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Gustafson provides a comprehensive overview of Lessing's comments on the structure and purpose of the domestic tragedy within the context of his Laokoon essay, demonstrating that the fundamental psychic-deep structures informing his aesthetic and dramatic production are male narcissism and the abjection of the woman/the mother. As opposed to earlier studies of gender/generic questions in Lessing's dramas, this analysis explicates the theoretical basis for the rigid codification of gender which informs Lessing's fictional symbolic order.
Is your child or teen overeating or overweight? Are you unsure how to help? You’re not alone. If your ten- to eighteen-year-old is struggling with overeating, you know how hard that can be—for your child and for you. Unhealthy eating habits put kids and teens’ well-being and self-confidence at risk. Something needs to change—but what? And how can you bring it up so they can really hear you? You may have tried to help your child—without much success—but you may be overlooking the root cause of their struggle with eating and exercise—their thinking. In Free Your Child from Overeating, Dr. Michelle P. Maidenberg shares over 40 interactive exercises that will help your child or teen: Identify triggers, cravings, and self-sabotaging thought patterns Define his or her values and find the motivation to change Learn to eat mindfully by savoring meals and snacks And set realistic goals using the four P’s: predict, plan, put into action, and practice. It can be tempting to hope that your child’s overeating is “just a phase,” but the price of inaction is too high. Using Dr. Maidenberg’s 53 strategies (rooted in mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy), you can free your child from overeating or obesity by building his or her confidence. Your child has the power to change, and you have the power to help!
The BBC America series Orphan Black (2013-2017) won acclaim for its compelling writing, resonant themes and innovative special effects. And for the bravura acting of Tatiana Maslany, who plays an ever-growing number of clones drawn into an increasingly dangerous world of cutting-edge science, corporate espionage, military secrets and religious fanaticism. Heir to pioneering shows centered on strong female characters, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dollhouse, Lost and Xena: Warrior Princess, Orphan Black models the current Golden Age of serial-form storytelling, with themes of identity, bodily autonomy, gender and sexuality playing against corporate greed and its co-opting of science. This collection of new essays analyzes the diverse clone characters and the series, covering topics including motherhood, surveillance culture, mythology, eugenics, and special effects, as well as the science behind cloning.
Dropped off at an Orphanage and separated from my siblings at age seven. I was always being called BAD by the sisters that cared for us. I was able to make it through it all with lots of prayers and Faith in my Jesus. After leaving the home, I moved on into an abusive marriage thinking it was normal, it was all I knew, it was one tough struggle after another. I was able to come out on top.
The church across North America has struggled to minister effectively with children, teens, and adults with common mental health conditions and their families. One reason for the lack of ministry is the absence of a widely accepted model for mental health outreach and inclusion. In Mental Health and the Church: A Ministry Handbook for Including Children and Adults with ADHD, Anxiety, Mood Disorders, and Other Common Mental Health Conditions, Dr. Stephen Grcevich presents a simple and flexible model for mental health inclusion ministry for implementation by churches of all sizes, denominations, and organizational styles. The model is based upon recognition of seven barriers to church attendance and assimilation resulting from mental illness: stigma, anxiety, self-control, differences in social communication and sensory processing, social isolation and past experiences of church. Seven broad inclusion strategies are presented for helping persons of all ages with common mental health conditions and their families to fully participate in all of the ministries offered by the local church. The book is also designed to be a useful resource for parents, grandparents and spouses interested in promoting the spiritual growth of loved ones with mental illness.
