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Proceedings of a Symposium held in Huntsville, Canada, September 17-21, 1997
The origins of what have come to be known as the "Oxford" Conferences on modelling and the control of breathing can be traced back to a discussion between Dan Cunningham and Richard Hercynski at a conference dinner at the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1971. Each felt that they had benefited from the different perspectives from which the topic of ventilatory control was approached - predominantly physiological in the case of Dr Cunningham and predominantly mathematical in the case of Dr Hercynski. Their judgement at that time was that a conference on the control of breathing which allowed investigators with these different (but related) scientific perspectives to present and discuss their work, might prove fruitful. We would judge that this has amply been borne out, based upon the success of the series of conferences which resulted from that seminal dinner conversation. The first conference, entitled "Modelling of a Biological Control System: The Regulation of Breathing" was held in Oxford, UK, in 1978. Subsequent conferences were: "Modelling and the Control of Breathing" at Lake Arrowhead, California, in 1982; "Con cepts and Formulations in the Control of Breathing" in Solignac, France, in 1985; "Respi ratory Control: A Modeling Perspective" at Grand Lakes, Colorado, in 1988; and "Control of Breathing and Its Modelling Persepctive" at the Fuji Institute in Japan in 1991. The conferences, subsequent to the one in Oxford, have all resulted in well-received published proceedings.
The field of neural control of breathing has advanced rapidly in the past two decades, with the emergence of many new and promising research directions of increasing sophistication. The complexity and diversity of the current methodologies signify its remarkable vivacity, albeit at the price of much confusion. Captured in this book are the broad and intricate nature of the field and its multifaceted frontiers, including aspects of genetics, cell and molecular biology, comparative biology, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuroanatomy, imaging, human physiology in health and disease, and influence of environmental factors. Major topics include chemosensitivity, respiratory sensation, respiratory neurons, rhythmogenesis, plasticity, development, chemoreflex and exercise, respiratory instability and variability with behavioral and sleep states, etc., which are systematically laid out in the book for easy referencing.
Breathing is performed by the rhythmic contraction of respiratory muscles. It ma- tains homeostasis of the organism by taking in the oxygen necessary to live and work and by controlling the level of CO within the organism. At first glance, breathing 2 seems simple; however, it is produced by a complex system in the brain with various afferents and efferents. The control of breathing is of the utmost importance in s- taining life, and although more than 150 years have passed since research on brea- ing control was first begun, many unsolved mysteries still remain. Breathing is like watching the tides at a beach that are created by the vast, complex open sea. The first Oxford Conference on Modeling and Control of Breathing was held 30 years ago in September of 1978 at the University Laboratory of Physiology in Oxford, England. During this first conference, the participants engaged in a hot d- cussion on the problem of whether breathing rhythm was produced by pacemaker cells or a neural network. This was before the discovery of the Bötinger complex in the medulla, and at the time, central chemoreceptive areas were still the focus of research. This conference was an especially unforgettable moment in the dawning of the new age of respiratory research. It has since been held every 3 years in various countries around the globe and is widely appreciated as the best respiratory meeting in the world.
The fourth Oxford Conference entitled "Control of Breathing: A Model ing Perspective" was held in September of 1988 at Grand Lake, Colorado. Grand Lake, also called Spirit Lake, was chosen for the fourth meet i ng so as to continue the meditative atmosphere of the previ ous meetings and to put the conference on a new higher plane (8,500 feet). The weather, as promised, exhibited its random-like rain showers. The snow report became essential for traveling the 12,000 foot passes to and from Grand Lake. Even the servi ces such as telephone and elect ri city proved to be uncertain. In all, the overall atmosphere of Spirit Lake contributed to an uninhibited free-style of presentation and interaction. All of us who attend the Oxford Conferences share a common interest in exploring respiratory control and the regulation of breathing. Modeling has become an adjunct to our exploration process. For us, models are tools that extend our ability to conceptualize just as instruments are tools that extend our ability to measure. And so these meetings attract physicians, physiologists, mathematicians and engineers who are modelers and modelers who are engineers, mathematicians, physiologists and physicians. Four of these physician-modelers have now passed away. They have been very important mentors for many of us. J. W. Bellville was my Ph.D. dissertation advisor at Stanford who introduced me to the intrigue of respiratory control. G. F. Filley was my colleague at the University of Colorado who enhanced my thinking about respiratory control. E. S.
