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The aviation community, in which the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) play leading roles, is hard at work in bringing aviation into the 21st Century. In doing so, the United States and Europe have taken proactive steps forward in introducing modernization, particularly in moving towards more efficient air traffic management systems within NextGen and SESAR. Elsewhere, in the fields of personnel licensing, rules of the air, accident investigation and aeronautical charts and information, significant strides are being made in moving from mere regulation to implementation and assistance calculated to make all ICAO member States self sufficient in international civil aviation. However, these objectives can be achieved only if the aviation industry has a sustained understanding of the legal and regulatory principles applying to the various areas of air navigation. This book provides that discussion. Some of the subjects discussed in this book are: sovereignty in airspace; flight information and air defence identification zones; rules of the air; personnel licensing; meteorological services; operations of aircraft; air traffic services; accident and incident investigation; aerodromes; efficiency aspects of aviation and environmental protection; aeronautical charts and information; the carriage of dangerous goods; and NextGen and SESAR . Except for NextGen and SESAR, these subjects form the titles of the Annexes to the Chicago Convention that particularly involve the rights and liabilities of the key players involved in air navigation.
Unlike in most other texts of Air Navigation, here the reader will find a combined technical and operational approach, given the background of the author. Meteorology, Aircraft Instruments, Surveillance, Airspace Management, Air Traffic Flow Management, Air Traffic Services, Safety and Cartography are some of the subjects covered along the lines of this book. The book is initially intended for undergraduate-level Aerospace Engineering students, but may also be of interest for pilots or air traffic controllers that want to expand their knowledge of the proposed themes.
Institutional Reform of Air Navigation Service Providers deals with the changes that have taken place in this major, technologically progressive industry as many countries moved away from direct provision by the government to forms of corporate or private provision. The author provides an up-to-date institutional and economic analysis of air navigation service providers’ efforts to reform their governance and funding structures under these changes. The book discusses air navigation service providers in great detail, with a focus on the historical evolution of the industry’s institutional and regulatory frameworks as well as the ongoing developments in the industry (e.g. the Single European Sky in Europe and NextGen in the US). The author departs from the more conventional quasi-descriptive analysis by performing economic and econometric analyses of the industry that explicitly include institutional variables, e.g. to explore whether the nature of ownership can be associated with different economic efficiency outcomes. The result is a rigorous assessment of the structures of various air navigation service providers, strengthened by the use of case studies and policy analysis of potential reform. The theme and scope of this book will appeal to anyone interested in the institutional and regulatory history of air navigation service providers, and its accessible approach will appeal to policy-makers and professionals as well as people who are interested, more broadly, in economic regulation.
In view of the increase in air traffic, there has been a great deal of work by the nations of the world, under the auspices of ICAO, toward developing the concept for a future air navigation infrastructure to serve worldwide civil aviation efficiency. Even though the concept is well described and implementation is beginning, only technical manuals are available to advance the systems concept. This book describes the global vision for the Future Air Navigation System (FANS) and is the first text of its kind dedicated solely to Communications Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management and the CNS/ATM systems concept. In addition to the technical issues associated with CNS/ATM, the book also examines institutional, economic, labour and Human Factors issues. It is designed as a text usable in the classroom environment in universities and aviation technical schools.
The tremendous flow of air traffic traversing the airspace of the European Union demands extraordinary vigilance on the part of air navigation service providers. Although the first requirement of air navigation services is obviously the enhancement of safety, providers must also attend to the efficiency and optimisation of airspace capacity and the minimisation of air traffic delays. As technological and operational improvements proceed in these areas, jurisdictional issues of responsibility and liability—particularly in cases of mid-air collisions—become ever sharper and more in need of precise definition. This detailed and insightful exposition focuses on these issues from three overlapping perspectives: the international and European legal framework dealing with air navigation services, the question of state responsibility, and the question of liability for damage inflicted by air navigation service providers. The author’s in-depth analysis includes examination of many elements, among them the following: • the interrelated roles of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL), the European Community’s European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and other international bodies; • the Single European Sky initiative, its establishment of Functional Airspace Blocks (FUAs), and its ongoing research program (SESAR); • establishment of transparent lines of state responsibility in the context of cross-border provision of air navigation services; and prospects for the imposition of a transparent liability regime on corporatized air navigation service providers. In conclusion, the author enumerates the essential elements required for cross-border provision of air navigation services and offers well-thought-out final recommendations and conclusions on the most preferable way to pursue such cross-border provision within and outside the European Community. A model agreement for the delegation of air navigation service provision appears as an appendix. All professionals concerned with air navigation, in Europe and elsewhere, will appreciate the depth of knowledge and commitment apparent in this book. The deeply informed insights manifest in its pages will be of enormous value to aviation agency officials and air law practitioners everywhere.