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We are the generation raised under the thumb of survivors of the Great Depression and World War Two, with overtones of turn of the century immigrants and horse traders. A generation exposed to great beginnings blended with the old world of yesterday. We were to have what our parents didn't and our fortunes to come quickly. We have seen more changes in our sixty years than any other. Our parents are 'The Greatest Generation' because of their sacrifices, for ensuring our way of life and the scientific advances and discoveries. Our legacy shall be known for our contributions of technological advancements. And yes we are a generation living for today and paying for it tomorrow! We make credit cards a way of life. Destined to be high achievers, believing that hard work pays off, educated better than any generation before. We will challenge authority and the status-quo, a counterculture. As an outcry of love after the war, we are the 'Baby Boomers'.
Staying Alive is the sequel to An Innocent Man—The Life and Times of an American Baby Boomer. The first book explored growing up in the 1950s and 1960s. Staying Alive continues the adventure into the serendipitous 1970s. The same characters we enjoyed so much in An Innocent Man return and try to take the great leap from late adolescence into early adulthood. Follow our baby boomers as they struggle to survive college, avoid or cope with the Vietnam War, and eventually join mainstream society. Watch these reckless students try to turn themselves into budding professionals; struggle with marriage, child-rearing, and divorce; and try to survive the ups and downs of the volatile 1970s. Totally submerged in their own lives and interests, they still can't avoid the impacts of multiple wars, two oil embargos, rampant inflation, on-again off-again recession, and other world and life-changing events. Follow Ed Baker's efforts to just keep "staying alive," John Fitzmorris's transition from Vietnam to "a normal life," Johnny Latella's desire to keep scoring—on and off the athletic field, Jerry Prinz's simple desire to succeed in business, and Jack Fitzhugh's tenacious struggle to turn bad luck into good. Will they survive the gyrating 1970s, and can they do it alone, or does friendship really make a difference?
This book is the story about one individual who was born and grew up as a baby boomer in the United States. It begins by introducing his parents, who are Norwegian and grew up in Canada. They move to the United States, and soon after, Michael Larsen is born in California. The book begins by following Michael’s life from birth through high school and speaks to situations and events that happened in his personal life during that period. It also addresses actual world and national events as they happened in real time. The story progresses through his life as a soldier in the army and being sent to Vietnam. Once home from the war, he goes to college at Fresno State, meeting new friends, falling in love, and marrying. Family situations, jobs, social status, and political views continue to change as Michael ages and steps into changing technology, ever-increasing unrest throughout the world, and the new age of terrorism. The book ends with Michael retiring and reflecting on his life’s accomplishments and regrets as he enters the winter of his life. This book chronicles one person’s story of growing up in the generation known as baby boomers. There are seventy-five million other stories still untold; this is just one.
A humorous memoir about growing up in a small town in the 1950s, and reflections on the changing nature of childhood and on aging.
This book is the story of the first fifty years of my life, covering the period from my birth in Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, at the end of World War Two, to my return to England following the failure of my business in France in the 1990s. I was part of the huge increase in the UK birth-rate after the war ended, which has led to us being described as "Baby Boomers". My parents were from humble origins. My father worked as a blacksmith at the local steelworks, whilst my mother found employment as a bus conductress and seamstress until she gave birth to my elder sister. I was fortunate to possess above-average intelligence, enabling me to gain entry to the local Grammar School and, eventually, to two Universities. My career path began at the steelworks, then took me to a major car manufacturer, followed by stints at an international bank and a management consultancy, after which I ran my own business for twelve years. The story is not intended to be simply a chronological summary of significant events. It tells of countless incidents, some humorous, some serious, in a packed and varied life that could so easily have been cut short when I was diagnosed with Diphtheria at the age of three. Travel is a recurring theme, as is the variety of characters that I met along the way. My aim has been to show that with single-minded determination and a modicum of good luck it was possible for a working-class "Baby Boomer" to achieve success in life without falling prey to society's unspoken wish that we all conform.
The book is the story of one individual who was born and grew up in the United States of America during the Baby Boomer generation. It begins by introducing his parents, who are proud Norwegian immigrants who move the United States for a better life. Soon after coming to America, Michael Larsen is born in California. The story follows Michael's life from birth though high school and speaks to personal events and situations that happen in his personal life during this period. It also addresses actual world and national events as they happened in real time. The story progresses through his life as a soldier in the army and him being sent to Vietnam. Once home from the war, he goes to college, meeting new friends, falling in love, and marrying. Family situations, jobs, social status, and political views continue to change as Michael ages and steps into changing technology, ever-increasing unrest throughout the world, and the new age of terrorism. The book ends with Michael retiring and reflecting on his life's accomplishments and regrets as he enters the winter of his life. The book chronicles one person's story growing up in the generation known as the baby boomers. There are still 75 million other stories out there that are still untold.
Today's multitudes of "WW II Baby Boomers" would find it difficult to visualize what life was like for youthful WW I Baby Boomers in the depression era decade of the 1930s through the looming World War II years. It was an age before electronic hand-held gadgets, cell phones, GPS and color television. Five to nine inch black and white static bedeviled TVs could only hint at the future of home entertainment. "Jack Armstrong, the All American Boy" and "The Lone Ranger" was the after-school radio fare for children and the "Kate smith Hour", "Amos and Andy", "The Sixty-Four Dollar Question", "Name That Tune" and "The Shadow Knows" was typical air-wave entertainment for adults. The herein recorded true escapades and anecdotes from the life of an average small river-town baby boomer in a typical rural depression era industrial community will provide a glimpse into the lives of a youngster and his friends who never realized that those times were tough.
When feisty baby boomer Meredith Watson decides to take early retirement from teaching, she is horrified to find her colleagues expect her to spend her days in her apartment, with a cat, reading the newspapers.In a moment of rebellion, she declares her intention to do something more exciting: drive across America by herself in her little red Mini Cooper!Merry's adventurous spirit takes her to big cities and small towns, places she's visited before and places she's never heard of. And on every stop, she makes an impact on someone's life.These stories are an inspiration for any woman who has ever wanted to live a big adventure but was afraid to do it.