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Lists accounts between Henry Knox and Thomas Vose for articles in a store. Signed by Henry Knox.
Lists transactions between Henry Knox and Thomas Vose by date. Date from docket and signature is clipped.
Introduces John Shoby to Knox. States Shoby was a soldier during the [Revolutionary] War and he would like 200 acres of land.
Writes to Knox about a financial arrangement between the bearer, a Mr. Mathias [Storer], a Mr. William Lermond, and Vose. Brief receipt signed by Storer on verso.
Writes that he saw Knox's instructions to Mr. [likely Ebenezer] Dunton regarding the building of a store. Discusses his plans, including his difficulty obtaining lumber during the winter season. Also mentions several individuals who have claimed Knox hired them to work on the farm. Vose is uncertain whether Knox really did hire them. Provides information on a variety of subjects pertaining to his area of the Waldo patent lands. Mentions Captain [George] Ulmer's arrival in Ducktrap and encloses a letter from him (not present).
Informs Knox he enclosed a survey from Mr. [Noah] Miller. Also informs him he hired Mr. [James] Malcom to survey the [Waldo patent] land. Discusses the progress of the survey work, marking the road, and laying out the township. Mentions he was planning on sending him potatoes but they were small and watery.
Two notes of receipt from Thomas Vose to Henry Knox's account. The first is for [dollar sign] 104.76 and the second for [dollar sign] 250.78.
Written from Watertown, likely in Massachusetts. Was prepared to travel eastward after his return from New York, but has been unable to find passage on a vessel. Boston Harbor is frozen over, so decided to travel by land in a sleigh with Captain Ludwig, a representative in the General Court from Waldosborough. It has taken longer than expected for the General Court to approve of a tax, so they have been unable to leave as yet, but it looks like they will be able to leave tomorrow. Reports that Captain Hall is feeling better from his Rheumatic disorder and might join Vose in his agency in six months, if necessary. Has signed the articles in agreement with Knox to work as his agent, but has several questions about parts of the articles which he would like Knox to address.
Request to supervise the arrangement of the Cannon & Stores from the outposts agreeably to the directions which you have received from this day.. - You will request of the Fort Major the number of men which shall be necessary for your purposes, taking care that a proportion of them be Artillery men. Retained copy prepared for Knox's files, copied out in the hand of aide-de-camp John Lillie, and signed for Knox by him. Also bears Lillie's docket on verso.
Note of receipt from Henry Knox and Thomas Vose for [dollar sign] 200.