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The third edition of this innovative administrative law casebook retains and enhances its unique features: Focus on five representative agencies to provide students with a more holistic understanding of agencies and provide context. Use of a consistent unit design that maximizes student learning and facilitates the use of the book with a wide variety of teaching styles, including traditional methods and the "flipped" classroom. Incorporation of cutting-edge cases and problems that focus on the practical application of administrative law doctrines. By focusing on five important and representative agencies (the EPA, NLRB, SSA, IRS, and FCC), the book addresses two key problems for teaching and learning administrative law: (1) students' lack of familiarity with agencies and what they do; and (2) the difficulty of understanding new and different agencies and their organic statutes for each new administrative law case. Extended treatment of these five agencies, including one chapter for each agency that focuses on its use of a particular kind of agency action (rulemaking, policymaking adjudication, mass adjudication, informal action, and enforcement) provides students with a more complete picture of what agencies do and how they do it. Because the principal cases and problems involve the same five agencies throughout the book, the need to learn about new agencies and understand new organic statutes is greatly reduced, enabling students and teachers to focus on the administrative law issues in the cases. The book uses a consistent "unit" format throughout. Each unit covers a particular topic and includes (1) a clear and comprehensive discussion of the basic doctrine governing the topic; (2) a principal case or cases to illustrate the application of the doctrine and highlight key issues; (3) a discussion of related matters to explore additional issues and connections between topics; and (4) a detailed administrative law problem requiring the application of the doctrine in context. This unique structure and design facilitates the use of the book with a variety of teaching methods, including the Socratic method, lecture and discussion, and the problem method. Because it combines clear exposition, illustrative principal cases, and comprehensive problems, the book is also an ideal tool for teachers who want to flip their classrooms. This unit structure also enhances the flexibility of the book, allowing teachers easily to select topics for coverage and determine the depth of coverage they wish to provide. The third edition has been thoroughly updated to provide cutting edge treatment of emerging administrative law issues and developments, including the reinvigoration of separation of powers, the erosion of Chevron deference, and constraints on agency guidance documents. The third edition also reflects changes designed to enhance the book's effectiveness as a teaching and learning tool, such as increased use of primary administrative law materials, improvements to problems, and new principal cases.
State and Federal Administrative Law, Second Edition, contains thorough, up-to-date coverage of administrative law issues in both federal and state contexts. Although the book can be used for a course that focuses primarily on federal law, its dual coverage allows an instructor to highlight the insights that can emerge from a comparison between federal and state approaches to the same issues. The book exposes students to a broad sample of the federal, state, and local administrative agencies that they will encounter in their professional lives. The book also contains many short, concrete problems that enable instructors to make use of the problem method.
“Hamburger argues persuasively that America has overlaid its constitutional system with a form of governance that is both alien and dangerous.” —Law and Politics Book Review While the federal government traditionally could constrain liberty only through acts of Congress and the courts, the executive branch has increasingly come to control Americans through its own administrative rules and adjudication, thus raising disturbing questions about the effect of this sort of state power on American government and society. With Is Administrative Law Unlawful?, Philip Hamburger answers this question in the affirmative, offering a revisionist account of administrative law. Rather than accepting it as a novel power necessitated by modern society, he locates its origins in the medieval and early modern English tradition of royal prerogative. Then he traces resistance to administrative law from the Middle Ages to the present. Medieval parliaments periodically tried to confine the Crown to governing through regular law, but the most effective response was the seventeenth-century development of English constitutional law, which concluded that the government could rule only through the law of the land and the courts, not through administrative edicts. Although the US Constitution pursued this conclusion even more vigorously, administrative power reemerged in the Progressive and New Deal Eras. Since then, Hamburger argues, administrative law has returned American government and society to precisely the sort of consolidated or absolute power that the US Constitution—and constitutions in general—were designed to prevent. With a clear yet many-layered argument that draws on history, law, and legal thought, Is Administrative Law Unlawful? reveals administrative law to be not a benign, natural outgrowth of contemporary government but a pernicious—and profoundly unlawful—return to dangerous pre-constitutional absolutism.
This book provides an accessible, yet sophisticated treatment of the essential principles of administrative law. Topics covered include a history of the American administrative state; theories of agency behavior; separation of powers and procedural due process, as they are implicated by the administrative process; the procedural framework of the Administrative Procedure Act; formal adjudicatory procedure; informal rulemaking procedure; and the availability, timing, and scope of judicial review. The book includes charts and diagrams that assist the reader in visualizing the major elements of the administrative process.
A new framework for understanding contemporary administrative law, through a comparative analysis of case law from Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, and New Zealand. The author argues that the field is structured by four values: individual self-realisation, good administration, electoral legitimacy and decisional autonomy.