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Varias decadas atras, las administraciones publicas concentraban sus esfuerzos en fomentar la pesca y la acuicultura y asegurar el crecimiento de la produccion y el consumo de sus productos. En el decenio de 1980, cuando muchos recursos alcanzaron la plena explotacion o incluso una explotacion excesiva, los responsables de las politicas comenzaron a prestar mas atencion a la ordenacion pesquera ademas de ocuparse del fomento de la acuicultura. El reconocimiento subsiguiente de los numerosos fallos de la ordenacion ha llevado a los Estados Miembros de la FAO y otras partes interesadas a adoptar un planteamiento mas amplio, y la gobernanza, es decir, la suma de las disposiciones juridicas, sociales, economicas y politicas utilizadas en la ordenacion sostenible de la pesca y la acuicultura, se considera hoy como el trasfondo indispensable de su gestion. La expansion de la acuicultura continua, mientras que a nivel mundial las pesquerias marinas de captura consideradas en su conjunto parecen haber alcanzado un limite. A la luz de la importancia cada vez mayor de la acuicultura, El estado mundial de la pesca y la acuicultura 2006 termina con un examen de los retos con que se enfrenta el sector y las oportunidades que tiene ante si. El examen se basa en un analisis prospectivo del sector acuicola mundial realizado por la FAO en los dos ultimos anos. Esta publicacion incluye la 4 edicion del CD-ROM World Fisheries and Aquaculture Atlas de la FAO (disponible solo en ingles), en el que se presenta un panorama mundial completo de la pesca de capture y la acuicultura marinas y continentales."
Several working documents, including 'State of world aquaculture 2006' and 'Prospective analysis of future aquaculture development' were presented at the meeting for information, discussion and decision by the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee agreed to the International Principles for Responsible Shrimp Farming. The Sub-Committee requested the Secretariat to ensure implementation of priority activities during the intersessional period. The Sub-Committee agreed that its next session should be held in 2008 and appreciated the offer by the Government of Chile to host it.
The FAO Yearbook. Fishery Statistics. Commodities is a compilation of annual statistical data on production and foreign trade of fishery commodities for all countries and territories of the world. The Yearbook includes data series on production of processed and preserved fishery products in terms of quantity and on imports and exports of fishery products in terms of quantity and value. It also gives statistics of apparent consumption of fish and fishery products, the value and disposition of world fishery production and direction of trade for selected countries. Statistical information in the Yearbook is based primarily on data provided by the countries through questionnaires or official publications. In the absence of official data, FAO makes estimates based on the best information available
This document presents the adopted report of the tenth session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI), held in Trondheim, Norway from 23 to 27 August 2019. The Sub-Committee provides a forum for consultation and discussion on aquaculture-relevant topics, advises COFI on related technical and policy matters, and provides guidance for the future work. Le présent document est le rapport de la dixième session du Sous-Comité de l’aquaculture du Comité des pêches de la FAO, qui s’est tenue à Trondheim (Norvège) du 23 au 27 août 2019. Le Sous-Comité offre un espace de consultation et de débat sur l’aquaculture et conseille le Comité des pêches sur les questions techniques et politiques liées à ce secteur, ainsi que sur les activités futures dans ce domaine. En este documento se presenta el informe aprobado por el Subcomité de Acuicultura del Comité de Pesca (COFI) de la FAO en su 10.ª reunión, celebrada en Trondheim (Noruega) del 23 al 27 de agosto de 2019. El Subcomité ofrece un foro para mantener consultas y debates sobre temas pertinentes para la acuicultura, asesora al COFI sobre asuntos técnicos y de políticas relacionados con la acuicultura y proporciona orientación sobre los trabajos futuros.
The Parties discussed the results of the questionnaire for the review and assessment of the effectiveness of the PSMA, agreeing that the questionnaire was a useful tool, whilst noting the need for further improvements. The Parties tasked the FAO to review the questionnaire, and agreed that the questionnaire would be completed every four years. Parties noted that whilst progress has been made in effectively using the PSMA to combat IUU fishing, a number of challenges remain. Parties welcomed the useful information provided by Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs) related to progress made in the implementation of the PSMA, and agreed that a standardized questionnaire for RFBs is needed. Parties tasked FAO to develop a first draft of this questionnaire. The Parties welcomed the prototype of the global information exchange system (GIES) and agreed that it should enter a pilot phase. They also reiterated the importance of the availability of information related to the national contact points for the PSMA. The Parties expressed the importance of receiving support on the implementation of effective monitoring, control and surveillance, enforcement and the implementation of GIES. The Secretariat announced the launch of the Global Capacity Development Portal. The Parties requested that discussions around developing a strategy to improve the effectiveness of the PSMA be deferred to an ad hoc working group, and approved the terms of reference of the PSMA Strategy Ad Hoc Working Group.
This document reviews the development of the aquaculture industry in the Latin America and the Caribbean region over the past decade. In 2018 aquaculture production in the region amounted to an estimated 3.1 million tonnes of aquatic products (excluding seaweeds) worth USD 17.2 billion at first sale. This food sector is vastly concentrated in a few countries with the combined output from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico representing over 85 percent of the total regional production. Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, tilapia, whiteleg shrimp and the Chilean mussel collectively contributed 80.4 percent and 85.9 percent of the regional production by volume and value, respectively. Marine aquaculture has been the dominant production environment in the region for the past two decades, accounting for 70.1 percent of the farmed output in 2018. Production models vary widely, with a concentration of large-scale companies in Chile, while primarily small- and/or medium-size operations in Brazil, Peru and several other countries. Introduced species remain top on the list among those farmed such as tilapia and the different salmonids both of which have contributed to local livelihoods and employment. Tilapia farming has contributed significantly to food security in many countries of the region while the largest proportion of farmed salmons have been destined to the export markets. Production prospects remain promising, however the industry requires in general better governance, the adoption at all levels of appropriate technologies and best practices, and renewed efforts to guarantee environmental sustainability and social acceptance as well as competitiveness and foresight to deal with climate and market changes. The small island developing states (SIDS) face additional challenges including limited expertise, high production costs, poor seed supplies, as well as extreme and destructive weather events. The report discusses issues that require wider regional attention for the aquaculture sector to grow. Key recommendations focus on governance-related improvements highlighting the need for solid sectoral development plans, support policies, and effective rules and regulations. The promotion of a stronger cooperation among the countries in the region as well as further afield on technical matters, species diversification and equal support to smalland large-scale farming operation are identified as key elements to foster investment and help the region gain a solid position among world aquatic food producers.