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This new addition to the prestigious Wiley Series in Microwave and Optical Engineering presents the first comprehensive coverage of Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) and active grid arrays, the two-dimensional periodically arranged array elements which may be etched on, or imbedded in, one or multiple layers of dielectric laminates. Because of its filtering frequency properties, this technology, which has attracted much interest over the past two decades, is being used to create filtering devices in microwave and higher frequency bands. With Frequency Selective Surface and Grid Array, it is no longer necessary to sift through a multitude of research papers and reports. Here, in one self-contained volume, is a thorough and up-to-date treatment of the concept, theory, applications, design, and fabrication techniques for periodic arrays. Furthermore, the book provides a complete reference for the technological advances in FSS, including the recent technology of active grid arrays. The first part of the book is devoted to the fundamentals and analytical techniques pertaining to FSS and grid arrays, including the advanced analyses of the conjugate gradient method and the generalized mode-matching technique with multiple dielectrics or nonsimilar grid arrays. In the second part, the book deals with implementation and application, describing the numerous applications of this technology, from the reflector antenna system used in satellite and spacecraft communications and bandpass radome to solar energy grids. The expert contributions to this volume make it useful both as a tutorial and as a reference for project and system/design engineers working with antennas, optics, millimeter waves, microwaves, radar, and low observable radomes. A comprehensive and self-contained reference for FSS and grid array technology Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS), the two-dimensional periodic array elements with frequency filtering properties, have made important advances over the past two decades. They provide filtering devices in microwave and higher frequency bands with applications ranging from bandpass radome to solar energy grids—including satellite and spacecraft communications. Written by experts in the field and edited by Dr. T. K. Wu, an internationally recognized researcher in electromagnetics, Frequency Selective Surface and Grid Array provides the first comprehensive look at the theory, measurements, manufacturing, and applications of FSS and grid array technology. This publication brings together a wealth of information previously not available in book form, as well as material that has not been published anywhere, including: Passive and active grid design concepts and analysis, as well as FSS materials and fabrication techniques Practical design of frequency selective surface, high-performance bandpass radome, and active grid array Detailed equations for the reaction integrals Three computer codes to get readers started in the design of FSS and grid array (disk included) Case studies of FSS applications to multiband communication antenna systems Tables, figures, references, and numerous examples of practical FSS and grid array designs A tutorial analysis that includes the multilayer grid and dielectrics Frequency Selective Surface and Grid Array is an invaluable planning and design resource for research engineers and scientists dealing with FSS and grid array, as well as a handy reference for students and professionals entering the field.
"...Ben has been the world-wide guru of this technology, providing support to applications of all types. His genius lies in handling the extremely complex mathematics, while at the same time seeing the practical matters involved in applying the results. As this book clearly shows, Ben is able to relate to novices interested in using frequency selective surfaces and to explain technical details in an understandable way, liberally spiced with his special brand of humor... Ben Munk has written a book that represents the epitome of practical understanding of Frequency Selective Surfaces. He deserves all honors that might befall him for this achievement." -William F. Bahret. Mr. W. Bahret was with the United States Air Force but is now retired. From the early 50s he sponsored numerous projects concerning Radar Cross Section of airborne platforms in particular antennas and absorbers. Under his leadership grew many of the concepts used extensively today, as for example the metallic radome. In fact, he is by many considered to be the father of stealth technology. "This book compiles under one cover most of Munk's research over the past three decades. It is woven with the physical insight that he has gained and further developed as his career has grown. Ben uses mathematics to whatever extent is needed, and only as needed. This material is written so that it should be useful to engineers with a background in electromagnetics. I strongly recommend this book to any engineer with any interest in phased arrays and/or frequency selective surfaces. The physical insight that may be gained from this book will enhance their ability to treat additional array problems of their own." -Leon Peters, Jr. Professor Leon Peters, Jr., was a professor at the Ohio State University but is now retired. From the early sixties he worked on, among many other things, RCS problems involving antennas and absorbers. This book presents the complete derivation of the Periodic Method of Moments, which enables the reader to calculate quickly and efficiently the transmission and reflection properties of multi-layered Frequency Selective Surfaces comprised of either wire and/or slot elements of arbitrary shape and located in a stratified medium. However, it also gives the reader the tools to analyze multi-layered FSS's leading to specific designs of the very important Hybrid Radome, which is characterized by constant band width with angle of incidence and polarization. Further, it investigates in great detail bandstop filters with large as well as narrow bandwidth (dichroic surfaces). It also discusses for the first time, lossy elements used in producing Circuit Analog absorbers. Finally, the last chapter deals with power breakdown of FSS's when exposed to pulsed signals with high peak power. The approach followed by most other presentations simply consists of expanding the fields around the FSS, matching the boundary conditions and writing a computer program. While this enables the user to obtain calculated results, it gives very little physical insight and no help in how to design actual multi-layered FSS's. In contrast, the approach used in this title analyzes all curves of desired shapes. In particular, it discusses in great detail how to produce radomes made of FSS's located in a stratified medium (Hybrid Radomes), with constant band width for all angles of incidence and polarizations. Numerous examples are given of great practical interest. More specifically, Chapter 7 deals with the theory and design of bandpass radomes with constant bandwidth and flat tops. Examples are given for mono-, bi- and tri-planar designs. Chapter 8 deals with bandstop filters with broad as well as narrow bandwidth. Chapter 9 deals with multi-layered FSS of lossy elements, namely the so-called Circuit Analog Absorbers, designed to yield outstanding absorption with more than a decade of bandwidth. Features material previously labeled as classified by the United States Air Force.
