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E. Stanley Jones wrote Victorious Living in 1936 to respond to inquirers who had come to him morally and spiritually defeated. They were inwardly beaten, thus outwardly ineffective. The book responds with individual and social emphases, and goes step by step, as if on a ladder, to work through the pressing questions of the inner life and how it extends outward: How do we achieve a life evidencing the peace that passes understanding, even in ourselves, let alone passing it on? What makes the difference between ordinary living and extraordinary, victorious living? How can we build a new inner strength that shines through in our outward character and relationships? Our own efforts to rise above are ineffective but by applying the power of God’s Word we can close the gap between our reality and our beliefs. Each daily reading offers essential truths and eternal principles: keys to victorious living in the circumstances we encounter every day! Now this vibrant work is making a long deserved comeback, with a new foreword by Leonard Sweet.
STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF JOSHUA This guide to Victorious Christian Living is not about a theory to be admired but an experience to be enjoyed. The greatest need of the Christian Church is a revival of the New Testament standard of living. There seems to be a wide gulf between what we believe and how we live, a marked contrast between our position in Christ and our actual experience. Too often we claim to believe our Bible from cover to cover, but fail to live out its truths in daily conduct. The spiritual emphasis of the book of Joshua is to move the believer beyond conversion into the land of promise that awaits us here and now. This book is written with the fervent prayer that the Lord may use it for His glory to help many people face afresh the implications of the Cross and the pattern of God's redemption in personal life.
A successful life of victory and purpose doesn't happen by accident. It's made up of many small pieces all leading to the bigger picture, just like a puzzle. Regardless of whether someone is newly saved or has been a Christian for 50 years, many times people have all the pieces to the puzzle but don't know how to put them together. Or maybe they're missing some of the pieces so the puzzle doesn't make sense. Victorious Living is about putting all those pieces together so that people can see the whole picture of the life God has for them. One of victory in every area of life, and a life of deep relationship with God. After having met hundreds of Christians who love God but who simply had no idea that God had an answer for their struggles and issues, or that Christianity was so much more than just assurance of a place in heaven, Joanne and her husband Ralph started sharing the content of Victorious Living with others. These lessons were learned through years of struggle and crises in their own lives, marriage, finances and health. The victory they were able to achieve through the principles within this book, is now available for others to tap into. Victorious Living goes beyond just doctrinal teaching and philosophies. The teachings are broken down into easy-to-understand principles that can be plugged into everyday life, so that each person reading this book can also experience the joy of victorious living.
'Keys to Victorious Living' is a workbook that enables Believers to become mature Christians. This workbook is designed as a tool to equip Leaders to effectively disciple others. Discipleship must be about transformation of character and also the transference of ability. Jesus demonstrated this with His twelve Disciples; they were transformed by the teaching of Jesus concerning the Kingdom. Later on, these Disciples were designated as Apostles, who went on to transform cities and regions. 'Keys to Victorious Living' is the beginning of the journey that God intends for every Christian.
Without a doubt, the quest to attain sexual purity is the No. 1 battle Christian men face in the 21st Century. The message of Gallagher's timely book is that men need not settle for a fear-driven form of freedom. As children of God, the bountiful life of victory in Christ is theirs for the taking. Win the battle for sexual purity.
For a new generation...a new take on an ageless truth.Dr. Earl Lee addressed these peace-stealers many years ago in his classic Cycle of Victorious Living, which has sold more than 100,000 copies. The cycle he identified continues to motivate, reassure, and inspire today.Scott Daniels, now pastor of the same church Dr. Lee led long ago, uncovers once again these truths from Psalm 37 and shares them in a new voice for today's reader.Dr. Lee's original book is printed in its entirety in the back, and study and reflection questions suitable for small groups or personal use are included in the new revision of the original.Whichever version touches and inspires you, know that you will discover the secrets to living above the turmoil and challenges we face today. The abundant life you hear so much about is actually closer than you might think.
The beginnings of the Victorious Life Conference, which in the summer of 1918 grew into three gatherings in different parts of the country, may be placed in the years 1911 and 1912, when several young Christian workers in Philadelphia were led out into an experience in Christ which transformed their lives.
“Victorious Life : 365 daily devotions for daily victory” by Ps. Ashish Mathews is a master guide for daily victory. Faith life is a life of triumphant victory. In the busyness of life, these daily devotions will stir up your mind, feed your spirit and make you skilful in the word of righteousness. As Pastor Ashish always says, ‘A believer has only one weakness and that’s his ignorance.’ These teachings will flood your spirit with light and you will see better, think better and live better. You will move from traditions to truth, from rituals to reality and from the milk of the word to the meat of the word. Victory becomes your lifestyle!
Did you ever go with a very dear friend into some foreign land, — say one of the islands of the sea, like Madeira; and there you and your friend vie with each other in making new discoveries of things beautiful and fresh to both of you: new flowers, fruits, birds, vistas in valleys or mountains? If so, you know something of what it means to explore, with a friend, in the land of Victory in Christ. It was the new and undiscovered country of the Victorious Life that brought us together, Bob McQuilkin and me. (New and undiscovered to us, that is, but as old as the Day of Pentecost.) We should never have been friends but for Him; we entered, not far apart, the “foreign land” of undreamed riches and delights; and ever since then we have been joyously telling each other of our discoveries, comparing notes, sharing our finds, and together thanking Him who alone is the Promised Land, the Life, and the Victory. God has greatly blessed me through the discoveries of my friend, as our common Guide, the Holy Spirit, has led him on and on into always new and clearer visions of what belongs, in Christ, to every Christian. I am glad that he is now sharing his findings and his convictions with many, through these studies in the Victorious Life. As one reads this book, let it be remembered that the Victorious Life is not optional for the Christian who wants God’s whole will. It is a simple duty for every Christian to “be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5: 18); and being filled with the Spirit means having Victory and all that goes with this. We think of the New Testament, and rightly, as being God’s revelation concerning how men may be saved from the wages of sin. They deserved death penalty, or hell. This is true, but have we realized, as a clear-sighted Bible teacher has pointed out, that a much greater part of the New Testament is devoted to telling Christians how to live after they are saved than how to be saved? Have we asked ourselves why this is so? Have we realized what a sad commentary on the Gospel is the man who claims that Christ has saved him completely from the penalty of his sins, yet in whose life is plainly seen, and habitually, the unbroken power of sin? This book tells how to be as free from the power of sin as from its penalty. It gives God’s own message on present salvation: salvation from sin now and here. What the Victorious Life is; how to make it one’s own in practical experience; how it may be not only entered into, but maintained; how it differs in life-and-death ways from false substitutes for Victory, — these and other questions that are perplexing many a burdened and seeking Christian are discussed here and answered out of God’s word. Closest fellowship with Mr. McQuilkin for five years, when we were together daily in editorial work, enables me to know that he has come to his present convictions after exhaustive Bible study, frequent conference with mature and trusted Bible students, and wide reading in the best works, new and old, in this field; but above all, after his rich personal experience, through surrender and faith, of Christ’s freely offered power and grace to meet all needs in the believer’s life. With thanksgiving to the Captain of our Salvation, who never asks us to win victories for Him, but Who has already won all our victories for us, This book is prayerfully commended in His Name...FROM THE BOOK.