This book investigates the latest modeling and control technologies in the context of air-conditioning systems. Firstly, it introduces the state-space method for developing dynamic models of all components in a central air-conditioning system. The models are primarily nonlinear and based on the fundamental principle of energy and mass conservation, and are transformed into state-space form through linearization. The book goes on to describe and discuss the state-space models with the help of graph theory and the structure-matrix theory. Subsequently, virtual sensor calibration and virtual sensing methods (which are very useful for real system control) are illustrated together with a case study. Model-based predictive control and state-space feedback control are applied to air-conditioning systems to yield better local control, while the air-side synergic control scheme and a global optimization strategy based on the decomposition-coordination method are developed so as to achieve energy conservation in the central air-conditioning system. Lastly, control strategies for VAV systems including total air volume control and trim & response static pressure control are investigated in practice.
THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MODELING AND SIMULATING HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Written by a coinventor of the Human Patient Simulator (HPS) and past president of the Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM), Modeling and Simulation in Biomedical Engineering: Applications in Cardiorespiratory Physiology is a compact and consistent introduction to this expanding field. The book divides the modeling and simulation process into five manageable steps--requirements, conceptual models, mathematical models, software implementation, and simulation results and validation. A framework and a basic set of deterministic, continuous-time models for the cardiorespiratory system are provided. This timely resource also addresses advanced topics, including sensitivity analysis and setting model requirements as part of an encompassing simulation and simulator design. Practical examples provide you with the skills to evaluate and adapt existing physiologic models or create new ones for specific applications. Coverage includes: Signals and systems Model requirements Conceptual models Mathematical models Software implementation Simulation results and model validation Cardiorespiratory system model Circulation Respiration Physiologic control Sensitivity analysis of a cardiovascular model Design of model-driven acute care training simulators “Uniquely qualified to author such a text, van Meurs is one of the original developers of CAE Healthcare’s Human Patient Simulator (HPS). ...His understanding of mathematics, human physiology, pharmacology, control systems, and systems engineering, combined with a conversational writing style, results in a readable text. ...The ample illustrations and tables also break up the text and make reading the book easier on the eyes. ...concise yet in conversational style, with real-life examples. This book is highly recommended for coursework in physiologic modeling and for all who are interested in simulator design and development. The book pulls all these topics together under one cover and is an important contribution to biomedical literature.” --IEEE Pulse, January 2014 “This book is written by a professional engineer who is unique in that he seems to have a natural understanding of 3 key areas as follows: the hardware involved with simulators, human physiology, and mathematical modeling. Willem van Meurs is one of the inventors of the model-driven human patient simulator (HPS), and so, he is very qualified to write this book. The book is written in a clear way, using the first person throughout, in a conversational manner, with a style that involves posing questions and answering them in subsequent text. ...The book starts with a very useful introduction and background chapter, setting out the scene for the rest of the book. ...I have used his book in enhancing my own talks and understanding human patient simulation and can strongly recommend it.” --Simulation in Healthcare December, 2012 Reviewed by Mark A. Tooley, Ph.D., Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath, UK.
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems: Modeling, Analysis, and Control uses a principle-based modeling approach and analysis of feedback control regulation to elucidate the physiological relationships. Models are arranged around specific questions or conditions, such as exercise or sleep transition, and are generally based on physiological mechanisms rather than on formal descriptions of input-output behavior. The authors ask open questions relevant to medical and clinical applications and clarify underlying themes of physiological control organization. Current problems, key issues, developing trends, and unresolved questions are highlighted. Researchers and graduate students in mathematical biology and biomedical engineering will find this book useful. It will also appeal to researchers in the physiological and life sciences who are interested in mathematical modeling.
Rapid deployment of wind and solar energy generation is going to result in a series of new problems with regards to the reliability of our electrical grid in terms of outages, cost, and life-time, forcing us to promptly deal with the challenging restructuring of our energy systems. Increased penetration of fluctuating renewable energy resources is a challenge for the electrical grid. Proposing solutions to deal with this problem also impacts the functionality of large generators. The power electronic generator interactions, multi-domain modelling, and reliable monitoring systems are examples of new challenges in this field. This book presents some new modelling methods and technologies for renewable energy generators including wind, ocean, and hydropower systems.