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From a mathematical point of view, acoustics and electromagnetism exhibit similar phenomena and are tackled with the same kind of technique. Jones's exhaustive study is unique in providing a unified treatment of the two fields, bringing out their common and disparate features and showing how they cross-fertilize one another. The book is designed so that the reader with a familiarity with either Maxwell's Equations or the equation of sound waves in fluid dynamics can follow the developments in both fields without difficulty. This is a comprehensive treatment which will provide a needed reference for researchers in applied mathematics and mathematical physics but also caters to the student, who is taken up to the frontiers of research with the help of appropriate exercises. Engineers with any sort of mathematical competence, particularly electrical engineers and those concerned with communications technology, will need to have access to it.
It has now been almost ten years since our first book on scattering theory ap peared [32]. At that time we claimed that "in recent years the development of integral equation methods for the direct scattering problem seems to be nearing completion, whereas the use of such an approach to study the inverse scattering problem has progressed to an extent that a 'state of the art' survey appears highly desirable". Since we wrote these words, the inverse scattering problem for acoustic and electromagnetic waves has grown from being a few theoreti cal considerations with limited numerical implementations to a weH developed mathematical theory with tested numerical algorithms. This maturing of the field of inverse scattering theory has been based on the realization that such problems are in general not only nonlinear but also improperly posed in the sense that the solution does not depend continuously on the measured data. This was emphasized in [32] and treated with the ideas and tools available at that time. Now, almost ten years later, these initial ideas have developed to the extent that a monograph summarizing the mathematical basis of the field seems appropriate. This book is oUf attempt to write such a monograph. The inverse scattering problem for acoustic and electromagnetic waves can broadly be divided into two classes, the inverse obstacle problem and the inverse medium problem.
The book deals with the analysis of oscillations, mechanical and electromagnetic waves, and their use in medicine. Each chapter contains the theoretical basis and the use of relevant phenomena in medical practice. Description of oscillations is important for understanding waves and the nature of magnetic resonance. A chapter on mechanical waves describes the origin and properties of sound, infrasound and ultrasound, their medical applications, and perception of sound by human hearing. A chapter on electromagnetic waves examines their origin, properties, and applications in therapy and diagnostics. Subsequent chapters describe how interference and diffraction lead to applications like optical imaging, holography, virtual reality, and perception of light by human vision. Also addressed is how quantum properties of radiation helped develop the laser scalpel, fluorescence microscopy, spectroscopy, X-rays, and gamma radiation.
The discrete sources method is an efficient and powerful tool for solving a large class of boundary-value problems in scattering theory. A variety of numerical methods for discrete sources now exist. In this book, the authors unify these formulations in the context of the so-called discrete sources method. Comprehensive presentation of the discrete sources method Original theory - an extension of the conventional null-field method using discrete sources Practical examples that demonstrate the efficiency and flexibility of elaborated methods (scattering by particles with high aspect ratio, rough particles, nonaxisymmetric particles, multiple scattering) List of discrete sources programmes available via the Internet
This book is devoted to the mathematical and numerical analysis of the inverse scattering problem for acoustic and electromagnetic waves. The second edition includes material on Newton’s method for the inverse obstacle problem, an elegant proof of uniqueness for the inverse medium problem, a discussion of the spectral theory of the far field operator and a method for determining the support of an inhomogeneous medium from far field data.
Handbook of Radiation and Scattering of Waves is a self-contained, medium-level handbook on the time-domain and complex frequency domain radiation and scattering of elastic waves in solids, electromagnetic waves and acoustic waves in fluids. The emphasis is placed on reciprocity as a basic concept for developing the methodology of handling forward (direct) and inverse sources and scattering problems. Using international nomenclature, the text presents a consistent use of the subscript notation for vectors and tensors enabling an effortless transcription of the mathematical expressions into statements in any high-level programming language (i.e., FORTRAN 77 or FORTRAN 90) or in symbolic manipulation programs such as Mathematica (r). Carefully selected exercises, with answers, are provided at the end of each section. This handbook assumes the reader has a knowledge of elementary mechanics and differential calculus, as well as a grasp of Laplace and Fourier transformation methods. Displays a consistent use of vectors and tensors Covers time domain analysis Covers fundamentals of elastic wave motion in solids Explains derivation of the basic equations of elastodynamics Develops time-domain methods side-by-side with complex frequency domain methods Facilitates easy transcription of mathematical expressions into statements in any high-level programming language such as FORTRAN 77 or FORTRAN 99, or in symbolic manipulation programs like Mathematica(r) through consistent use of subscript notation for vectors and tensors
The book represents an exhaustive study of the scattering properties of acoustically soft and hard bodies and of perfect conductors, presented for 15 geometrically-simple shapes. Such shapes are important in their own right and as a basis for synthesizing the radiation and scattering properties of more complex configurations. Each shape is treated in a separate chapter whose contents are presented in stylized format for easy reference. Emphasis is placed on results in the form of formulae and diagrams. Although no detailed derivation are included, an outline of methods in scattering theory is given in the Introduction. (Author).
Dealing with vibrations and waves, this text aims to provide understanding of the basic principles and methods of analysing various physical phenomena. The content includes the general properties of propagation, a detailed study of mechanical (elastic and acoustic) and electromagnetic waves, propagation, attenuation, dispersion, reflection, interference and diffraction of waves. It features chapters on the effect of motion of sources and observers (both classical and relativistic), emission of electromagnetic waves, standing and guided waves and a final chapter on de Broglie waves constitutes an introduction to quantum mechanics.
This book discusses the development of radio-wave tomography methods as a means of remote non-destructive testing, diagnostics of the internal structure of semi-transparent media, and reconstruction of the shapes of opaque objects based on multi-angle sounding. It describes physical-mathematical models of systems designed to reconstruct images of hidden objects, based on tomographic processing of multi-angle remote measurements of scattered radio and acoustic (ultrasonic) wave radiation.
Acoustics is a mature field which enjoys a never ending youth. New developments are induced by either the search for a better understanding, or by technological innovations. Micro-fabrication techniques introduced a whole new class of microdevices, which exploit acoustic waves for various tasks, and in particular for information processing and for sensing purposes. Performance improvements are achievable by better modelling tools, able to deal with more complex configurations, and by more refined techniques of fabrication and of integration in technological systems, like wireless communications. Several chapters of this book deal with modelling and fabrication techniques for microdevices, including unconventional phenomena and configurations. But this is far from exhausting the research lines in acoustics. Theoretical analyses and modelling techniques are presented, for phenomena ranging from the detection of cracks to the acoustics of the oceans. Measurement methods are also discussed, which probe by acoustic waves the properties of widely different systems.