn every day--we master what's important to attain professional excellence.As we enter Air Force service, our primary learning goal is to become experts in our field. That's the first step toward leadership. As we master our individual duties, we gain insight into the broader organization. By the time an air traffic controller is qualified, he or she has learned about weather, radios and radar, airfield engineering, navigational aids, aircraft operations, and many other fields. The wider our professional grasp, the better our decisions. Thousands of years before any aircraft flew, profound masters of the profession of arms encouraged learning. We inherit a practical focus from those soldiers, sailors, and statesmen: study successes and failures to understand what works.Airmen have added tremendously to this severe school of study. The third dimension adds unprecedented vision, speed, range, and freedom of action. The application of air and space power in concert with other arms created joint operations, a distinctive advantage of American arms. Airmen also contribute a unique perception of time, a penchant for maximizing the effects of scarce resources on a theater scale, and a habit of looking ahead - "lead-turning events." This book presents both timely and timeless thoughts on our profession. It pairs them with images of Airmen who embody those thoughts and prove them in action. It is a reminder that professional growth is something we owe to other Airmen and our nation. We treasure the lessons we've learned because so many have been paid for in blood. In turn, we apply them--to fly, fight, and win--don't you ever forget it!Theory of War * Patriotism * Air, Space, and Cyber Power * Doctrine * Education, Training, and Lessons Learned * Preparedness, Security, and Force Protection * Planning * Leadership and Professionalism * Character and Leadership Traits * Technology * Logistics * Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance * Unmanned Aerial Vehicles * Information and Communications * Joint Perspectives * Coalition Operations * Airpower at War * Irregular Warfare / Counterinsurgency
The relative roles of U.S. ground and air power have shifted since the end of the Cold War. At the level of major operations and campaigns, the Air Force has proved capable of and committed to performing deep strike operations, which the Army long had believed the Air Force could not reliably accomplish. If air power can largely supplant Army systems in deep operations, the implications for both joint doctrine and service capabilities would be significant. To assess the shift of these roles, the author of this report analyzed post?Cold War conflicts in Iraq (1991), Bosnia (1995), Kosovo (1999), Afghanistan (2001), and Iraq (2003). Because joint doctrine frequently reflects a consensus view rather than a truly integrated joint perspective, the author recommends that joint doctrine-and the processes by which it is derived and promulgated-be overhauled. The author also recommends reform for the services beyond major operations and campaigns to ensure that the United States attains its strategic objectives. This revised edition includes updates and an index.