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Rates of childhood obesity are alarmingly high and increasing each year. Studies have shown that obese children are more likely to become obese adults and are likely to suffer with numerous health consequences like coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and Type II diabetes, among others. Studies also indicate that television viewing and exposure to advertising for food products influences children's attitudes toward, food preferences and food purchase requests for foods with low nutritional value. It is important to better understand the role of media in childhood obesity and to learn how media may be used to address this issue in a positive way. This book focuses on communication and media research that can have an impact on reducing childhood obesity. Emphasis is placed on topics related to how the media communicate health-related messages about food, nutrition and diet that influence childhood obesity. Particular emphasis is on the new media, given the fact that media now have more central roles in socializing today’s children and youth than ever before. Advertising and marketing messages reach young consumers through a variety of vehicles – broadcast and cable television, radio, magazines, computers through the Internet, music, cell phones – and in many different venues – homes, schools, child-care settings, grocery stores, shopping malls, theaters, sporting events, and even airports. In addition, given the disparity in obesity rates between children of color and the general population, special attention is given to research on media targeting these populations.
Obesity is now an epidemic among children and adolescents in the United States. Nationwide, roughly nine million children over six years of age are obeseâ€"with elevated risks of both health conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension, and poor quality of life, possibly throughout adulthood. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance, was released in September 2004 and identified promising approaches for obesity prevention efforts and a set of recommendations for a variety of stake holders and sectors. The IOM is building on its previous work by initiating a new study to assess progress in childhood obesity prevention efforts. In 2005, the IOM organized three regional meeting in the Midwest, South, and Western United States to galvanize obesity prevention efforts of local, state, and national decision-makers, community and school leaders, grassroots organizations, and industry including the food, beverage, restaurant, leisure, and entertainment industries. In collaboration with the Kansas health Foundation (KHF), the IOM held the study's first regional symposium in Wichita, Kansas on June 27-28, 2005. The symposium was structured to include three panels that focused on challenges and innovations for obesity prevention and school policies, school programs, and additional steps that can be taken by numerous stakeholders to overcome barriers to progress. Three break-out sessions focused on creating and strengthening linkages with other sectors to promote childhood obesity prevention including links between schools and home, community, and health care; links between schools and industry; and links between schools and the built environment. This brief summary highlights the recurring themes for accelerating change and moving forward with obesity prevention efforts that emerged from the symposium; forge strategic partnerships; empower local schools and communities; educate stakeholders; evaluate obesity prevention efforts; document the benefits of obesity preventions; innovate to address barriers; use a systems approach; and develop a long-term strategic plan. The findings of this summary, along with those of two other symposia, and a more detailed discussion of insights and regional examples will be incorporated in the committee's final report that will be released in 2006.
Children's health has made tremendous strides over the past century. In general, life expectancy has increased by more than thirty years since 1900 and much of this improvement is due to the reduction of infant and early childhood mortality. Given this trajectory toward a healthier childhood, we begin the 21st-century with a shocking developmentâ€"an epidemic of obesity in children and youth. The increased number of obese children throughout the U.S. during the past 25 years has led policymakers to rank it as one of the most critical public health threats of the 21st-century. Preventing Childhood Obesity provides a broad-based examination of the nature, extent, and consequences of obesity in U.S. children and youth, including the social, environmental, medical, and dietary factors responsible for its increased prevalence. The book also offers a prevention-oriented action plan that identifies the most promising array of short-term and longer-term interventions, as well as recommendations for the roles and responsibilities of numerous stakeholders in various sectors of society to reduce its future occurrence. Preventing Childhood Obesity explores the underlying causes of this serious health problem and the actions needed to initiate, support, and sustain the societal and lifestyle changes that can reverse the trend among our children and youth.
Creating an environment in which children in the United States grow up healthy should be a high priority for the nation. Yet the prevailing pattern of food and beverage marketing to children in America represents, at best, a missed opportunity, and at worst, a direct threat to the health prospects of the next generation. Children's dietary and related health patterns are shaped by the interplay of many factorsâ€"their biologic affinities, their culture and values, their economic status, their physical and social environments, and their commercial media environmentsâ€"all of which, apart from their genetic predispositions, have undergone significant transformations during the past three decades. Among these environments, none have more rapidly assumed central socializing roles among children and youth than the media. With the growth in the variety and the penetration of the media have come a parallel growth with their use for marketing, including the marketing of food and beverage products. What impact has food and beverage marketing had on the dietary patterns and health status of American children? The answer to this question has the potential to shape a generation and is the focus of Food Marketing to Children and Youth. This book will be of interest to parents, federal and state government agencies, educators and schools, health care professionals, industry companies, industry trade groups, media, and those involved in community and consumer advocacy.
Dynamic, rapid, and radical changes are transforming the communication professions, provoking major implications for ethics. Traditional boundaries blur as media converge; relentless competitive pressures cause some forms of communication to atrophy and permit others to explode; and technological advances occur daily. In this volume, a new generation of scholars take a fresh look at the manner in which ethical issues manifest themselves in their areas of research and suggest new agendas for future research. This book addresses a wide range of questions from a variety of communication professions. Contributors tackle such issues as how to define a journalist in an era when anyone can disseminate information to a global audience; how to use "advergames," crowdsourcing, and facial recognition technology in advertising responsibly; and how to respond ethically in situations of public crisis communication, among many others. This volume will be critical reading for scholars and professionals in media, communication, and digital arts, as well as philosophy, government, public policy, business, and law.
In the past few decades, attention has turned to the need to apply commercial marketing concepts, knowledge, and techniques to promote goods, services, and actions that enhance consumer well-being and social welfare through socially and environmentally responsible advertising, for example, recycling promotions. Critics argue, however, that for-profit advertisers who endorse social responsibility are inherently serving commercial purposes and diluting the value of socially responsible advertising. Scholars in many fields—advertising, marketing, communications, and psychology—explore ways to encourage consumers, companies, and policymakers to adopt socially responsible behaviours, and to provide theoretical and practical insights regarding effective applications of pro-social and pro-environmental marketing messages. This book comprises ten chapters that contribute to advertising theory, research, and practice by providing an overview of current and diverse research that compares, contrasts, and reconciles conflicting views regarding social and environmental advertising; uncovering individual differences in perception of advertising messages and their consequences for social and environmental behaviours; reconciling societal and business interests; identifying a message factor that determines eco-friendly behaviours; and identifying source factors that enhance and weaken advertising effectiveness. This book was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Advertising.
Exploring both the theoretical and the applied aspects of the role ethics plays in marketing, this Handbook analyzes key issues in order to advance our understanding and provide an overview of the state of the art in this vital field.
This book honours the contribution Professor Pascale Quester has made to academia and higher education, through her research, teaching, and leadership. It provides readers with a comprehensive, contemporary perspective on marketing practice with an emphasis on the role of marketing in making a difference. Organisations are interwoven with the society in which they operate and are thus commonly expected to shoulder some responsibility in advancing that society. While there has been significant academic and practitioner focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR), research is often limited to the organisational benefits and implementation of CSR initiatives, this book presents a broader perspective. It highlights a variety of players and approaches that are making a difference to their various stakeholder groups, specifically in the areas of sponsorship, consumer behaviour, education, health and innovation.