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Particle accelerators are important tools for materials research and production. Advances in high-intensity linear accelerator technology make it possible to consider enhanced neutron sources for fusion material studies or as a source of spallation neutrons. Energy variability, uniformity of target dose distribution, target bombardment from multiple directions, time-scheduled dose patterns, and other features can be provided, opening new experimental opportunities. New designs have also been used to ensure hands-on maintenance on the accelerator in these factory-type facilities. Designs suitable for proposals such as the Japanese Energy-Selective Intense Neutron Source, and the international Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility are discussed.
Neutron applications in the life sciences will be a rapidly growing research area in the near future, as neutrons can provide unique information on the reaction dynamics of complex biomolecular systems, complementing other analytical techniques such as electron microscopy, X rays and nuclear magnetic resonance.
In 2005 the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna published a report [1] on 'Development Opportunities of Small and Medium Scale Accelerator Driven Neutron Sources' which summarized the prospect of smaller sources in supporting the large spallation neutron sources for materials characterization and instrumentation, a theme advocated by Bauer, Clausen, Mank, and Mulhauser in previous publications [2-4]. In 2010 the Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (UCANS) was established [5], galvanizing cross-disciplinary collaborations on new source and neutronics development and expanded applications based on both slow-neutron scattering and other neutron-matter interactions of neutron energies ranging from 10−6 to 102 MeV [6]. Here, we first cover the recent development of ongoing and prospective projects of compact accelerator-driven neutron sources (CANS) but concentrate on prospective accelerators currently proposed in Italy. Two active R & D topics, irradiation effects on electronics and cultural heritage studies, are chosen to illustrate the impact of state-of-the-art CANS on these programs with respect to the characteristics and complementarity of the accelerator and neutronics systems as well as instrumentation development.
This chapter reviews the most significant developments that have taken place in the design, construction, and operation of new neutron sources as well as the refurbishment programs of others already serving the neutron-scattering community. Such advances in neutron production devices are to be considered in conjunction with impressive achievements in the optimization of neutron delivery systems as well as in neutron instrumentation which overall resulted in a truly remarkable improvement in neutron count rates. As a result, the capabilities of experimental neutron sources are nowadays larger than ever before, despite there being fewer sources available. It is also worth remarking the coming into line of compact, accelerator-driven neutron sources as well as work carried out at small research reactors which, as exemplified during the past decade, have played an important role in helping the large, user-based facilities to carry out development work geared toward the achievement of full performance.
This proceedings volume is a collection of papers dealing with the applications of spallation neutron sources to pure science, applied science and defense programs. The topics, ranging from accelerator technology to applications in materials science and neutrino physics, are covered by experts in their respective fields.
The applications of the use of cold neutrons for condensed matter research at accelerator-based spallation sources are less well-known than that of the use of cold neutrons at reactor sources. This book represents the outcome of the first international workshop on “Materials Research Using Cold Neutrons at Pulsed Sources”. It consists of overviews of the present status and future trends in research opportunities using cold neutrons, as well as topical papers focusing on the areas of small-angle neutron scattering, reflectivity and spectroscopic studies of a rich variety of materials, from adsorbed molecules to thin films to coal to metallic glasses. These papers will benefit researchers who are interested in the characterization of microscopic properties of advanced materials.
Accelerator-based neutron sources for R D of materials in nuclear energy systems, including fusion reactors, can provide sufficient neutron flux, flux-volume, fluence and other attractive features for many aspects of materials research. The neutron spectrum produced from the D-Li reaction has been judged useful for many basic materials research problems, and to be a satisfactory approximation to that of the fusion process. The technology of high-intensity linear accelerators can readily be applied to provide the deuteron beam for the neutron source. Earlier applications included the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility and the Fusion Materials Irradiation Test facility prototype. The key features of today's advanced accelerator technology are presented to illustrate the present state-of-the-art in terms of improved understanding of basic physical principles and engineering technique, and to show how these advances can be applied to present demands in a timely manner. These features include how to produce an intense beam current with the high quality required to minimize beam losses along the accelerator and transport system that could cause maintenance difficulties, by controlling the beam emittance through proper choice of the operating frequency, balancing of the forces acting on the beam, and realization in practical hardware. A most interesting aspect for materials researchers is the increased flexibility and opportunities for experimental configurations that a modern accelerator-based source could add to the set of available tools. 8 refs., 5 figs.
This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to the fundamental theory and applications of slow-neutron scattering.
In the present work, the target station of the accelerator-driven neutron source HBS is optimized in comprehensive parameter studies using the Monto-Carlo method. The dependence of the most important performance characteristics of such a system on the external parameters is investigated neglecting technical and mechanical limitations. In this way, qualitative and quantitative statements for all possible configurations and envisaged applications can be derived and should be considered in the detailed planning of such facilities. For this purpose, different scenarios are considered that place completely different requirements on the design of the target station. The central statements derived in this thesis can be transferred to any framework conditions, such as different accelerator energies, so that these results can be used in the development of other neutron sources, which together with the HBS form a European network and provide a prosperous community in neutron science.
The neutron scattering community has endorsed the need for a high- power (1 to 5 MW) accelerator-driven source of neutrons for materials research. Properly configured, the accelerator could produce very short (sub-microsecond) bursts of cold neutrons, said time structure offering advantages over the continuous flux from a reactor for a large class of experiments. The recent cancellation of the ANS reactor project has increased the urgency to develop a comprehensive strategy based on the best technological scenarios. Studies to date have built on the experience from ISIS (the 160 KW source in the UK), and call for a high-current (approx. 100 mA peak) H− source-linac combination injecting into one or more accumulator rings in which beam may be further accelerated. The 1 to 5 GeV proton beam is extracted in a single turn and brought to the target-moderator stations. The high current, high duty-factor, high brightness and high reliability required of the ion source present a very large challenge to the ion source community. A workshop held in Berkeley in October 1994, analyzed in detail the source requirements for proposed accelerator scenarios, the present performance capabilities of different H− source technologies, and identified necessary R & D efforts to bridge the gap.