Inhalt: Birgit TAUTZ: Introduction: Color and Ethnic Difference or Ways of Seeing Part I: 1800 Gudrun HENTGES: Die Erfindung der 'Rasse' um 1800 - Klima, Säfte und Phlogiston in de Rassentheorie Immanuel Kants Wendy SUTHERLAND: Black Skin, White Skin and the Aesthetics of the Female Body in: Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Ziegler's Die Mohrinn Daniel PURDY: The Whiteness of Beauty: Weimar Neo-Classicism and the Sculptural Transcendence of Color Assenka OKSILOFF: The Eye of the Ethnographer: Adalbert von Chamisso's Voyage Around the World Part II: 1900 Thomas R. MILLER: Seeing Eyes, Reading Bodies: Visuality, Race and Color Perception or a Threshold in the History of Human Sciences Andreas MICHEL: "Our European Arrogance": Wilhelm Worringer and Carl Einstein on Non-European Art Nana BADENBERG: Mohrenwäschen, Völkerschauen: Der Konsum des Schwarzen um 1900 Fatima EL-TAYEB: "We are Germans, We are Whites, and We Want to Stay White!" African Germans and Citizenship in the early 20th Century Part III: 2000 Uli LINKE: Shame on the Skin: Post-Holocaust Memory and the German Aesthetics of Whiteness Christine ACHINGER: Colouring the invisible: The figure of the 'black drug dealer' as a projection of socially produced fears Helen CAFFERTY: Orfeo and Sam: Racial, Sexual, and Ethnic Otherness in Dörrie's Keiner liebt mich (1994) and Sanoussi-Bliss' Zurück auf los (1999) Birgit TAUTZ: Epilog: Farblose Räume
Women Warriors in Romantic Drama examines a recurring figure that appears in French, British, and German drama between 1789 and 1830: the woman warrior. The term itself, “woman warrior,” refers to quasi-historical female soldiers or assassins. Women have long contributed to military campaigns as canteen women. Camp followers ranged from local citizenry to spouses and prostitutes, and on occasion, women assisted men in combat. However, the woman warrior is a romantic figure, meaning a fanciful ideal, despite the reality of women’s participation in select scenes of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. The central claim of this book is the woman warrior is a way for some women writers (Olympe de Gouges, Christine Westphalen, Karoline von Günderrode, and Mary Robinson) to explore the case for extending citizenship to women. This project focuses primarily on theater for the reason that the stage simulates the public world that female dramatists and their warriors seek to inhabit. Novels and poetry clearly belong to the realm of fiction, but when audiences see women fighting onstage, they confront concrete visions of impossible women. I examine dramas in the context of their performance and production histories in order to answer why so many serious dramas featuring women warriors fail to find applause, or fail to be staged at all. Dramas about women warriors seem to sometimes contribute to the argument for female citizenship when they take the form of tragedy, because the deaths of female protagonists in such plays often provoke consideration about women’s place in society. Consequently, where we find women playing soldiers in various entertainment venues, farce and satire often seem to dominate, although this book points to some exceptions. Censorship and audience demand for comedies made producing tragedies difficult for female playwrights, who battled additional obstacles to fashioning their careers. I compare male (Edmund Eyre, Heinrich von Kleist) and female writers’ dramatizations of the woman warrior. This analysis shows that the difficult project of getting audiences to take women warriors seriously resembles women writers’ struggles to enter the ostensibly male domains of tragedy and the public sphere. Published by University of Delaware Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
How does the 'medieval' function as a bearer of Jewish identity in a changing secular world? Each chapter in this work addresses a different Jewish return to the medieval by using a language of renewal.
In 2002, the Human Sciences Research Council was commissioned by the WK Kellogg Foundation to develop and implement a five-year intervention project focusing on orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in southern Africa. In collaboration with several partner organizations, the project currently focuses on how children, families and communities in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe are coping with the impact of HIV/AIDS. The aim of the project is to develop models of best practise so as to enhance and improve support structures for OVC in the southern African region as a whole. This report forms part of a series that examines the work undertaken as part of the Kellogg OVC Intervention Project from 2002 to 2005.
The groundbreaking guide to self-healing and getting the love you missed “Years ago, I was on vacation and read The Emotionally Absent Mother. That book was one of many that woke me up. . . . I began the process of reparenting and it’s changed my life.”—Dr. Nicole LePera, New York Times–bestselling author of How to Do the Work Was your mother preoccupied, distant, or even demeaning? Have you struggled with relationships—or with your own self-worth? Often, the grown children of emotionally absent mothers can’t quite put a finger on what’s missing from their lives. The children of abusive mothers, by contrast, may recognize the abuse—but overlook its lasting, harmful effects. Psychotherapist Jasmin Lee Cori has helped thousands of men and women heal the hidden wounds left by every kind of undermothering. In this second edition of her pioneering book, with compassion for mother and child alike, she explains: Possible reasons your mother was distracted or hurtful—and what she was unable to give The lasting impact of childhood emotional neglect and abuse How to find the child inside you and fill the “mother gap” through reflections and exercises How to secure a happier future for yourself (and perhaps for your children).