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The ending of Prescot's stark adventures as a living chess piece in the city of blood games was to be as terrifying as the perils that had gone before. Because now that transposed Earthman has to fight his way back to his embattled Vallian homeland across a sky full of danger and a sea full of death. And when he returns he will find the combat joined, his son at doom's door, his troops up against superior odds, and a battle he must personally fight that would be two battles in two different places at the same time! This edition contains a glossary to the Jikaida cycle. A Victory for Kregen is the twenty-second book in the epic fifty-two book saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen by Kenneth Bulmer, writing as Alan Burt Akers. The series continues with Beasts of Antares.
Fame and fortune may await the winners of the life and death game called Jikaida, but for Dray Prescot his triumphs seemed only to bring infamy and misfortune. An Earthman transposed to the distant world that circles the twin suns of Antares, Prescot had to find a way out of his Jikaida City exile - for his homeland needed him in its hour of danger. But it seemed that fate now would place him in an even more terrifying game - a treasure hunt played out in the illusion webbed catacombs of a haunted valley where desperate men came to find fortunes at the risk of their followers lives and their own sanity.
On the magnificent and mysterious, beautiful and terrible world of Kregen, a planet orbiting Antares four-hundred light-years from Earth, much may be achieved and much lost. Far more than merely a strong sword arm is required for victory. Far more than a cunning and devious brain is needed to secure success. Having won his princess, Delia of Delphond, Delia of the Blue Mountains, and having become the Emperor of Vallia with Delia at his side as Empress, Dray Prescot has renounced the crown and throne. Any thoughts of a quiet life are foolish, as he well knows. Among the many problems besetting him, the most important are uniting the lands of Paz and beating off the viciously hostile raiders from over the curve of the sea, the feared and hated Shanks. Scorpio Reborn:Sent by the Star Lords to save a life from a fire, Dray Prescot finds himself utterly helpless in a strange land. Confused and unable to move, he is cared for by Mevancy, a woman with a strange and wonderful secret. But why have the Star Lords left him there? Who is he expected to protect, and how is he supposed to do it? Flying a kite one moment, battling through an inferno the next, Prescot is flung headlong into fresh adventures under the mingled streaming lights of the Suns of Scorpio. Scorpio Assassin:The Star Lords require that a high spirited lady called Kirsty be queen, and have ordered Leone killed so that she cannot return through reincarnation. With the aid of the kregoinya Mevancy nal Chardaz and of the kregoinye Caspar the Peaker, and with the assistance of Trylon Kuong and of Llodi the Voice, Prescot decides to risk all to defy the all-powerful Star Lords... Scorpio Invasion:Dray Prescot must answer to the Star Lords for his disobedience. But the Star Lords argue over him and Dray is dropped accidentally in a walled garden. He is lost. Even the Star Lords don't know where he is. He knows he is on the splendid if horrific planet of Kregen, and in the continent of Loh, but nothing is familiar. He must find his way back to Makilorn, and from there to Tarankar to train an army to repel the Shanks...
Dray Prescot has been chosen by the Star Lords to be the so-called Emperor of All Paz. Together, the countries of Paz must resist the deadly Shanks who raid from over the curve of the world. Delia and Dray Prescot have abdicated the throne of Vallia and now seek to make the dream of a united Paz come true. Shadows over Kregen Whether Prescot is battling slavers and freeing slaves with the Kroveres of Iztar, or fighting Fish-heads in the land of the Shanks, he is certain to be thrown into more headlong adventures under the streaming mingled lights of the Suns of Scorpio. Murder on Kregen A new page turns in the unruly life of Dray Prescot, and all his strengths and inner resources will be required to confront fresh problems and perils. Join Dray Prescot as he rides south from the port city of Zandikar on the inner sea of the continent of Turismond, the Eye of the World, with his blade comrade Seg Segutorio and the Princesses Velia and Didi of Vallia. Of course, as is the nature of Kregen, they face unexpected peril... Turmoil on Kregen The undead monster called the Spectre has been destroyed. Didi herself lies seriously injured in Zandikar in the Eye of the World, lovingly tended by her cousin, Princess Velia. Ulana Farlan, the governor of Didi's province of Urn Vennar, has been removed from office. Now the rogue and schemer Nath Swantram, Nath the Clis, rules. But the Spectre, dead and animate, is about to terrorize Gafarden again as Tralgan Vorner, the wronged Elten of Culvensax, seeks vengeance on those who betrayed him. Within Vorner the Spectre lives. Including a glossary to the Spectre cycle.
