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Schneider demonstrates that many fault tolerant clock synchronization algorithms can be represented as refinements of a single proven correct paradigm. Shankar provides mechanical proof that Schneider's schema achieves Byzantine fault tolerant clock synchronization provided that 11 constraints are satisfied. Some of the constraints are assumptions about physical properties of the system and cannot be established formally. Proofs are given that the fault tolerant midpoint convergence function satisfies three of the constraints. A hardware design is presented, implementing the fault tolerant midpoint function, which is shown to satisfy the remaining constraints. The synchronization circuit will recover completely from transient faults provided the maximum fault assumption is not violated. The initialization protocol for the circuit also provides a recovery mechanism from total system failure caused by correlated transient faults. Miner, Paul S. Langley Research Center ALGORITHMS; CIRCUITS; CLOCKS; FAULT TOLERANCE; SYNCHRONISM; CONVERGENCE; PROTOCOL (COMPUTERS); PROVING; SYSTEM FAILURES...
A fault-tolerant clock synchronization system was designed to a proven correct formal specification. Formal methods were used in the development of this specification. A description of the system and an analysis of the tests performed are presented. Plots of typical experimental results are included. Torres-Pomales, Wilfredo Langley Research Center NASA-TM-109001, NAS 1.15:109001 RTOP 505-64-10-10...
A validation method for the synchronization subsystem of a fault tolerant computer system is investigated. The method combines formal design verification with experimental testing. The design proof reduces the correctness of the clock synchronization system to the correctness of a set of axioms which are experimentally validated. Since the reliability requirements are often extreme, requiring the estimation of extremely large quantiles, an asymptotic approach to estimation in the tail of a distribution is employed. Butler, R. W. and Johnson, S. C. Langley Research Center NASA-TP-2346, L-15799, NAS 1.60:2346 RTOP 505-34-13
A fault-tolerant clock synchronization circuit was designed and tested. A comparison to a previous design and the procedure followed to achieve the current optimization are included. The report also includes a description of the system and the results of tests performed to study the synchronization and fault-tolerant characteristics of the implementation. Torres-Pomales, Wilfredo Langley Research Center RTOP 505-64-10-13...
A formal specification and mechanically assisted verification of the interactive convergence clock synchronization algorithm of Lamport and Melliar-Smith is described. Several technical flaws in the analysis given by Lamport and Melliar-Smith were discovered, even though their presentation is unusally precise and detailed. It seems that these flaws were not detected by informal peer scrutiny. The flaws are discussed and a revised presentation of the analysis is given that not only corrects the flaws but is also more precise and easier to follow. Some of the corrections to the flaws require slight modifications to the original assumptions underlying the algorithm and to the constraints on its parameters, and thus change the external specifications of the algorithm. The formal analysis of the interactive convergence clock synchronization algorithm was performed using the Enhanced Hierarchical Development Methodology (EHDM) formal specification and verification environment. This application of EHDM provides a demonstration of some of the capabilities of the system. Rushby, John and Vonhenke, Frieder Unspecified Center NASA-CR-4239, NAS 1.26:4239 NAS1-17067; RTOP 505-66-21-01...