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Because of their structural simplicity, bridges tend to beparticularly vulnerable to damage and even collapse when subjectedto earthquakes or other forms of seismic activity. Recentearthquakes, such as the ones in Kobe, Japan, and Oakland,California, have led to a heightened awareness of seismic risk andhave revolutionized bridge design and retrofit philosophies. In Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges, three of the world's topauthorities on the subject have collaborated to produce the mostexhaustive reference on seismic bridge design currently available.Following a detailed examination of the seismic effects of actualearthquakes on local area bridges, the authors demonstrate designstrategies that will make these and similar structures optimallyresistant to the damaging effects of future seismicdisturbances. Relying heavily on worldwide research associated with recentquakes, Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges begins with anin-depth treatment of seismic design philosophy as it applies tobridges. The authors then describe the various geotechnicalconsiderations specific to bridge design, such as soil-structureinteraction and traveling wave effects. Subsequent chapters coverconceptual and actual design of various bridge superstructures, andmodeling and analysis of these structures. As the basis for their design strategies, the authors' focus is onthe widely accepted capacity design approach, in which particularlyvulnerable locations of potentially inelastic flexural deformationare identified and strengthened to accommodate a greater degree ofstress. The text illustrates how accurate application of thecapacity design philosophy to the design of new bridges results instructures that can be expected to survive most earthquakes withonly minor, repairable damage. Because the majority of today's bridges were built before thecapacity design approach was understood, the authors also devoteseveral chapters to the seismic assessment of existing bridges,with the aim of designing and implementing retrofit measures toprotect them against the damaging effects of future earthquakes.These retrofitting techniques, though not considered appropriate inthe design of new bridges, are given considerable emphasis, sincethey currently offer the best solution for the preservation ofthese vital and often historically valued thoroughfares. Practical and applications-oriented, Seismic Design and Retrofit ofBridges is enhanced with over 300 photos and line drawings toillustrate key concepts and detailed design procedures. As the onlytext currently available on the vital topic of seismic bridgedesign, it provides an indispensable reference for civil,structural, and geotechnical engineers, as well as students inrelated engineering courses. A state-of-the-art text on earthquake-proof design and retrofit ofbridges Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges fills the urgent need for acomprehensive and up-to-date text on seismic-ally resistant bridgedesign. The authors, all recognized leaders in the field,systematically cover all aspects of bridge design related toseismic resistance for both new and existing bridges. * A complete overview of current design philosophy for bridges,with related seismic and geotechnical considerations * Coverage of conceptual design constraints and their relationshipto current design alternatives * Modeling and analysis of bridge structures * An exhaustive look at common building materials and theirresponse to seismic activity * A hands-on approach to the capacity design process * Use of isolation and dissipation devices in bridge design * Important coverage of seismic assessment and retrofit design ofexisting bridges
"TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 440, Performance-Based Seismic Bridge Design (PBSD) summarizes the current state of knowledge and practice for PBSD. PBSD is the process that links decision making for facility design with seismic input, facility response, and potential facility damage. The goal of PBSD is to provide decision makers and stakeholders with data that will enable them to allocate resources for construction based on levels of desired seismic performance"--Publisher's description.
First Published in 1999: The Bridge Engineering Handbook is a unique, comprehensive, and state-of-the-art reference work and resource book covering the major areas of bridge engineering with the theme "bridge to the 21st century."
This work offers guidance on bridge design for extreme events induced by human beings. This document provides the designer with information on the response of concrete bridge columns subjected to blast loads as well as blast-resistant design and detailing guidelines and analytical models of blast load distribution. The content of this guideline should be considered in situations where resisting blast loads is deemed warranted by the owner or designer.
This edition is based on the work of NCHRP project 20-7, task 262 and updates the 2nd (1999) edition -- P. ix.
Nowadays research in earthquake engineering is mainly experimental and in large-scale; advanced computations are integrated with large-scale experiments, to complement them and extend their scope, even by coupling two different but simultaneous tests. Earthquake engineering cannot give answers by testing and qualifying few, small typical components or single large prototypes. Besides, the large diversity of Civil Engineering structures does not allow drawing conclusions from only a few tests; structures are large and their seismic response and performance cannot be meaningfully tested in an ordinary lab or in the field. So, seismic testing facilities should be much larger than in other scientific fields; their staff has to be resourceful, devising intelligent ways to carry out simultaneously different tests and advanced computations. To better serve such a mission European testing facilities and researchers in earthquake engineering have shared their resources and activities in the framework of the European project SERIES, combining their research and jointly developing advanced testing and instrumentation techniques that maximize testing capabilities and increase the value of the tests. This volume presents the first outcomes of the SERIES and its contribution towards Performance-based Earthquake Engineering, i.e., to the most important development in Earthquake Engineering of the past three decades. The concept and the methodologies for performance-based earthquake engineering have now matured. However, they are based mainly on analytical/numerical research; large-scale seismic testing has entered the stage recently. The SERIES Workshop in Ohrid (MK) in Sept. 2010 pooled together the largest European seismic testing facilities, Europe’s best experts in experimental earthquake engineering and select experts from the USA, to present recent research achievements and to address future developments. Audience: This volume will be of interest to researchers and advanced practitioners in structural earthquake engineering, geotechnical earthquake engineering, engineering seismology, and experimental dynamics, including seismic qualification.
This full color manual is intended to explain the principles of seismic design for those without a technical background in engineering and seismology. The primary intended audience is that of architects, and includes practicing architects, architectural students and faculty in architectural schools who teach structures and seismic design. For this reason the text and graphics are focused on those aspects of seismic design that are important for the architect to know.
Complete coverage of earthquake-resistant concrete building design Written by a renowned seismic engineering expert, this authoritative resource discusses the theory and practice for the design and evaluation of earthquakeresisting reinforced concrete buildings. The book addresses the behavior of reinforced concrete materials, components, and systems subjected to routine and extreme loads, with an emphasis on response to earthquake loading. Design methods, both at a basic level as required by current building codes and at an advanced level needed for special problems such as seismic performance assessment, are described. Data and models useful for analyzing reinforced concrete structures as well as numerous illustrations, tables, and equations are included in this detailed reference. Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings covers: Seismic design and performance verification Steel reinforcement Concrete Confined concrete Axially loaded members Moment and axial force Shear in beams, columns, and walls Development and anchorage Beam-column connections Slab-column and slab-wall connections Seismic design overview Special moment frames Special structural walls Gravity framing Diaphragms and collectors Foundations