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Available online: A group of Nordic air quality researchers organised 10-11th of June 2020 a web-conference on Nordic air quality research for civil servants and the general audience. The name of the conference was Air Quality For All - A Nordic air quality conference (AQ4ALL), and it included an overview of research from three air quality research programmes with active Nordic participation. Presentations were made by researchers from the Swedish Clean Air and Climate (SCAC) research programme, the Nordic-WelfAir (NWA) research project, as well as the EU-funded project Action on Black Carbon in the Arctic (EUA-BCA). The following themes were discussed: • Air quality effects on the Nordic welfare system, • Nordic air pollution and the Arctic climate – effects and solutions, • Air pollution effects on public health and the environment This report gives an overview of the key messages from the projects.
Available online: The purpose of the project is to gain a better understanding of the implications of the new WHO air quality guidelines (AQG) from 2021 in a Nordic setting. Among other things, to estimate how far Nordic countries currently are from complying with the new guidelines, and to provide a foundation for assessment of measures in the Nordic countries to achieve the new recommended WHO levels. This understanding will also serve to provide a Nordic perspective on the new proposed EU's air quality directive from 2022.
Available online: Evaluation of air quality monitoring in Nordic countries with a comparison between measurement data and the former and new WHO AQG is carried out for rural, urban background and street stations in 13 selected cities in 2021. Projection of air quality for 2030 for Nordic countries and 13 selected cities based on air quality modelling. Sector specific contribution to air quality in 2030 for the five Nordic capital cities based on air quality modelling and modelling of health effects and related external costs.
Nordic countries suffer from periodic worsening of the air quality during spring with high peak PM10 concentrations (airborne particulate matter with diameter less than 10 µm or 0.01 mm). Characteristic for the high springtime PM10 concentrations are high shares of coarse particles (with diameters between 2.5 and 10µm), a signature of non-exhaust traffic dust formed via abrasion and wear of pavement, traction control materials, vehicle brakes and tyres. This Policy Brief summarizes the current understanding of the road dust system and presents the mitigation measures and policies currently in place in the Nordic countries. It has been compiled as part of the NORTRIP project funded by the Climate and air pollution working group of the Nordic Council of Ministers by researchers from 11 Nordic institutes studying different aspects of traffic non-exhaust emissions and road dust.
Available online: The main objective of the FREYA has been to assess the contributions of individual manmade emission sources versus long-range transported air pollution on surface pollutant levels over the Nordic region in order to identify the major emission sectors for mitigation of adverse health impacts due to air pollution and how the premature mortality will change in the future under different emission scenarios. Manmade atmospheric particles have been estimated to lead to 5,000 – 9,000 premature deaths in the Nordic countries. Residential combustion is responsible for 50% to 80% of the country’s self-contribution to surface fine atmospheric particles in the Nordic countries. Mitigation of manmade emissions in future can lead to up to 60% reductions in number of premature deaths due to exposure to fine atmospheric particles.
Online publication: Abstract [en] The Nordic Working Group for Climate and Air (NKL) organised 19-20 November 2019 a workshop with the objective to outline its future directions and priorities within the field of air pollution. The new Programme for Nordic co-operation on the Environment and Climate 2019-2024 formed the basis for the discussions at the workshop. A conclusion from the workshop is that Nordic collaboration still is important for the development of common air pollution strategies both for direct collaboration between the countries and for taking common initiatives within international fora such as the Air Convention and the EU. The workshop report includes a list of project ideas to be considered by NKL. Health effects and role of air pollution in fulfilling the SDGs were given priority.