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Climate Change is high on the political agenda and the UK Government is committed to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. One of the main means of doing so has been by encouraging the production of energy from renewable sources. In 2005, when the first edition of Renewable Energy in the Countryside was published, only wind power received sufficient funding to be commercially viable in specific locations and most other renewable sources remained unutilised. Since then however further measures have been introduced to encourage the development of biofuel processing plants and to bring a new focus on the use of biomass. These currently all depend upon the use of land, at a time when incomes from agriculture and forestry have continued to fall so that more farmers and landowners are having to look at alternatives. This new edition examines the present opportunities and identifies the potential risks and shortcomings, including: • The viability of current policies and the implications for the future • The issue of rising fuel prices • Revised planning requirements for renewable energy in new buildings • Current opportunities for large and small scale wind turbine developments • New economic measures for biofuels, including RTFO and tax concessions • Contracts being offered to growers to supply new fuel processing plants • The threat of imported feedstocks • On farm processing of biodiesel • Current opportunities and constraints for growing and supplying biomass • Small scale biomass boiler systems New and relatively untried renewable energy comprises a wide range of issues that need to be properly assessed. This book provides that insight.
The North American Great Plains is a major global breadbasket but its agriculture is stressed by drought, heat, damaging winds, soil erosion and declining ground water resources. Biomass production and processing on the Plains would partially restore a perennial vegetative cover and create employment opportunities. This book explores the possibility that the ecology and economy of the Plains region, and similar regions, would benefit from the introduction of perennial biomass crops.
The agri-food chain consumes about one third of the world’s energy production with about 12% of it for crop production and nearly 80% for processing, distribution, retail, preparation and cooking. The agri-food chain also accounts for 80-90% of total global freshwater use where 70% alone is for irrigation. Additionally, on a global scale, freshwater production consumes nearly 15% of the entire energy production. It can therefore be argued that making agriculture and the agri-food supply chain independent from fossil fuel use has a huge potential to contribute to global food security and climate protection not only for the next decades but also for the coming century. Provision of secure, accessible and environmentally sustainable supplies of water, energy and food must thus be a priority. One of the major objectives of the world’s scientists, farmers, decisions makers and industrialists is to overcome the present dependence on fossil fuels in the agro-food sector. This dependency increases the volatility of food prices and affects economic access to sustenance. This book provides a critical review of recent developments in solar, wind and geothermal energy applications in agriculture and the agro-food sector such as processing, distribution, retail, preparation and cooking.
This report was produced under the technical assistance project Promoting Renewable Energy, Clean Fuels, and Energy Efficiency in the Greater Mekong Subregion (TA 7679). It focused on renewable energy developments and potential in five countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS): Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam. It assessed the potential of solar, wind, biomass, and biogas as sources of renewable energy. Technical considerations include the degree and intensity of solar irradiation, average wind speeds, backup capacity of grid systems, availability and quality of agricultural land for biofuel crops, and animal manure concentrations for biogas digester systems. Most GMS governments have established plans for reaching these targets and have implemented policy, regulatory, and program measures to boost solar, wind, biomass, and biogas forms of renewable energy. Incentives for private sector investment in renewable energy are increasingly emphasized.
There is perfect relationship between energy, ecology and environment. If a proper balance is maintained among these three aspects than sustainable development for the welfare of human beings is obtained. This book has been written with a view to draw attention for integration of renewable energy in all sectors for sustainable development. The aim of this book is to examine the range of views related to renewable energy sources for sustainable and their implications. The authors have simplified and clarified renewable energy technologies and new theories for a sustainable development. Sustainable development has been characterized by an emphasis on environmental issues and its inter-relationship with renewable energy sources. In present context there is a need to develop an approach to structure the subject which hinders the development of knowledge in a systematic way. The built environment contributes significantly to the society and thus development in holistic manner. Integration of renewable energy sources is one of the major factors in determining whether a community is sustainable in the longer term or not. In this book, emphasis has been made on various aspects of energy planning such as energy assessment, energy integration, energy forecasting, energy modeling, computer modeling and techno-economic analysis of different conventional as well as non-conventional renewable energy sources. Much of the information presented in this book is basically to acquire an understanding of the integrated energy planning, its design, development, implementation, monitoring and feedback evaluation. This book will be useful for those involved in energy activities and planning.