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This book brings together in a comparative analysis the results of studies of the various cultural, social, economic and historical aspects that are formative in African societies’ experiences of how people negotiated the spaces and times of being in transit on the road to prosperity. The book analyses the various outcomes of the process of mobility and the experience of spaces and times of transit across gender, generational, and class-differences. These experiences are explored and give insight into the socio-cultural and economics transformations that have taken place in African societies in the past century. Contributors are: Akinyinka Akinyoade, Walter van Beek, Marleen Dekker, Ton Dietz, Rijk van Dijk, Isaie Dougnon, Jan-Bart Gewald, Meike de Goede, Benjamin Kofi Nyarko, Samuel Ntewusu Aniegye, Taiwo Olabisi Oluwatoyin, Shehu Tijjani Yusuf, Augustine Tanle and Amisah Zenabu Bakuri.
Across Africa, crumbling infrastructure has held back business expansion and opportunities in international markets. Today, an entrepreneur in Central Africa pays more than three times what his Chinese counterpart pays to transport a container the same distance. For that African entrepreneur, the path out of poverty is literally a paved road. The education for all fast-track initiative has encouraged a growing number of countries, the majority of them in Africa, to develop credible plans for increasing primary school enrollment, especially of girls. Africa is the first priority, but it cannot be the only priority. Today, two-thirds of the world's poor live in middle-income countries in Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The number of people living in extreme poverty in Brazil, China, and India, put together, is almost twice the number for Sub-Saharan Africa. Throughout the world-including, importantly, in the developing world-there is a growing recognition that the path to prosperity must be built on a solid foundation of good governance. 'Without governance, all other reforms will have limited impact.' That was the conclusion from last year's commission on Africa. And it is the view the author have heard on sidewalks and in taxicabs, in the marbled halls of ministries, and in rundown shacks of shantytowns.
Promote a new social contract based on the ability of leadership to improve the general welfare of society Provide more legitimacy to the creation of wealth and facilitate, beyond sports and music, the rise of new role models whose leadership and contribution to the advancement of society can become an inspiring force for the youth Reform the education system, so as to eradicate illiteracy and spread know-how and values necessary for a successful market economy Reinforce the strategic capabilities of the state, strengthen institutions underpinning the well functioning market economy, and decentralize power Foster regional integration to create larger markets for the development of industries and investment Promote longer-term population growth policies by among others, forcefully fighting pandemics such as HIV-AIDS and malaria, as well as malnutrition Set an ambitious development vision and benchmark competition in the implementation of reforms in areas such as business environment, infrastructure, labor productivity, and set up Free Processing Zones to gain access to international markets Create an enabling environment to attract mature technologies in Africa and encourage domestic use of technology Shift IMF and World Bank policies toward promoting growth and employment and encourage the most promising African countries to exit from IMF lending Stop providing sustained financial assistance to governments with an established track record of corruption and to regimes that have failed over an extended period of time to improve the standard of living of their populations.
Path to Capacity Innovation: An Africa-MNC Strategic Alliance, a policy framework is advanced proposing a strategic alliance between African countries -represented by NEPAD- and the multinational corporation with input from the NGO and couched upon an NEPAD-MNC-NGO cross-fertilizing integrative structure. Capacity innovation is the key to Africa's transformation: with the appropriate catalysts, innovation and transformation are but a matter of time in gestation. The first of two major catalysts necessary to prompting this change so long sought by Africans came at the adoption of the New Partnership for Africa's Development. It is one of the most profound collaborations of African Heads of State. The second catalyst is proposed in this work in the form of the multinational corporation as change agent for the innovation process working in alliance with NEPAD as Africa's spokesperson for innovation. The policy framework for African capacity innovation is the material product along with discourse for redress of corruption and security policy narrative for protecting the assets of multinational corporations. Bringing Forth Prosperity: Capacity Innovation in Africa questions capital theory as a development construct and an appropriate platform upon which sustained capacity innovation in Africa may emerge; explores Africa's road to modernity in the context of selected development constructs and assesses capacity innovation from a top down-bottom up perspective purposely to serve as backdrop to the Africa-MNC strategic alliance framework; constructs country capacity ID to identify internal resources available to African countries to support capacity innovation; conceptualizes the Africa-MNC strategic alliance to convey a capacity innovation philosophy; articulates an African capacity innovation policy framework to guide the Alliance through a series of actions designed to prompt innovation activity and set the continent on a course to sustained transformation; and articulates a scheme to protect assets -human and physical- derived through the Africa-MNC strategic alliance.
