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Part One of this in-depth Bible study uniting the Old and New Covenants, ancient Jewish writings, and inspired images to reveal God's redemptive plan within the Tabernacle.As you travel from the Garden of Eden to the Throne and Mercy Seat of God, this study begins a transforming work within the heart. You will see the glory of the LORD unveiled one sacred vessel after another as the purpose and plan of God's Holy Dwelling comes alive revealing the sacred fire of the Almighty's redemptive plan through His Son, Jesus Christ.It is a powerful and applicable message for individuals and the church today. A Walk Into The Holy Of Holies Bible Study has helped many comprehend and grasp God's transformative presence that is able to change hearts and minds.
Part Two "A Walk into the Holy of Holies" begins at the "Kings table" known as the Bread of Presence. Moving beyond the Table, we encounter a chosen priest who would stand before the Golden Altar offering sacred incense upon blood dripped coals. The study progresses past the Golden Altar, through the heavy Veil, where only the high priest could enter this most coveted place once a year. Here within the holy chamber we see the LORD enthroned upon the Mercy Seat. It is beyond this sacred barrier where the LORD said, "there I will meet with you; and speak to you". Today, believers can enter through the torn Veil where they are presented as a bride "holy, blameless and beyond reproach."
N. T. Wright delves into Acts, portraying early Christians’ fervor in spreading Jesus’ message globally. The book reveals church challenges and inspires our spiritual journeys. The book of Acts bursts with the passion of early Christians embracing God’s work and spreading Jesus’ message worldwide. It also lays bare the challenges churches face, demonstrating that ‘normal church life’ has never been plain sailing. Acts is a dynamic narrative of journeys, trials and triumphs, inspiring us in our own spiritual journeys. Acts, Part 1 spans from Luke’s introduction to Herod’s death in chapter 12. The biblical text is thoughtfully divided into easily manageable sections, ensuring accessibility for readers of all backgrounds. As you engage with this ancient narrative, you’ll discover its timeless resonance with the spiritual quests of today’s readers, whether they are newcomers or seasoned followers of Jesus. This expanded edition includes Wright’s updated translation of the biblical text, supplemented by a new introduction and a dynamic study guide tailored for both group study sessions and individual contemplation. The inclusion of helpful summaries and thought-provoking questions makes Acts for Everyone, Part 1 an ideal companion for those seeking to explore the New Testament with fresh enthusiasm and profound insights.
Who is Jesus? A mere historical figure? A man with a vision? A prophet? A teacher? A philosopher? It is simple. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is God Himself. He is our Saviour, Redeemer, Master, the King of kings, Lord of Lords, our Teacher, our Messiah, our Hope, the Way, the Truth, the alpha and the omega, the one worthy to open the scrolls, and He is the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world was laid and He is the Lion that returns in all His Glory! Jesus is the most important person in the whole Bible. He's the most important person ever to walk this earth. He's the most important person for you to know. He's the King our world needs, the hero all our stories reveal we long for, and the Saviour we desperately need. He is the bread of life. He is the door to our salvation. He is the good shepherd. He is the resurrection and the life. He is the way and the truth and the life. He is the true vine. He is the Son of David, the Righteous King. He is the Word. He is the Balm of Gilead. Hs Blood still saves, heals, delivers and redeems! He is the author and finisher of our faith and unto Him comes all the praise and honour, indeed, unto Him comes hosanna in the highest.
This study attempts to analyse the text of Hebrews with a method of discourse analysis primarily based on a form of systemic functional linguistics developed for Hellenistic Greek, but it is also informed by other linguistic studies. It begins with a general survey of the literature that is either influential or representative of approaches to the structure of Hebrews. The survey is followed by an introduction to the terminology and definitions of discourse analysis, as well as the theory behind the methodology, and describes a procedure for analysing text. Hebrews is treated as having three sections. The first section of Hebrews (1:1-4:16) demonstrates the organization of the units, the topic of the units, the prominent text, and the relationship of the first section with the rest of the discourse. The second section of Hebrews (4:11-10:25) is described in two parts (4:11-7:28 and 8:1-10:25) because of its length. There is an overlap between the first and second sections in 4:11-16 and between the second and third sections in 10:19-25. Both of these passages have a concluding function for the preceding co-text and a staging function for the following co-text, so that they look backwards and forwards. The third and final section in 10:19-13:25 contains the climax or discourse peak. The study is concluded with a description of the coherence of the discourse and a presentation of a mental representation of the text. JSNTS and Studies in New Testament Greek subseries>
In your hands you hold the combination of the works of Rayola Kelley and Jeannette Haley. Co-founders of Gentle shepherd Ministries in 1989, they have striven to make the glorious truth of Jesus Christ and His redemption a living reality to the hearts of His followers. Included in this book are the Gentle Shepherd Ministries Discipleship Course that has been requested and used by people throughout the world, along with Bible Studies, excerpts from sermons, and articles. Every bit of material in this resource of information has been compiled with one goal in mind, and that is to build up and nurture the life of Christ in the members of His Body, the Church. Although some information will seem repetitious, one must remember the subjects and themes are eternal truths that can and must be approached from different angles to ensure a sound spiritual foundation and a sturdy structure that clearly expresses the new creation mentioned in 2 Corinthians 5:17. The information and challenges put forth in this book will not only nurture the serious disciple of Jesus, but it will bring a well-rounded understanding as to the fundamental beliefs that make up the Christian faith.