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For the Roman Catholic Church, the doctrine of transubstantiation was not merely based in Scripture and rooted in tradition and official church teaching; it was the keystone of the whole sacramental system through which the Church claimed spiritual authority as the mediator of salvation, and for ordinary believers, was the focal point of sincere, though often superstitious, devotion. For many Protestants, however, it was an absurdity contrary to both reason and sound theology, and obscured the central role of faith in receiving Christ and His benefits.One of the most significant Reformation-era texts on the Eucharist, The Oxford Treatise and Disputation on the Eucharist displays Peter Martyr Vermigli at the height of his powers. Recently arrived in England to teach at Oxford during the reforming reign of Edward VI, Vermigli used a university controversy over his eucharistic theology as an opportunity to take the offensive against transubstantiation, the strongest bulwark of Catholic traditionalism in Edwardian England. His Treatise offered a crisp and compelling statement of the Reformed doctrine of the Eucharist and objections to transubstantiation, while the Disputation locks horns with a series of Catholic disputants on the biblical, philosophical, and historical issues at stake. This volume is essential reading for any who wish to understand the contours of this crucial doctrinal controversy.
Chapter 4: That this sacrament causes communion in the sufferings of the mystical body -- Chapter 5: That this sacrament causes material assistance in works of mercy -- Chapter 6: That this sacrament makes common all that is ours of both spiritual and material things -- Chapter 7: That this sacrament causes the truest communion of the divine and the human -- Distinction Five: Sacrifice -- Chapter 1: About the authority and antiquity of this sacrifice -- Chapter 2: About the holiness of this sacrifice -- Chapter 3: About the acceptableness of this sacrifice -- Chapter 4: About the truth of this sacrifice -- Distinction Six: Sacrament -- Tractate 1: About the institution of this sacrament -- Chapter 1: About the reason for the institution of this sacrament -- Chapter 2: About the necessity for the institution of this sacrament -- Chapter 3: About the time of the institution of this sacrament -- Chapter 4: About the mode of the institution of this sacrament -- Tractate 2: About the matter and form of this sacrament -- Chapter 1: About the matter of this sacrament -- Chapter 2: About the form of the sacrament over the bread -- Chapter 3: About the form that is spoken over the wine -- Chapter 4: About things following both forms -- Tractate 3: What in this sacrament is the sacrament alone, and what are the reality and the sacrament, and what is the reality without the sacrament? -- Chapter 1 -- Tractate 4: In which the rite of this sacrament is treated -- Chapter 1: About the rite of this sacrament on Christ's part -- Chapter 2: About the rite of this sacrament on the minister's part -- Chapter 3: About the rite of this sacrament on the recipient's part -- III. Indices -- General Index -- Index of Holy Scripture