This volume provides a consolidated reference for the applications of frequency selective surfaces (FSS) technology in different sectors such as wireless communications, smart buildings, microwave and medical industries. It covers all aspects of metamaterial FSS technology starting from theoretical simulation, fabrication and measurement all the way to actual hardware implementation. Also included are in-depth discussions on the design methodologies of metamaterial FSS structures and their practical implementation in devices and components. It will be of interest to researchers and engineers working on developing metamaterial-FSS technology.
To meet the demands of students, scientists and engineers for a systematic reference source, this book introduces, comprehensively and in a single voice, research and development progress in emerging metamaterials and derived functional metadevices. Coverage includes electromagnetic, optical, acoustic, thermal, and mechanical metamaterials and related metadevices. Metamaterials are artificially engineered composites with designed properties beyond those attainable in nature and with applications in all aspects of materials science. From spatially tailored dielectrics to tunable, dynamic materials properties and unique nonlinear behavior, metamaterial systems have demonstrated tremendous flexibility and functionality in electromagnetic, optical, acoustic, thermal, and mechanical engineering. Furthermore, the field of metamaterials has been extended from the mere pursuit of various exotic properties towards the realization of practical devices, leading to the concepts of dynamically-reconfigurable metadevices and functional metasurfaces. The book explores the fundamental physics, design, and engineering aspects, as well as the full array of state-of-the-art applications to electronics, telecommunications, antennas, and energy harvesting. Future challenges and potential in regard to design, modeling and fabrication are also addressed.
A periodic surface is an assembly of identical elements arranged in a one or two-dimensional array. Such surfaces have various effects on incident electromagnetic waves. Their applications range from antennas to stealth aircraft.This book discusses finite antenna arrays and how to minimize the radar cross section of these arrays. "Ben has been the world-wide guru of this technology...Ben Munk has written a book that represents the epitomy of practical understanding." W. Bahret, United States Air Force Frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) have important military and civilian applications including antenna theory, satellite communications and stealth technology Author is an authory on the subject, having been instrumental in the development of stealth technology for the US Air Force Much of the material in this book was deemed classified due to its importance to defence
This thesis presents three topics related to frequency selective surfaces (FSSs), namely bsorb/transmit FSSs, active FSSs and passive bandpass FSSs for energy-saving glass used in modern buildings. These three FSSs are unique in their design and functionalities. The absorb/transmit FSS is a novel dual-layer frequency selective surface for 5 GHz WLAN applications. This FSS can stop propagation of specific bands by absorbing as opposed to re ecting, while passing other useful signals. This is in contrast to the conventional Salisbury and Jaumann absorbers, which provide good absorption in the desired band while the out-of-band frequencies are attenuated. The second topic is a single-layer bandpass active FSS that can be switched between ON and OFF states to control the transmission in 2.45 GHz WLAN applications. Previously, researchers have focused on the bandstop and dual-layer versions of the active FSS. This is in contrast to the design presented in this thesis which is single-layer and provides extra advantage in a practical WLAN environment. Also the dc biasing techniques that were used for the active FSS design are easier to implement and provide good frequency stability for different angles of incidence and polarisations in both ON and OFF states. The last topic is on the use of a bandpass FSS in energy-saving glass panels used in building design. The manufacturers of these glass panels apply a very thin metal-oxide coating on one side of the glass panels to provide extra infrared (heat) attenuation. However, due to the presence of the coating, these energy-saving glass panels also attenuate communication signals such as GSM 900, GSM 1800/1900, UMTS and 3G mobile signals etc. This creates a major communication problem when buildings are constructed with windows of this glass. In this thesis, a solution to this problem is presented by designing and etching a cross-dipole bandpass FSS on the coated side of the glass to pass the useful signals while keeping infrared attenuation at an acceptable level. One of the advantages of this FSS design is that measured material values of the metal-oxide coating are used for simulations, which have not been done previously.
A planar dipole grid antenna is described deposited on an active frequency selective (FSS) or polarization sensitive surface (PSS) electronically tuneable to control the spatial phase distribution and reflective/transmissive amplification. Such dipole grids can be used, for example, in reflector antenna systems composed of multiple reflective and/or transmissive subsystems to achieve and serve highly cost-effective multi-purpose applications. It is discussed how the resonant frequency or/and the type of polarization can be tuned just by varying the steering voltage or current of electronically tunable components such as varactor diodes or YIG films, respectively, implemented and integrated with each of the radiating dipole elements. The theoretical analysis for this paper is based upon a specific Floquet theory approach for single/double/triple periodic antenna structures. The resulting system of coupled vector integral equations for the unknown electric and magnetic current distribution is numerically solved by applying the method of moments supported by Galerkin s process of weighting. The experimental investigations were performed by developing a waveguide simulation technique in the frequency range of 7 to 16 GHz. Results of selected measurements are presented for quantities such as: the spatially dependent reflection/transmission coefficients (magnitude, phase) as a function of signal frequency; the intrinsic input impedance / matching of the various dipole elements involved, etc.; and in addition to that - the resulting electronically achievable phase advance/delay and amplification of the active antenna system as well. A one/two-dimensional enlarged planar dipole grid of about 40 mm x 25 mm in aperture size was deposited inside an adequately tapered waveguide to reduce tolerance problems and to suppress higher order modes.