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This guide is intended to provide guidance to borrowers on bid evaluation procedures and how to prepare a bid evaluation report to be submitted to the Asian Development Bank, in connection with the procurement of contracts financed in whole or in part from proceeds of its loans.
This publication serves to inform those carrying out a project that is financed in whole or in part by a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), ADB-financed grant, or ADB-administered funds, of the policies that govern the procurement of goods, works and services required for the project.
Currently available on the Procurement website.
Project economic analysis is a tool used by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to ensure that ADB operations comply with its Charter. The guidelines in this publication are a revised version of the 1997 edition. The revision responds to the changing development context and ADB operational priorities, and aims to address the recommendations of the ADB Quality-at-Entry Assessments for more methodological work on project economic analysis. The revised guidelines provide general principles for the conduct of project economic analysis, and should be read together with handbooks, technical reports, and other reference materials published by ADB dealing with sector-specific project economic analysis in detail.
Энэхүү журам нь Азийн Хөгжлийн Банк (АХБ)-наас олгосон аливаа зээл, буцалтгүй тусламж, эсхүл АХБ-наас захиран зарцуулдаг сангаас бүрэн ба хэсэгчлэн санхүүждэг зээлийн болон техник туслалцаа (ТТ)-ны төслийн зөвлөхийг сонгон шалгаруулах, гэрээ байгуулах, түүнд хяналт шинжилгээ хийх үед дагаж мөрдөх АХБ-ны бодлого, горим журмыг тодорхойлно.