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The present state of the art of dam engineering has been ronmental, and political factors, which, though important, attained by a continuous search for new ideas and methods are covered in other publications. while incorporating the lessons of the past. In the last 20 The rapid progress in recent times has resulted from the years particularly there have been major innovations, due combined efforts of engineers and associated scientists, as largely to a concerted effort to blend the best of theory and exemplified by the authorities who have contributed to this practice. Accompanying these achievements, there has been book. These individuals have brought extensive knowledge a significant trend toward free interchange among the pro to the task, drawn from experience throughout the world. fessional disciplines, including open discussion of prob With the convergence of such distinguished talent, the op lems and their solutions. The inseparable relationships of portunity for accomplishment was substantial. I gratefully hydrology, geology, and seismology to engineering have acknowledge the generous cooperation of these writers, and been increasingly recognized in this field, where progress am indebted also to other persons and organizations that is founded on interdisciplinary cooperation. have allowed reference to their publications; and I have This book presents advances in dam engineering that attempted to acknowledge this obligation in the sections have been achieved in recent years or are under way. At where the material is used. These courtesies are deeply ap tention is given to practical aspects of design, construction, preciated.
Dams are critical structures in the sense that damage or breach of even a small dam may cause an unacceptable loss of life and property. Therefore, the safety of dams over the intended lifespan is of utmost importance for unrestricted operation. The basic prerequisites for any safe and successful operation of a dam include state-of-the-art design, experimental investigations of the construction material and properties of the foundation, a refined theoretical analysis of relevant load cases, and high-quality construction. In the past decades, many advancements have been achieved in both construction technologies and design, including those for the prediction of the long-term behavior of dams under various loading conditions. As such, this book examines these advancements with respect to the design, construction, and performance of earth, rockfill, and concrete dams. Over eight chapters, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest progress and research in dam engineering.
This book provides a comprehensive text on the geotechnical and geological aspects of the investigations for and the design and construction of new dams and the review and assessment of existing dams. The book provides dam engineers and geologists with a practical approach, and gives university students an insight into the subject of dam engineering. All phases of investigation, design and construction are covered, through to the preliminary and detailed design phases and ultimately the construction phase. This revised and expanded 2nd edition includes a lengthy new chapter on the assessment of the likelihood of failure of dams by internal erosion and piping.
The development of water resources is a key element in the socio-economic development of many regions in the world. Water availability and rainfall are unequally distributed both in space and time, so dams play a vital role, there being few viable alternatives for storing water. Dams hold a prime place in satisfying the ever-increasing demand for power, irrigation and drinking water, for protection of man, property and environment from catastrophic floods, and for regulating the flow of rivers. Dams have contributed to the development of civilization for over 2,000 years. Worldwide there are some 45,000 large dams listed by ICOLD, which have a height over 15 meters. Today, in western countries, where most of the water resources have been developed, the safety of the existing dams and measures for extending their economical life are of prime concern. In developing countries the focus is on the construction of new dams. The proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Dam Engineering includes contributions from 18 countries, and provides an overview of the state-of-the-art in hydropower development, new type dams, new materials and new technologies, dam and environment. Traditional areas, such as concrete dams and embankment dams, methods of analysis and design of dams, dam foundation, seismic analysis, design and safety, stability of dam and slope, dam safety monitoring and instrumentation, dam maintenance, and rehabilitation and heightening are also considered. The book is of special interest to scientists, researchers, engineers, and students working in dam engineering, dam design, hydropower development, environmental engineering, and structural hydraulics.
In the past several years, some energy technologies that inject or extract fluid from the Earth, such as oil and gas development and geothermal energy development, have been found or suspected to cause seismic events, drawing heightened public attention. Although only a very small fraction of injection and extraction activities among the hundreds of thousands of energy development sites in the United States have induced seismicity at levels noticeable to the public, understanding the potential for inducing felt seismic events and for limiting their occurrence and impacts is desirable for state and federal agencies, industry, and the public at large. To better understand, limit, and respond to induced seismic events, work is needed to build robust prediction models, to assess potential hazards, and to help relevant agencies coordinate to address them. Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies identifies gaps in knowledge and research needed to advance the understanding of induced seismicity; identify gaps in induced seismic hazard assessment methodologies and the research to close those gaps; and assess options for steps toward best practices with regard to energy development and induced seismicity potential.
Expansion of water resources is a key factor in the socio-economic development of all countries. Dams play a critical role in water storage, especially for areas with unequal rainfall and limited water availability. While the safety of existing dams, periodic re-evaluations and life extensions are the primary objectives in developed countries, the design and construction of new dams are the main concerns in developing countries. The role of dam engineers has greatly changed over recent decades. Thanks to new technologies, the surveillance, monitoring, design and analysis tasks involved in this process have significantly improved. The current edited book is a collection of dam-related papers. The overall aim of this edited book is to improve modeling, simulation and field measurements for different dam types (i.e. concrete gravity dams, concrete arch dams, and embankments). The articles cover a wide range of topics on the subject of dams, and reflect the scientific efforts and engineering approaches in this challenging and exciting research field.