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A survey of more than 50 empirical papers shows that the adjustment costs of trade liberalization are small relative to the benefits. Moreover, manufacturing employment typically increases with trade liberalization. The limited data suggest that trade liberalization reduces poverty.Virtually all of the studies that quantify the adjustment costs of trade liberalization relative to the benefits point to the conclusion that adjustment costs are small in relation to the benefits of trade liberalization.The explanation for low adjustment costs is that: These costs are typically short term and end when workers find a job, but the benefits grow as the economy does. Unemployment doesn't last long, especially where workers' pay was not substantial in the original job. Normal labor turnover often exceeds job displacement from trade liberalization.Moreover, studies that examine the impact of trade liberalization on employment in developing countries find there is little decline - and usually an increase - in manufacturing employment in developing countries a year after trade liberalization, for three reasons: Developing countries tend to have comparative advantage in labor-intensive industries, and trade liberalization tends to favor labor. Interindustry shifts occur after trade liberalization, which minimizes the dislocation of factors of production. In many industries normal labor turnover exceeds dislocation from trade liberalization, so downsizing, when necessary, can be accomplished without much forced unemployment. Matusz and Tarr recommend a uniform tariff to minimize special-interest lobbying for protection since it diffuses the benefits of protection.This paper - a product of Trade, Development Research Group - is part of larger effort in the group to examine how trade liberalization affects growth and poverty reduction. David Tarr may be contacted at dtarr
A survey of more than 50 empirical papers shows that the adjustment costs of trade liberalization are small relative to the benefits. Moreover, manufacturing employment typically increases with trade liberalization. The limited data suggests that trade liberalization reduces poverty.
It was recognized by many developing countries in the 1980s that integration with the global economy is necessary for economic development and technological progress. Efforts to liberalize trade were controversial. A unique body of evidence on developing country trade liberalization will examine why outcomes have varied from one country to another. The political economy of trade liberalization and the interaction among trade and domestic reform, macro-economic stability, and export development is examined using: (a) cross-sectional data, (b) country studies, (c) and interviews. The sequencing of reforms and implications for multilateral trade negotiations, foreign direct investment, and regional integration schemes is an additional consideration. The emphasis is on practical problems-economic and political-and recommendations of how policies can be designed and implemented to yield stronger and more sustainable results.
This publication identifies tools at the disposal of governments to smooth adjustment, to minimize an economy's adjustment costs and to alleviate the burden of those who suffer most.--Publisher's description.
This book gauges possible development implications of current WTO trade negotiations by examining various proposals and assessing their likely economic impact. The experiences of a number of countries at different levels of development and across various regions are examined to ascertain the impact of their trade reforms.
Trade reform programs have two main objectives. The first is to help raise economic growth and employment generation by improving resource allocation and economywide efficiency. The second is to help improve the balance of payments by strengthening the competitiveness of the external sector and expanding exports and efficient import substitutes. This paper evaluates developing country experience with trade policy reforms and makes recommendations for improving the design and implementaion of those reforms. It assesses the extent and effectiveness of the reforms under adjustment programs in the 1980s, highlighting practical problems and constraints, both economic and politcal. Broadly speaking, it considers three issues: (1) the potential conflicts between trade policy reforms and macroeconomic stabilization efforts; (2) the supply response to trade policy reforms, in the context of export prospects and domestic and external constraints; and (3) the sequencing, timing and duration of import reforms, their relation to internal reforms, and the associated transitional costs. The paper finds that trade policy reform, when implemented well, has contributed to improved economic performance in developing countries. The paper also finds that well-designed trade policy reforms do not conflict with other priorites except in special cases; usually they enhance growth.
This review of the Bank's experience in support of trade policy reform in a selected group of countries is the first study by the World Bank's Operations Evaluation Department to concentrate exclusively on the Bank's operations and related issues in adjustment lending for trade policy reform. The impetus for the study was twofold: the increasing importance trade policy had acquired in the Bank's structural and sectoral adjustment lending over the years, and the view that the Bank had enough experience in this policy area to provide useful lessons for future lending. While the benefits of trade policy adjustment are gaining wider recognition, several concerns persist regarding the policy design and impact of those programs in the adjusting countries. The study addresses these issues in the context of individual country experience with trade reforms in the 1980s. Detailed case studies were prepared for these countries taking into account the initial conditions prevailing in the country, the design and implementation of the programs, their impact, and their sustainability. The study assesses whether trade policy reforms were complemented by other measures, including macroeconomic, industrial, and financial policies, and whether the Bank considered these links in designing trade policy programs. The main goal is to draw lessons from the cross-section of past experience for suggesting improvements in the Bank's approach to productivity-enhancing adjustment programs.
"This document is one of a series reporting on policy seminars organized by the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank" -- foreword.