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The fight against the sexual exploitation of and trade in children has gained particular and renewed international attention in the last few years and has become one of the most important concerns in the context of international law enforcement policy and cooperation. Since 1998, policy makers have come up with new legal initiatives at global as well as regional levels in order to tackle this problem in a more effective and coordinated way. This proves that the time has come to match words and actions, and to come up with concrete and useful tools for law enforcement services and NGO's active in the areas concerned. The current study therefore examines the feasibility of the further elaboration and implementation of recommendations from a previous project (96/STOP/003) regarding the systematic gathering and administration of data concerning missing minors, minor victims of trafficking in or sexual exploitation of children and perpetrators of sexual offences against minors, with the goal to further prepare the practical setting up of several international databases with immediate relevance to the police and the prosecuting or investigating magistrates or officials, both in the EU Member States and the candidate countries. It is recommended to give Interpol a mandate to host an international database on missing persons and to create an EU monitoring centre responsible for the gathering and administration of reliable statistics and legal information on sexual exploitation of children and trafficking in human beings. It is also recommended for Interpol to host an international reference database on child pornography and to set up an analysis/intelligence child porn database at Europol. Regarding suspected and convicted sex offenders, it is proposed to create a database on pending investigations, an EU criminal records database and a database at Europol containing encoded information on both suspected and convicted offenders of sexual offences against children. Finally, it is suggested to create a European network of national DNA databases. The book also contains a summary of the conclusions in French.
This book is about enforcing privacy and data protection. It demonstrates different approaches – regulatory, legal and technological – to enforcing privacy. If regulators do not enforce laws or regulations or codes or do not have the resources, political support or wherewithal to enforce them, they effectively eviscerate and make meaningless such laws or regulations or codes, no matter how laudable or well-intentioned. In some cases, however, the mere existence of such laws or regulations, combined with a credible threat to invoke them, is sufficient for regulatory purposes. But the threat has to be credible. As some of the authors in this book make clear – it is a theme that runs throughout this book – “carrots” and “soft law” need to be backed up by “sticks” and “hard law”. The authors of this book view privacy enforcement as an activity that goes beyond regulatory enforcement, however. In some sense, enforcing privacy is a task that befalls to all of us. Privacy advocates and members of the public can play an important role in combatting the continuing intrusions upon privacy by governments, intelligence agencies and big companies. Contributors to this book - including regulators, privacy advocates, academics, SMEs, a Member of the European Parliament, lawyers and a technology researcher – share their views in the one and only book on Enforcing Privacy.
New Space technologies, Earth observation and satellite navigation in particular, have proven to be invaluable drivers of sustainable development, thus contributing to the protection of several human rights (the “Good”). At the same time, however, New Space technologies raise concerns for the right to privacy (the “Bad”), and face a number of challenges posed by hostile cyber operations (the “Ugly”). Dr. Arianna Vettorel analyzes the relevant international, European and domestic legal frameworks and highlights the need for several innovative approaches and reforms, in a transnational and bottom-up perspective, in order to maximize the Good, and minimize the Bad and the Ugly, of New Space technologies.
Moldova Immigration Policy, Laws and Regulations Handbook Volume 1 Strategic Information and Regulations
Data protection law is often positioned as a regulatory solution to the risks posed by computational systems. Despite the widespread adoption of data protection laws, however, there are those who remain sceptical as to their capacity to engender change. Much of this criticism focuses on our role as 'data subjects'. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that we lack the capacity to act in our own best interests and, what is more, that our decisions have negative impacts on others. Our decision-making limitations seem to be the inevitable by-product of the technological, social, and economic reality. Data protection law bakes in these limitations by providing frameworks for notions such as consent and subjective control-rights and by relying on those who process our data to do so fairly. Despite these valid concerns, Data Protection Law and Emotion argues that the (in)effectiveness of these laws are often more difficult to discern than the critical literature would suggest, while also emphasising the importance of the conceptual value of subjective control. These points are explored (and indeed, exposed) by investigating data protection law through the lens of the insights provided by law and emotion scholarship and demonstrating the role emotions play in our decision-making. The book uses the development of Emotional Artificial Intelligence, a particularly controversial technology, as a case study to analyse these issues. Original and insightful, Data Protection Law and Emotion offers a unique contribution to a contentious debate that will appeal to students and academics in data protection and privacy, policymakers, practitioners, and regulators.
This book sheds light on aviation security, considering both technologies and legal principles. It considers the protection of individuals in particular their rights to privacy and data protection and raises aspects of international law, human rights and data security, among other relevant topics. Technologies and practices which arise in this volume include body scanners, camera surveillance, biometrics, profiling, behaviour analysis, and the transfer of air passenger personal data from airlines to state authorities. Readers are invited to explore questions such as: What right to privacy and data protection do air passengers have? How can air passenger rights be safeguarded, whilst also dealing appropriately with security threats at airports and in airplanes? Chapters explore these dilemmas and examine approaches to aviation security which may be transferred to other areas of transport or management of public spaces, thus making the issues dealt with here of paramou nt importance to privacy and human rights more broadly. The work presented here reveals current processes and tendencies in aviation security, such as globalization, harmonization of regulation, modernization of existing data privacy regulation, mechanisms of self-regulation, the growing use of Privacy by Design, and improving passenger experience. This book makes an important contribution to the debate on what can be considered proportionate security, taking into account concerns of privacy and related human rights including the right to health, freedom of movement, equal treatment and non-discrimination, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and the rights of the child. It will be of interest to graduates and researchers in areas of human rights, international law, data security and related areas of law or information science and technology. I think it will also be of interest to other categories (please see e.g. what the reviewers have written) "I think that the book would be of great appeal for airports managing bodies, regulators, Civil Aviation Authorities, Data Protection Authorities, air carriers, any kind of security companies, European Commission Transport Directorate, European Air Safety Agency (EASA), security equipment producers, security agencies like the US TSA, university researchers and teachers." "Lawyers (aviation, privacy and IT lawyers), security experts, aviation experts (security managers of airports, managers and officers from ANSPs and National Aviation Authorities), decision makers, policy makers (EASA, EUROCONTROL, EU commission)"
What is the state of current European governance on new and emerging technologies, and where is it going? What is, and what can be, the role of human rights in governance arrangements? These are the main questions that this book answers for both European and non-European scholars. It provides a wide picture of current European governance, notably in biotechnology, nanotechnology and synthetic biology, and discusses the model of Responsible Research and Innovation, which is gaining popularity within the European Union, under a human rights perspective. It shows how human rights can contribute to governance frameworks without posing obstacles to research and innovation. The theory presented in the book is followed by practical guidelines drawn from human rights law. Starting from the Strasbourg Court jurisprudence, it provides a complete review of the wide range of rights that the European Convention on Human Rights protects in light of the challenges of techno-scientific advances. This analysis will come in handy for private actors, policymakers, regulators, as well as judges in solving hard cases raised by techno-scientific progress in the future.
This textbook explains the protection by the ECHR, EU law and international instruments of various civil/political and social/economic fundamental rights.