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43 videnskabelige artikler fra et fællesnordisk projekt omkring indflydelsen af beskovning på økosystemer, landskab og regional udvikling. Projektet sammenligner skov, landskab og samfund i forskellige nordiske lande som har lignende samfundsstruktur, men er på meget forskellige niveauer med hensyn til beskovning og brug af skoven. I Danmark, Norge og Sverige har man arbejdet systematisk med at opbygge skovressourcerne igen, hvorimod man på Island og Færøerne kun lige er begyndt at planlægge arbejdet
The ReNo network has consolidated knowledge on ecological restoration work in the Nordic region and facilitated exchange of this knowledge within and between the Nordic countries. Scientific papers, reports on the status of restoration, guidebooks on restoration, and analyses of ecological restoration in the area have been published as a result of the network. Ecosystem degradation is a problem in all the Nordic countries, but varies in nature, severity and scale between the countries. In order to counteract present and past ecological degradation, all the Nordic countries emphasise ecological restoration, but to various degrees. Ecological restoration has the potential to make a critical contribution for the benefit of the global environment and human living conditions. The ReNo network recommends that this important activity should be prioritized in Nordic environmental policy.
The lighting of both exteriors and interiors is a field within electrical and lighting engineering, where important technological changes have been taking place oriented towards environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. LED technology has been gradually gaining ground in the world of lighting over other technologies due to its high lighting and energy efficiency and savings. However, some problems related to overheating or associated regulation are emerging. This has prompted the search for new, more efficient, and sustainable forms of lighting. This book presents successful cases related to energy efficiency and lighting that may be of great interest to those trying to enter the world of scientific research.
Available online: The study supports the exchange of knowledge to further develop effective policy and management tools for nature-based solutions for the climate and the environment. The study compiles good examples which shed light on how the Nordic countries have been successful inimplementing measures to simultaneously address climate change, pollution and biodiversityobjectives in laws, policies and administrative practices, including highlighting potential barriers forimplementing integrated policy solutions. Moreover, it provides recommendations for screening methods of laws, policies and management practices to revealuntapped synergies between climate change, pollution and biodiversity measures. Finally, the report proposes joint Nordic initiatives that can maximise synergies between biodiversity, climateand pollution initiatives in the Nordic region and globally.
This report reflects on the achievements of the Selfoss Declaration on sustainable forestry in the Nordic region, made in 2008 by the Ministers of Forestry in the Nordic countries and the following reccommendations on how to implement the intention of the declaration. The question is, did the forestry sector focus on the resolution acknowledged by the forestry ministers in the Declaration, and furthermore, how did it affect the forestry sector in the Nordic countries. The Selfoss Declaration initiated a lot of activities, financed with funds from the Nordic Council of Ministers and incisive actions in organizing the forest research cooperation across national boundaries within the Nordic neighbouring countries. Based on this experience, it seems important that the forestry ministers continue to take an active part in visualizing where Nordic cooperation should head in the future.
Abstract: The Nordic project AFFORNORD studied the effects of afforestation on ecosystems, landscape and rural development in the years 2004-2006. Forests play a major role in the environment and economy of the Nordic countries. In historical times, extensive areas in the southern and western part of the Nordic region were deforestated, followed by afforestation in the past two centuries. There is no doubt that afforestation affects biodiversity, landscape dynamics, rural development and human health in several ways, positive as well as negative. Therefore, the purpose of afforestation must be clear in the planning phase. Proper forest management is also of critical importance. No land-use meets all environmental goals simultaneously. Some negative impacts are inevitable, even if the most conscientious management is employed. Generally, a trade-off must be made between the desire for a pristine environment and the need for a working and operational landscape for the benefit of society at large
This book has been published as part of a major conference held in Sheffield UK, on the theme of 'Animals, Man and Treescapes' which looked at the interactions between grazing animals, humans and wooded landscapes. It linked community projects and educational outputs throughout the UK, across Europe and beyond. The event promoted landscape ecology conservation through local, national and international initiatives.
Restoration is a tool to achieve several of the strategic targets of The Convention on Biological Diversity from 2010. Currently, there is no standard for how to set priorities for restoration. The aim of this project was to exchange knowledge between the Nordic countries and Estonia regarding experiences of restoration and priority setting with a landscape perspective. Using case examples, the project explores and discusses approaches for setting priorities, and suggests possible ways of improved approaches for prioritization. This includes how to improve Green Infrastructure and measures for protection of species and habitats in fragmented landscapes. The case examples use different approaches, and provide ideas, reflections and take-home messages to enhance future prioritization. This report show that there is a need for greater emphasis on the prioritization aspects of restoration.
Our understanding of the ecological history of European forests has been transformed in the last twenty years. Bringing together key findings from across the continent, this book provides a comprehensive account of the relevance of historical studies to current conservation and management of forests. It combines theory with a series of regional case studies to show how different aspects of forestry play out according to the landscape and historical context of the local area.