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I have dedicated my entire being to my sustainer by way of my intercessor to do the will I’m assigned. My desire in this life is to see the minds of humanity activated to aim for the narrow way in. I perceive that whoever is exposed to the contents of this media will discern and comprehend its purpose Blessed are the ones that walk not in the council of the ungodly nor stand in the ways of sinners but delight in doing the will of God. They will prosper like trees planted by water that bring fruit in its season and whatever they do will prosper. To the Almighty God be the glory by way of our intercessor who is Christ.
Nine out of ten people walking around today are having a spiritual awakening and don't know it. However, you are different. Perhaps you are just opening to the spiritual journey of learning who you are and why you're here on Mother Earth. Maybe you've already been walking this path, but you sense that something is still missing. Your soul is calling you toward your divine mission. This book will help you to step ever closer to that sacred calling. It will teach you about the world of psychics and mediums, about your angels and guides and how to receive their blessings and messages, about rising above society's conditioning, and about following profound spiritual practices. Most of all, this book will gently assure you and remind you that you are indeed a spiritual being and that even if others see you as "different," you really can do whatever your heart desires. "The Visionary Messenger opens the door and turns on the light to the gifts that we have suppressed within us due to the negative influences of the physical world. Through sharing her story, Adele, helps us to identify that yes, we too, were born with the ability to connect with The Creator of All That Is, angels, guides, teachers and deceased loved ones. She explains the conceptual realities of connecting with something greater than ourselves - the possibilities, the peace, and the fulfillment of being true to the core of whom and what we are and the love. The Visionary Messenger is not just Adele's story, like so many spiritual books. Within its pages are introductory tools and teachings to help one discern the level of interest and commitment to one's spiritual journey. A knowing will stir within, that "yes, there is more." The unsettled, restless feelings that have been suppressed will insist on moving you forward in the search for answers. The Visionary Messenger will help you begin to set a firm foundation to experience fulfillment of your spiritual journey - are you ready to look within and pull forth your power, to enlighten yourself and achieve the fulfillment of your mission here on Mother Earth?"-Kathryn Large, Founder of Soul Kisses In all these things I write and give to you in these pages, please remember, I know on many levels this book will tweak you in your belief structures and in who you are. That is only one area of what this book is about, I give you the keys in which to unlock the doors to your own Divine Mission and purpose in this lifetime. One that will assist you in opening your eyes to the real Reality in which you live each day.
The spiritually gifted visionary receives and shares divine messages which have been sent inside of the Holy Spirit. We learn what it can be like to gather so much infinite wisdom on a daily basis, when coming from the other side of life. Beautifully created arched wing angels of bright color are very soothing, and they're able to be seen. It is described how they'll come about visibly with the valuable working meditations. More importantly the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, and our Father God, successfully have their translator disclose everything for themselves.
Over the centuries, the prophetic book of Zechariah has suffered from accusations of obscurity and has frustrated readers seeking to unlock its treasures. This work by Mark Boda provides insightful commentary on Zechariah, with great sensitivity to its historical, literary, and theological dimensions. Including a fresh translation of Zechariah from the original Hebrew, Boda delivers deep and thorough reflection on a too-often-neglected book of the Old Testament.
Apocalypticism arose in ancient Judaism in the last centuries BCE and played a crucial role in the rise of Christianity. It is not only of historical interest: there has been a growing awareness, especially since the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, of the prevalence of apocalyptic beliefs in the contemporary world. To understand these beliefs, it is necessary to appreciate their complex roots in the ancient world, and the multi-faceted character of the phenomenon of apocalypticism. The Oxford Handbook of Apocalyptic Literature is a thematic and phenomenological exploration of apocalypticism in the Judaic and Christian traditions. Most of the volume is devoted to the apocalyptic literature of antiquity. Essays explore the relationship between apocalypticism and prophecy, wisdom and mysticism; the social function of apocalypticism and its role as resistance literature; apocalyptic rhetoric from both historical and postmodern perspectives; and apocalyptic theology, focusing on phenomena of determinism and dualism and exploring apocalyptic theology's role in ancient Judaism, early Christianity, and Gnosticism. The final chapters of the volume are devoted to the appropriation of apocalypticism in the modern world, reviewing the role of apocalypticism in contemporary Judaism and Christianity, and more broadly in popular culture, addressing the increasingly studied relation between apocalypticism and violence, and discussing the relationship between apocalypticism and trauma, which speaks to the underlying causes of the popularity of apocalyptic beliefs. This volume will further the understanding of a vital religious phenomenon too often dismissed as alien and irrational by secular western society.
A celebration of the artist, mystic, and Nobel nominee Nicholas Roerich, whose life and work significantly influenced the development of modern art and culture. Messenger of Beauty opens the door to the mystical world of Nicholas Roerich and invites us to witness his far-reaching vision. Artist, writer, educator, archaeologist, explorer, mystic, and peacemaker, Roerich (1874-1947) left a rich legacy of some 7,000 paintings, drawings, and set and costume designs (most notably for Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring); 30 books on the mystic East; and countless articles and lectures. The Roerich Peace Pact--a remarkable treaty signed by President Roosevelt and 26 other heads of state that sought to preserve cultural monuments during times of war--earned the artist a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. Messenger of Beauty includes 88 color plates that cover the full scope of Roerich's artistic career, from ancient Slavic, mythic, and archaeological subjects to breathtaking Himalayan landscapes and religious themes that span the spiritual traditions of the world. First paperback edition of Nicholas Roerich: The Life and Art of a Russian Master