This is a development policy and strategy book prepared by development professionals to be used for students, researchers, policymakers, AU workers, UNECA workers, development consultants, and African development partners. Unleashing Africa's potential for prosperity is not only a possibility but a necessity for the continent's sustainable development. Africa possesses immense resources, a young and vibrant population, and a rich cultural heritage. By implementing strategic policies and embracing comprehensive strategies, Africa can overcome its challenges and unlock its true potential. Through economic diversification, African countries can reduce dependence on limited sectors and create new opportunities for growth. Investing in infrastructure development, such as transportation, energy, and water systems, will enhance connectivity, attract investments, and drive economic activity across the continent. Human capital development is crucial for Africa's prosperity. By prioritizing education, skills training, healthcare, and gender equality, African nations can empower individuals and create a skilled workforce capable of driving innovation and productivity. Agricultural transformation is key to addressing food security, reducing poverty, and boosting rural development. Sustainable farming practices, value chain development, and improved market access will contribute to increased agricultural productivity and profitability. Good governance and institutional reforms are fundamental to creating an enabling environment for prosperity. By strengthening governance systems, promoting transparency, combating corruption, and upholding the rule of law, African nations can attract investment, build trust, and foster a business-friendly climate. Regional integration and intro-African trade through initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) will enhance market opportunities, stimulate economic growth, and drive industrialization across the continent. Sustainable development and climate action are essential for Africa's future. By embracing renewable energy, adopting Eco-friendly practices, and conserving natural resources, Africa can mitigate the impacts of climate change, promote environmental sustainability, and foster green growth. Engaging the private sector, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting innovation will unlock Africa's business potential, create jobs, and drive economic transformation. Access to finance, investment opportunities, and supportive policies are crucial in facilitating private sector growth. Africa's success stories and case studies provide valuable lessons and insights for replication and adaptation. By learning from these experiences and building on their achievements, African nations can fast-track their development and achieve prosperity. In order to realize Africa's potential, it requires collective efforts, collaboration, and partnerships between governments, regional bodies, international organizations, the private sector, civil society, and the African diaspora. Together, we can unleash Africa's potential, transform the continent, and create a future of shared prosperity for all its people
Sustainable infrastructure development is vital for Africa s prosperity. And now is the time to begin the transformation. This volume is the culmination of an unprecedented effort to document, analyze, and interpret the full extent of the challenge in developing Sub-Saharan Africa s infrastructure sectors. As a result, it represents the most comprehensive reference currently available on infrastructure in the region. The book covers the five main economic infrastructure sectors information and communication technology, irrigation, power, transport, and water and sanitation. 'Africa s Infrastructure: A Time for Transformation' reflects the collaboration of a wide array of African regional institutions and development partners under the auspices of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa. It presents the findings of the Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD), a project launched following a commitment in 2005 by the international community (after the G8 summit at Gleneagles, Scotland) to scale up financial support for infrastructure development in Africa. The lack of reliable information in this area made it difficult to evaluate the success of past interventions, prioritize current allocations, and provide benchmarks for measuring future progress, hence the need for the AICD. Africa s infrastructure sectors lag well behind those of the rest of the world, and the gap is widening. Some of the main policy-relevant findings highlighted in the book include the following: infrastructure in the region is exceptionally expensive, with tariffs being many times higher than those found elsewhere. Inadequate and expensive infrastructure is retarding growth by 2 percentage points each year. Solving the problem will cost over US$90 billion per year, which is more than twice what is being spent in Africa today. However, money alone is not the answer. Prudent policies, wise management, and sound maintenance can improve efficiency, thereby stretching the infrastructure dollar. There is the potential to recover an additional US$17 billion a year from within the existing infrastructure resource envelope simply by improving efficiency. For example, improved revenue collection and utility management could generate US$3.3 billion per year. Regional power trade could reduce annual costs by US$2 billion. And deregulating the trucking industry could reduce freight costs by one-half. So, raising more funds without also tackling inefficiencies would be like pouring water into a leaking bucket. Finally, the power sector and fragile states represent particular challenges. Even if every efficiency in every infrastructure sector could be captured, a substantial funding gap of $31 billion a year would remain. Nevertheless, the African people and economies cannot wait any longer. Now is the time to begin the transformation to sustainable development.
"Highways to Prosperity" is a riveting exploration of the transformative power of road infrastructure in Zambia. Penned by Mabvuto V. Kaela, an economist, data analyst, and AI enthusiast, this insightful book unravels the intricate ties between road development and economic growth, making a compelling case for the prioritization of road infrastructure as a national strategy. Harnessing a wealth of research and real-world examples, Kaela illuminates how a robust highway network can stimulate economic activity, foster regional integration, and enhance the lives of citizens. The book also navigates the complexities of financing infrastructure projects and balancing development priorities, offering practical insights for policymakers, investors, and stakeholders. Beyond its economic analysis, "Highways to Prosperity" highlights the human impact of road development, from improving access to essential services to facilitating social and economic mobility. It paints an inspiring vision of a future where Zambia capitalizes on its strategic geographic position to emerge as a regional transport hub, driving progress not only within its borders but across Southern Africa. Whether you're an economist, policymaker, student, or simply someone interested in development issues, "Highways to Prosperity" offers a thought-provoking and accessible examination of the pivotal role of road infrastructure in shaping a nation's destiny. This book is more than just a discourse on roads-it's a roadmap to a prosperous future for Zambia, inviting you to embark on this enlightening journey.
Africans are poorer today than they were 30 years ago. Greg Mills examines the prospects for a continent facing enormous problems of poverty and debt.
Africa has experienced two liberations: the first from colonial and racist regimes, and the second from the autocrats who often followed foreign rule. African countries now have the potential to undertake a third liberation--from political economies chracterised by graft, crony capitalism, rent-seeking, elitism and social inequality. This third liberation will open up the economic space in which business can compete--a necessary condition for expanding employment. During the 2000s, the continent had its best growth decade on record since independence. High commodity prices offer a launch pad for sustained growth and employment creation. Now is the moment for African countries to act. This book asks how the political leaders of Africa, as well as interest groups can promote economic growth in their countries. Drawing on studies of countries outside Africa, Jeffrey Herbst and Greg Mills identify the factors separating the performers form the laggards worldwide. Aside from the need to create an enabling environment for business through good governance, provision of infrastructure, and improvements in education, most critical is the need for a laser-like development focus by governments.