If you are prepared to hurl yourself into adventure, to face peril with a brave heart, to risk all, then the marvelous world of Kregen offers you everything you have ever dreamed. For Dray Prescot the challenges are enormous. His task is to unite the sub-continent of Balintol against the Shanks, but due to the megalomaniac striving for power of various factions within the countries of Balintol, the whole place looks set to go up in flames. Prescot has uncovered some of the details of a plot by the cultists of the religion of Dokerty to turn ordinary men and women into receptacles for demons, who then destroy wantonly until the frail human body can no longer support the intolerable demonic forces. Now he has escaped from the Dokerty temple with a mysterious young woman, Veda. They are fleeing for their lives as the Suns of Scorpio descend into night...
The Star Lords require that a high spirited lady called Kirsty be queen, and have ordered Leone killed so that she cannot return through reincarnation. With the aid of the kregoinya Mevancy nal Chardaz and of the kregoinye Caspar the Peaker, and with the assistance of Trylon Kuong and of Llodi the Voice, Prescot decides to risk all to defy the all-powerful Star Lords... Scorpio Assassin is the thirty-ninth book in the epic fifty-two book saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen by Kenneth Bulmer writing as Alan Burt Akers. The next book in the series is Scorpio Invasion.
Together, the three books in this volume make up the first part of the Havilfar Cycle of the Saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen. Dray Prescot is launched headlong into a brand-new series of adventures upon the planet of Kregen, that marvelous and beautiful, mystical and terrible world four hundred light-years away beneath the Suns of Scorpio. A new life opens for Dray, but that new life is cruelly different from all he expected and dreamed, hurling him into fresh adventure and danger among peoples and places far removed from those he knows and loves. Dray Prescot's saga has been aclaimed as the best planetary adventure series since Burroughs stopped writing about Barsoom. Manhounds of Antares: Will Dray Prescot be able to remain a prince of proud Vallia or will he become just another human victim of the hunters and manhounds of the mysterious Southern Continent? For that is the enigmatic fate that the Star Lords have suddenly confronted him with. They want someone freed from the terrified pack of human prey among whom Prescot finds himself. But who it is and how it is to be done, they have left to Dray to work out... Arena of Antares: Never a man to leave something half done, Dray Prescot knows his task on the mysterious continent of Havilfar is far from complete. There are cruel conquerors to be overthrown, the pursuit of the manhounds and their masters to continue, and there is the dreaded arena. Can he survive the life of a gladiator against the killers and monsters of a spoiled queen while the Star Lords wait for his mission to continue? Fliers of Antares: Dray Prescot confronts his most baffling task while he is a hunted and harried wanderer of the continent of Havilfar. That task is to discover the means by which the aircraft of that continent's most advanced civilization operate. Prescot is no scientist, but fulfill his task he must or he will never return to the princess and homeland he has won. So, for Dray Prescot there is but one course. With a whole continent against him, with time itself conspiring to balk him, the secrets of an unknown science must be made his...
Once again in the grip of the Star Lords of the Constellation Scorpio, Dray Prescot finds himself torn from the battles of the Inner Sea for a mission in the air. For it is now his mission to carry his beloved Delia by airboat to that far kingdom, Vallia, from whence she had come. But the route lay across the gaunt mountains and the shadowy jungles of the Hostile Territories -- and there Dray will be plunged among stranger peoples and more fantastic challenges than even his Kregen princess has known. Warrior of Scorpio is the third book in the epic saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen.