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"How are spiritual power and self-transformation cultivated in street ministries? In Addicted to Christ, Helena Hansen provides an in-depth analysis of Pentecostal ministries in Puerto Rico that were founded and managed by self-identified 'ex-addicts.' Richly ethnographic, the book melds Hansen's dual expertise in public anthropology and psychology. Through her interviewees' stories, she examines key elements of the Pentecostal system: mysticism, ascetic practice, and the idea other-worldliness. She then shares the strategies of Pentecostal ministries, which, according to street ministries, are the core elements of spiritual victory over addiction: transformation techniques to build spiritual strength and authority through pain and discipline; cultivation of alternative masculinities based on male converts' reclamation of domestic space; and radical rupture from a post-industrial 'culture of disposability.' By contrasting the ministries' logic of addiction with that of biomedicine, Hansen rethinks roads to recovery while discovering unexpected convergences with biomedicine, revealing the true sway of street corner ministries"--Provided by publisher.
How are spiritual power and self-transformation cultivated in street ministries? In Addicted to Christ, Helena Hansen provides an in-depth analysis of Pentecostal ministries in Puerto Rico that were founded and run by self-identified “ex-addicts,” ministries that are also widespread in poor Black and Latino neighborhoods in the U.S. mainland. Richly ethnographic, the book harmoniously melds Hansen’s dual expertise in cultural anthropology and psychiatry. Through the stories of ministry converts, she examines key elements of Pentecostalism: mysticism, ascetic practice, and the idea of other-worldliness. She then reconstructs the ministries' strategies of spiritual victory over addiction: transformation techniques to build spiritual strength and authority through pain and discipline; cultivation of alternative masculinities based on male converts’ reclamation of domestic space; and radical rupture from a post-industrial “culture of disposability.” By contrasting the ministries’ logic of addiction with that of biomedicine, Hansen rethinks roads to recovery, discovering unexpected convergences with biomedicine while revealing the allure of street corner ministries.
Many Christians are locked in a cycle of addiction, particularly in the areas of alcohol and drug abuse. Many have turned to 12-Step programs for help. But, where is the incredible power of Christ in this process? In a positive, non-condemning way, Anderson provides an alternative model of recovery for substance and alcohol abusers, a model that will also work for individuals struggling with other kinds of addictions. The first half of Freedom from Addictions tells the unbelievable story of Mike and Julia Quarles, and how Mike overcame a debilitating addiction to alcohol. He achieved success by applying the principles that make up the central theme of Dr. Anderson's message: that we are saints according to God's word (Eph 1) and that true freedom comes from realizing o ur identity in Christ.
"How are spiritual power and self-transformation cultivated in street ministries? In Addicted to Christ, Helena Hansen provides an in-depth analysis of Pentecostal ministries in Puerto Rico that were founded and managed by self-identified 'ex-addicts.' Richly ethnographic, the book melds Hansen's dual expertise in public anthropology and psychology. Through her interviewees' stories, she examines key elements of the Pentecostal system: mysticism, ascetic practice, and the idea other-worldliness. She then shares the strategies of Pentecostal ministries, which, according to street ministries, are the core elements of spiritual victory over addiction: transformation techniques to build spiritual strength and authority through pain and discipline; cultivation of alternative masculinities based on male converts' reclamation of domestic space; and radical rupture from a post-industrial 'culture of disposability.' By contrasting the ministries' logic of addiction with that of biomedicine, Hansen rethinks roads to recovery while discovering unexpected convergences with biomedicine, revealing the true sway of street corner ministries"--Provided by publisher.
You can break free from porn and find a new life. Apply practical strategies and escape the hamster wheel of compulsive pornography use. Get the inspiration, motivation and information you have been looking for as you begin your journey to the LIGHT. Honest, hard-hitting, helpful and hopeful! This story of one man's courageous battle against lust and pornography shows how a Christian (even a pastor) can be trapped in the darkness, feeling isolated and afraid to ask for help. Yet Hugh’s story of heartbreak, humility and trusting in Christ shows how God offers new life. When Hugh finally confessed his secret double life to his wife of 30 years, it almost destroyed her. Yet out of this terrible pain, the Lord brought forgiveness and healing. Their marriage today is stronger than ever! This can be your story too! There is HOPE for anyone enslaved by sin, because Jesus came to set the captives free. Learn how to fight lies with the truth. See how you can take control of your thoughts and your mind. Begin using your own personal “Battle Plan” today. Practice intentional living. Your life can be different. God has already provided you with everything you need for your new life. Use the discussion questions at the end of each chapter with your group. A Certified Partner Coach wrote: “During the past 17 years, I’ve read countless books on the topic of secretive sexual behaviors. Few offer as much humble-yet-helpful wisdom as this book by lifelong missionary, Hugh Houston.” Get your copy today. Jesus is so much better than porn!
Substance abusers, addicts with a physical dependency, and those who cannot stop some type of pleasurable activity can gain insights and practical help from the hopeful message from the Bible regarding addictive thoughts and behavior.
Author and founder of Oilfield Evangelist Ministry, Brendan Marble was a twelve-year drug addict who had a life-changing experience in August of 2013. Arrested for drugs and facing felony charges, he came face-to-face with the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Brendan cried out to God, who he really didn't know existed, and his life was changed forever. Delivering him from a life of drugs, deception, and darkness, God called this broken man to be an evangelist for the truth to a lost and dying world. In this thirty-one-day Bible-centered devotional, Brendan Marble challenges and encourages Christians to live a life of greater love and devotion to the one true God, Jesus Christ. In Addicted to Christ: Prayers, Petitions, and Praises, Brendan Marble pours out his heart to God with prayers and petitions through the beauty of poetry with an emphasis on praise, worship, and a desire to be more Christlike and God-glorifying. No longer addicted to the drugs that nearly destroyed his life, he is now addicted to the One who saved his life and prays you, too, will be addicted to Christ.
You Can Break the Chains Holding You Captive Harmful habits, negative thinking, and irrational feelings can all lead to sinful behavior and keep you in bondage. If you feel trapped by any of these strongholds in your life, know that you are not alone—you can break free. Neil Anderson has brought hope to countless thousands facing similar spiritual attacks. In this significantly revised and updated edition of this popular bestselling book, he offers a holistic approach to spiritual warfare that is rooted in the Word of God. As you read stories of others who have been locked in spiritual battles, you will learn the underlying whys and hows behind these attacks and discover the truths that sets people free in Jesus. You don’t have to live as if you are in chains. Break through your spiritual battles, and find freedom in Christ with The Bondage Breaker.
We face a profound problem in this country and around the world, the plague of drug addiction. Lives are being lost and destroyed. Many people are affected by this issue in some way, via family members, friends, or co-workers. The question is, "How can people find true healing of the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs involved in their addiction?" The author proposes leading addicted people to faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus and the Addict: 12 Bible Studies for People Getting Free from Drugs is designed to help leaders in Christian faith-based recovery to guide those who come to their communities toward continuous freedom from drugs. The book contains twelve studies with biblical guidance on varying issues with which people in recovery struggle such as overcoming fear, learning to have hope, overcoming resentment, and dealing with forgiveness. Jesus Christ is the answer in all these things. Deepened relationship with Him and the transforming effect of His power and love bring redemption and new life. The book is intended for pastors, mentors, sponsors, and teachers - anyone working in jail, prison, transitional communities, or in churches to help recovering addicts. The studies are designed to be shared in large group settings, a speaker providing the teaching talk. Following that teaching time, the large group can then break out into small groups for discussion of the teaching. However, this material is workable within a single small group as well as a large one - the small group hearing the talk less formally and then discussing it. Each of the twelve lessons contains a verse or key verses from the Bible about a particular topic. Those Bible verses form the basis of the lesson. There is then a section with discussion about the background and state of mind of people seeking recovery for the speaker to consider about those who will be in the listening audience. The author's experience has largely been with people who are lower income or poor, but addiction affects all classes of society, and both urban and rural populations. The concepts discussed in the background and state of mind section are adaptable to varying recovery audiences. A prayer for the speaker is included next. Following the prayer, there is a sample talk section where some key points are given. This talk can be modified to fit the speaker's own experiences and their audience. And each chapter concludes with sample questions that can be used to stimulate conversation within your recovery group. The book also contains teaching and theology about the nature of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. An explanation of the cross event, resurrection, and the meaning of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers is explained such that people in recovery can understand God as being full of grace and as a source of great empowerment. The presentation of the present-day healing ministry of Christ gives hope to the addict that they can permanently be freed from drugs and feel the lifting of guilt and shame. They can also take their place as a useful and contributing part of the kingdom of God and in society. Dr. Pam Morrison, the author, is an ordained pastor from the Free Methodist Church. She has led or helped to lead six churches. She has volunteered with Prison Fellowship and has ministered with addicts in several settings. Her belief is that medical and secular means have been and are used to help addicts, but the greatest help anyone can receive to achieve permanent freedom is to find faith in Jesus Christ. So much more help is needed for addicts and families of addicts. We are short on places and those who will walk steadfastly with people seeking recovery. This is a ministry urgently needed in this hour.