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This book is a mix of love, loss, the past, respect and survival. This planet we live on (Mother Earth) is in peril, of this no one should have any doubts. The issue is awareness, and whether we are to be part of the problem or part of the solution. What we do now will determine not simply issues of quality of life, but of life itself. If we continue to poison the air, water and seas, this home of ours will die! He drove to work sipping coffee from a Styrofoam cup, and when he finished he pitched it to the side of the road; it is only one Styrofoam cup, after all. It is a shame we often think of individual instead of collective issues, for that morning, like all mornings, he was joined by at least a million others with the same thought. It is time we all hugged a tree!
A Fresh Cup of Tolerance pioneers a coherent, practical theology of the burgeoning universalism movement. It builds on broad spiritual foundations from Native American, Asian, Neopagan, Judeo-Christian, and Islamic traditions. Pragmatic and straightforward, it addresses the most pressing global dilemmas of our time: environment, globalization, feminism and gender issues, religious strife, oppression, poverty, war, and prejudice. Theologically, it systematically explores our many views of God; good, evil, sin, and suffering; revelation; spirituality in the digital age; the spirit of love and community; and so on. However, it is not a pleasant treatise on love. It is a living, faith-in-action, theology free of rigid words (Scriptures), beliefs (dogma), or practices (rituals). With seven billion people on the planet, many more to come, cooperating and living (loving) together is a survival essential. In a crisis, our best nature surfaces—but we seem unable to sustain a sense of true community and compassion for more than a few CNN weeks at a time. It is a spiritual priority to seek a means to sustain a loving community for longer periods—whether within the family, the community, the larger society, or the world. A theology of universalism offers a pathway of hope.
In Survive To Thrive 11 Keys To Unlock Your Thriving Life, motivational speaker, author and international traveller Mary Anne Dorward continues her path of extraordinary discovery and amazing growth. Her latest book is filled with motivating, inspiring, compelling and hilarious new stories from her life journey. Dorward shows us that anything is possible when we shift our thoughts and beliefs. If you want to discover how to thrive, this is the book for you.International Praise for Survive To Thrive:"If you don't believe in the spiritual side of life, you will after reading Survive To Thrive." ~John Kremer, International Best-Selling Author, US"With Survive To Thrive you get two wonderful gifts in one: a rollicking true life adventure story, and practical wisdom about how to live your best life. If you're looking for engrossing entertainment and profound wisdom, this is the book for you.~Eric O'del, Minister, Theater Producer, US"Mary Anne Dorward's life story is movie material. Survive to Thrive is a wonderful read - a roller coaster ride - full of inspiration, humour and motivation."~Ellin Anderson Purdom, Entrepreneur, US"Survive To Thrive is a powerful book which will help you unlock the secrets to a truly thriving life."~Patrick Snow, International Best-Selling Author, US"Survive To Thrive is a treatise on the endurance of the human spirit." ~Mary Garripoli, Playwright, US"Survive To Thrive proves that all the experiences we have in life can become our most important teachers." ~Billie Taylor, Council Leader, Mexico "If you want to create a better life for yourself, read Survive To Thrive!" ~Paula Boucher, Health and Wellness Coach, Australia"Survive To Thrive, is a story filled with courage and resilience. You will be inspired by this author's tenacity!"~Urs Winzenried, Entrepreneur, Spain"I highly recommend Survive To Thrive to anyone wanting to improve their life." ~Paul Goode, Cancer Survivor, Ireland"Survive to Thrive is the perfect inspirational book. Reading it is life changing." ~Waiswa Festo, Pastor, Uganda"If there is one inspiring book you ever read in your life, make it Survive To Thrive!"~Amos Mutale, Author, Motivational Speaker, Zimbabwe
In this visionary memoir, author Michael Drake recounts his spiritual journey into shamanism. Drake's engaging narrative moves from his first ecstatic experience as a youth at a church revival to his mystical shamanic awakening, transformational pilgrimages to sacred places, working with indigenous wisdom keepers, to the experiences that prompted his writing, particularly his trance experiences "riding the drum" or Spirit Horse. Studying with Native elders and shamans, Drake discovered his shamanic gifts as a drummer, storyteller and ceremonialist. Riding Spirit Horse takes readers on a transcendent pilgrimage of the soul through birth, death, rebirth, ritual and ceremony to the frontiers of expanded consciousness.