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The action plan for the conservation of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Europe was prepared for the Large Carnivore Initiative in Europe, a voluntary organisation supported by the World Wide Fund for Nature. The plan was discussed and endorsed in the framework of the Council of Europe's Wildlife Convention (Bern Convention). It contains valuable information on the status of the species and useful recommendations and guidelines for its conservation and management
The action plan for the conservation of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) in Europe was prepared for the Large Carnivore Initiative in Europe, a voluntary organisation supported by the World Wide Fund for Nature. The plan was discussed and endorsed in the framework of the Council of Europe's Wildlife Convention (Bern Convention). It contains valuable information on the status of the species and useful recommendations and guidelines for its conservation and management
The Lynx was reintroduced in Switzerland in 1971 and has since increased its population to cover a substantial part of the Alps. The re-introduction was followed by a monitoring programme that has shown that the species still faces some challenges for its survival in the region. The Pan-Alpine Conservation Strategy for the Lynx (PACS) presented in this document states that no Alpine country can host a viable lynx population in isolation as all regional populations will be transboundary, and notes that international co-operation is essential for the conservation of shared populations, and even more to solve the mutual problems. The Strategy was endorsed by the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention in 2001.
This study has been prepared in the framework of the work programme of the Committee of Experts for the Pan-European Ecological Network. It gives an overview of national approaches to realise ecological corridors through land use planning and development policies of countries implementing the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy.
The Council of Europe's Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, or "Bern Convention", came into force on 1 June 1982. The aim of the Bern Convention is to conserve biodiversity through a regional pan-European framework extended to include the Mediterranean regions and Africa. This document contains the texts adopted between 2001 and 2004 by the Standing Committee, a body composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties, whose meetings are attended also by observers. The Standing Committee is responsible for following the application of the Convention and can make recommendations to the Contracting Parties concerning measures to be taken for its implementation.
The pace of biodiversity decline is quickening worldwide. Habitat break-up, pollution, over-use of natural areas and the creation of artificial landscapes increase the rate of erosion, while reducing species' opportunity for migration, dispersion and exchange. In 1995, when the European Ministers of the Environment met in Sofia, they launched the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy, so as to strengthen environment and biodiversity conservation policies. The setting up of the Pan-European Ecological Network covering Eurasia was one of the key steps taken under the Strategy. Work has continued on this project, and it is now based on the numerous national, regional and transregional ecological networks being set up throughout Europe.In Kiev, in 2003, the Ministers and heads of delegation noted these positive developments, expressed firm support for the creation of the Pan-European Ecological Network and asked for its constituent parts to be identified and mapped on a pan-European scale.This book looks at the implementation of this Network in the 55 states concerned. It has been written by a team comprising, under the aegis of the Council of Europe, numerous government experts and specialists dealing with the issue of ecological networks. It is intended to reassure Ministers, policy-makers and scientists that they made the right decision in supporting the creation of the Pan-European Ecological Network with a view to (re-)creating a true green infrastructure for Europe.
Climate change is likely to have major environmental effects on natural habitats in the next fifty years. Conservation of biological diversity will have to be modified drastically to avoid massive extinctions of species of threatened habitat types. Precise recommendations are made to governments and conservation agencies that collaborate in the framework of the Bern Convention. This publication provides a starting point for discussion about possible adaptation strategies if Europe's biodiversity is to be conserved.
This publication contains a number of reports prepared for a high-level conference on issues relating to biological and landscape diversity in European agricultural policies, held in Paris in June 2002. The conference made recommendations to states and relevant organisations and provided input to policy work and programmes within the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Ministerial Conference on Environment for Europe , the Convention to Combat Desertification and the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and national policy developments.
Ever closer links have been forged between caring for nature on the one hand and human activities on the other. In recent years there has been a shift from an interest in reserve-based nature, which excluded man and human activities, to an increasingly powerful nature-culture relationship. Nature protection became nature conservation and then nature development with the integration of socio-economic and cultural aspects. Within the framework of the setting-up of the Pan-European Ecological Network, these sociological aspects have a great importance for establishing an ecological network where the scientific aspects of biodiversity protection must co-exist with nature management and development.