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Course notes for lecture: Exploration Applications of Sequence Stratigraphy given in Illinois State Geological Survey Conference Room, June 5-9, 1989. Lecturer: Robert M. Mitchum, Jr.
The innovation and refinement of the techniques and concepts of sequence stratigraphy has been one of the most exciting and profound developments in geology over the past thirty years. Seismic stratigraphy has now become one of the standard tools of the geoscientist, and there is a pressing need for an introductory text on sequence stratigraphy. This new book sets out to define and explain the concepts, principles and applications of this remarkably influential approach to the study of sedimentary strata. The authors take a rigorous objective stance in evaluating the techniques and interpretation of sequence stratigraphy - basing the text on an internal training course developed by British Petroleum (BP). A new text on this increasingly important field A practical guide based on the experience of practising sequence stratigraphers Based on a highly successful BP training course
The updated textbook is intended to serve as an advanced and detailed treatment of the evolution of the subject of stratigraphy from its disparate beginnings as separate studies of sedimentology, lithostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, etc., into a modern integrated discipline in which all components are necessary. There is a historical introduction, which now includes information about the timeline of the evolution of the components of modern stratigraphy. The elements of the various components (facies analysis, sequence stratigraphy, mapping methods, chronostratigraphic methods, etc.) are outlined, and a chapter discussing the modern synthesis is included near the end of the book, which closes with a discussion of future research trends in the study of time as preserved in the stratigraphic record.
In recent years there has been a virtual explosion of stratigraphic studies utilizing the principles of sequence stratigraphy. Although the concept of time stratigraphy is not new, the packaging of depositional units into systems tracts and sequences is. This new approach has led to the reassessment of areas that in some cases have been the subject of intense geological scrutiny for decades. The fundamental principles upon which sequence stratigraphy is based are applicable at a broad range of temporal and physical scales. This volume arises from several sessions on sequence stratigraphy held at the Thirteenth International Sedimentological Congress, with emphasis on facies associations within a sequence stratigraphic framework.
Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy, Second Edition presents principles to practical workflow that guide applications in a consistent manner that is independent of model, geological setting and the types and resolution of the data available. The book explains the points of agreement and difference between the various approaches to sequence stratigraphy, while also defining the common ground that affords the standard application of the method. This enables the practitioner to avoid nomenclatural and methodological confusions and apply sequence stratigraphy. The text is richly illustrated with hundreds of full-color diagrams and examples of outcrop, borehole and seismic data. The book's balanced approach helps students and professionals acquire a sound understanding of the concepts and methodology. It will appeal to geologists, geophysicists and engineers with interest in basin analysis, stratigraphy and sedimentology, as well as in all economic applications that concern the exploration and production of natural resources, including water, hydrocarbons, coal and sediment-hosted mineral deposits. Updates the award-winning first edition in all aspects of sequence stratigraphy, from the underlying theory to the practical applications Presents the standard approach to sequence stratigraphic methodology, nomenclature, and classification; the role of modeling in sequence stratigraphy, and the difference between modeling and methodology Discusses the roles of scale and stratigraphic resolution in sequence stratigraphy, and the workflow that affords a consistent application of the method irrespective of the types of data available Describes the three-dimensional nature of the stratigraphic architecture, and the variability of stratigraphic sequences with the tectonic setting, depositional setting, and the climatic regime Illustrates all concepts with high-quality, full-color diagrams, outcrop photographs, and subsurface well data and seismic images
Stratigraphy is the key to understanding the geological evolution of the earth. It provides the framework for our interpretation of the sequences of events which have shaped the earth throughout its 4600 million years of existence. It provides the timescale with which we can determine the relative order of these events, and it provides the means whereby we can calibrate this using absolute ages in years. Stratigraphy is therefore the most fundamental subject in the science of geology, and all geologists are practising stratigraphers. Traditionally, however, stratigraphy has been considered as a Victorian science, a ponderous process of the naming and cataloguing of innumerable geological units most of which are of limited interest outside of a given geographical region. This view has been challenged in recent years through the development of new techniques such as sequence stratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy which have greatly enhanced our capability to interpret earth history. In this book many of the leading practitioners of modern stratigraphy have been gathered together to provide up-to-date and authoritative reviews of most of the important advances in the subject. As such it is the only volume to provide a comprehensive treatment of modern stratigraphy at an advanced undergraduate level.
Sequence stratigraphy has advanced considerably since the early applications of the concepts on seismic data. It attempts to discern the migration of facies re sulting from changes in a combination of factors such as, sea level, tectonics, climate and sediment flux, and integrates it with a meaningful chronostratigraphy. The stratigraphic record is envisioned as a framework of repetitive packages of genetically-related strata, formed in response to the shifting base level, in which the locus of deposition of various sediment types may be anticipated. This attribute is rapidly promoting sequence stratigraphy as an indispensable tool for prediction of facies in exploration and production geology. In hydrocarbon exploration the application of sequence stratigraphy has ranged from anticipating reservoir- and source-rock distribution to predicting carbonate diagenesis, porosity and permeability. The capability to anticipate vertical and lateral distribution of facies and reservoir sands in the basinal, shoreface, incised valley-fill and regressive settings alone has been a great asset for exploration. In frontier areas, where data are often limited to seismic lines, sequence-stratigraphic methodology has helped determine the timing and of types of unconformities and anticipate transgressive- and regressive-prone intervals. In production it is aiding in field development by providing improved source and seal predictions for secondary oil recovery. A recognition of stratigraphic causes of poor recovery through improved understanding of internal stratal architecture can lead to new well recompletions and enhanced exploitation in existing fields. The sequence-stratigraphic discipline is in a state of rapid expansion.
"The stratigraphic concept of a depositional sequence was introduced to the scientific literature by Exxon Production Research Company (EPRco) in the late 70s, building on the shoulders of giants like Chamberlain, Sloss and Wheeler. Since then, several papers compared and contrasted the original Exxon (and later, ExxonMobil) sequence] stratigraphic school with other approaches to subdivide the geologic record, as well as, debating the ExxonMobil model validity and impact on the community. At its core, the Exxon] Mobil gmodel h is really a stratigraphic interpretation method, which was never explicitly documented in the literature. The objective of this book is to present the ExxonMobil sequence stratigraphic method in its current form in an attempt to clarify its usage and application in diverse geologic data and depositional environments. This publication is the result of more than 3 decades of sequence stratigraphy research and application at EPRco and at the ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company (URC). The objective is to emphasize the most important aspects of Sequence Stratigraphy . a method to guide geologic interpretation of stratigraphic data (seismic profiles, welllogs, cores and outcrops) across scales (from local to regional and global) and depositional environments (from continental to deep marine)." -- from the SEPM website.