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Celebrate Christmas with reflections and prayers for each day of Advent. This effective antidote to the commercialism of the festive season can be used for individual meditation or group worship.
Liturgies for Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter, Transfiguration, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, All Saints', St Columba's Day, Father's Day; on hunger, economic witness, peacemaking, the environment, pilgrimage, welcome, hospitality and friendship. Includes a blessing liturgy for a marriage or partnership, a wedding/partnership ceremony and resources for a memorial event.Full communion services and shorts acts of worship; liturgies for small groups and all-age gatherings; worship rooted in church life and the Iona Community's resident group on Iona, in social justice and pastoral work. So - as always with the Iona Community - worship which is contextual, with a strong justice and peace edge.Originally published as single digital downloads by Wild Goose, these are now all brought together for the first time in the second of at least two Big Books of resources and liturgies.Contributors include John Harvey, Nancy Cocks, Tom Gordon, Jan Sutch Pickard, Joy Mead, Chris Polhill, Ian M Fraser, Thom M Shuman, Alison Swinfen, Annie Heppenstall, Norman Shanks and others.God of the rhinoceros and the midge,God of the Large Hadron Collider and the iPhone,help us to sense your presence in and through all things. God whose grace is sufficient for all our needs,help us to be people of compassion, justice and peace.(Norman Shanks, from 'A liturgy for the Feast of the Transfiguration')
The services and resources in The Iona Abbey Worship Book reflect the Iona Community's commitment to the belief that worship is all that we are and all that we do, both inside and outside the church, with no division into the 'sacred' and the 'secular'.
Daily readings for Advent from Iona Community members, associates and friends: Peter Millar, John Harvey, Kathy Galloway, Ian M Fraser, David Rhodes, Jan Sutch Pickard and others.
Reflections for Advent from members, associates and friends of the Iona Community around the world - from Uganda, Scotland, Wales, Palestine, Switzerland, India, Malawi, Australia, China, Iona, Sweden, Kenya, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, the Netherlands, Germany, Jerusalem, Japan, Ireland, Taiwan, Cuba, Alaska - and more.
This rediscovery of the stories of Christ's birth through adult eyes is for use in group and worship situations. The material is drawn from the work of the Wild Goose Worship Group who have an innovative style of worship.
Created by Pádraig Ó Tuama five years ago, the Spirituality of Conflict website is one of the most exciting and vibrant online lectionary resources. For each Sunday there is an extended reflection, a prayer, and questions for lectio divina or group discussion. Featuring Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian and Pentecostal writers from Corrymeela, the Iona Community, Holy Island, Coventry Cathedral’s Centre for Reconciliation, the Church of Scotland and elsewhere, it reflects the broad nature of the witness to peace. Approaching conflict in its various forms - personal, social, global - through the lens of the gospels, conflict, it explores the conflicted nature of Jesus’ world and how people navigated routes through it. It enables the scriptures to speak to the conflicts in our lives and reveals how they can have positive as well as negative outcomes. This volume of collected material focuses on the beginning and the end of Jesus’ human life and covers the gospels for Advent, Christmas. Lent, Holy Week and Easter.
This collection of responsive prayers, dialogues, monologues, extended scripts and other pieces forms the third book in the series started by Cloth for the Cradle and Stages on the Way. While these first two focused on the beginning and ending of Jesus' earthly life, Present on Earth is concerned with the years inbetween - with the encounters and conversations, the rumour and reputation, the moments of deep assurance and equally deep provocation which marked Jesus' three year ministry. As a resouce for worship and group work this material makes us aware ina very immediate way of the vulnerable intimacy which God in becoming human.
A collection of worship and reflection resources for groups and individuals covering the weeks from All Saints' Day to Christmas Eve, including saints' days, Remembrance Day, World AIDS Day and Advent.
One of the most intriguing and engaging voices in contemporary Christianity is that of the Irish poet, Pádraig Ó Tuama and this is his first, long-awaited poetry collection. Hailing from the Ikon community in Belfast and working closely with its founder, the bestselling writer Pete Rollins, Pádraig’s poetry interweaves parable, poetry, art, activism and philosophy into an original and striking expression of faith. Pádraig’s poems are accessible, memorable profound and challenging. They emerge powerfully from a context of struggle and conflict and yet are filled with hope.