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United States residents all benefit from freight transit that puts foreign-made goods into stores in the United States. Ten percent of the world0́9s ship-container traffic either originates or ends in the United States. The Ports of Los Angeles (LA) and Long Beach (LB) combined received a total of 14,000,000 cargo containers in 2010, making it the sixth largest port facility in the world combined and the largest in the United States. An astounding 40% of the entire nation's goods enter through the two ports. Thus, the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach play a crucial role in bringing in products that provide millions of jobs nationwide and contribute billions of dollars to the national economy. These Ports are also major drivers of the local economy, serving as the second largest source of jobs in the greater five-county Los Angeles Region. Although the Ports have a massive impact on California's economy in terms of jobs and economic activity, these benefits do not come without costs. Such costs include a significant contribution to Southern California's air pollution, which generates some of the worst air quality in the nation. Currently these costs are not being properly borne by those that generate them. The State of California bears the burden of the increased healthcare costs generated by the goods movement industry, primarily through increased asthma rates and premature deaths due to this poor air quality. Southern California communities are also extremely congested by the increased traffic generated by the movement of goods in and out of these Ports. The purpose of this thesis is in part to justify the need for a funding stream to help combat these extraordinary costs. I argue it is neither efficient nor fair to place the burden of these costs, generated by the goods movement industry that benefits the entire country, upon California's state and Southern California local governments. A payment stream needs to be found for assistance to help mitigate the air quality damage and the deteriorating infrastructure and the needed structural improvements. I evaluated three funding options using three criteria: economic efficiency (disrupts the California economy the least), equity (to those who would pay for the costs), political feasibility (would it be acceptable to State Legislators and California voters). These options include approving more general obligation bonds, increasing the gas tax or instituting a per container fee on all cargo processed at the Ports of LA/LB. All three options could raise sufficient revenue for the needed improvements, estimated at $40 billion, but would have different benefits and limitations. I conclude that instituting a container fee would be the most economically efficient, equitable, and possibly the most politically feasible.
Freight operations are critical to our prosperity, but they also generate substantial external costs in the form of additional congestion, air pollution, and health impacts. Unfortunately these external costs are not well understood. In this dissertation, I focus on the drayage trucks that serve the San Pedro Bay Ports (or SPBP, i.e. the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in Southern California), which is the largest port complex in the country. This research focuses on the PierPASS program, which shifts drayage trucks traffic from mid-day and peak hours to the evening and night hours. External costs from drayage trucks remain a major concern for communities adjacent to the ports because they bear a disproportionate fraction of the health impacts (respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, cancers, and premature deaths) associated with the pollution generated by ports operations. In this context, the purpose of my dissertation is analyze the impacts of shifting freight traffic to off-peak periods with an emphasis on congestion, air pollution (NOx, and PM) and related health impacts. This impact analysis was conducted using a framework that integrates microscopic traffic simulation with emission estimation, air dispersion, and a health impact assessment. The research also developed a new approach for origin-destination demand estimation on large microscopic simulation network that is made by augmenting an existing simulation network. Thus the research makes both policy analysis and methodological contributions, and is expected to help enable policy makers to craft cleaner logistics policies. I found that PierPASS had little impact on traffic congestion and on overall emissions of various pollutants. However, PierPASS had a significant impact on the distribution of these emissions between day and night. During night-time, total port truck emissions increased by 71% for NOx and 72% for PM, while day-time emissions decreased by 9% for both NOx and PM. My dispersion analysis shows that PierPASS increased air pollutant concentrations during both day time and night time because of boundary layer effects. Finally, my health impact analyses using EPA's BenMAP model show that the annual social costs due to PierPASS are $438 million.
This book examines the environmental impacts of international maritime transport, and looks more in detail at the impacts stemming from near-port shipping activities, the handling of the goods in the ports and from the distribution of the goods to the surrounding regions.
Abstract: The balance between facilitating global trade at the nation #1 container port while also trying to protect the environment is not an issue that the Port of Los Angeles (the Port) takes lightly. In efforts to reduce dangerous air emissions, the Port (centrally located in San Pedro, California) set up four air quality stations around the bay area in order to track and monitor air pollutants as part of the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP). Particulate matter under 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) is considered one of the more alarming air pollutants because they pose the greatest health risks, such as asthma, cancer, and lung disease. This project's goal is to see the effects of the container ships that dock at the Port have on PM2.5 levels in the San Pedro bay area.
Due to environmental concerns, transportation studies have extensively evaluated emission impacts associated with traffic operational strategies and transportation policies. However, the impact studies mainly relied on emission impacts found using demand forecasting models. Such planning models cannot capture individual vehicles. interactions (i.e., lane changes or stop-and-go movements) or detailed traffic operations such as with traffic signals. These limitations often lead to under-estimated emissions while evaluating several policies. Even though many studies utilized microscopic traffic models to better estimate emissions, the studies have not considered further steps such as air quality estimation and health impact studies. This research develops an integrated framework for evaluating air quality and health impacts of transportation corridors using a microscopic traffic model, a micro-scale emissions model, a non-steady state dispersion model, and a health impact model. The main advantage of this approach is to better estimate air quality and health impacts from vehicle interactions and detailed traffic management strategies. As a case study, we evaluate air quality and health impacts of several scenarios associated with major transportation corridors accessing the San Pedro Bay Ports (SPBP) complex, California. The study context consists of two 20 miles-long major freight freeway corridors and nearby arterials, as well as line-haul rail along the Alameda corridor and several rail yards associated with the SPBP complex. For the scenarios, we consider a clean truck program, cleaner locomotives, and modal shifts compared to the 2005 baseline. All scenarios performed with the integrated framework have provided larger improvements of air quality and health impacts associated with transportation corridors than conventional frameworks using transportation planning models. However, the difference in air quality and health impacts from modal shift scenarios between clean trucks and locomotives are minor. As exploratory research, pollution response surface models are developed. The main objective of the pollution response surface model is to avoid the high computational cost of the microscopic traffic model, which makes it difficult to estimate traffic for multiple days needed for evaluating emissions and health impacts over longer periods such a climate season. A conceptual framework for estimating pollution response surface models is proposed. Using a hypothetical network, response surfaces of NOX and PM are estimated.