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These are volatile times. Fear, suspicion, and cynicism are chronic. A mere tweet inflames the passions of millions while click-bait “hot takes” stoke the amygdalas of everyone with an Internet connection. We treat those not in our tribe as a threat and deem anyone with a different opinion as evil. Mistaking myopia for measure, we lack all sense of proportion in our judgments. We are shortsighted, mired in the present, ignorant of history, and blind to the future. We thought that technology would save us by connecting us to each other and the world’s information. Instead, it enticed our vices, encouraged our biases, and eroded the one virtue we need now more than ever: wisdom. A Time for Wisdom is for readers who feel beleaguered by the incivility of the modern world, dispirited by its coarse rhetoric and toxic partisanship. It is an invitation to escape the shallow cacophony and restore peace and perspective to our daily lives. Written by two psychologists, the book takes the best scientific research on wisdom and integrates it with timeless concepts that have, for ages, guided troubled souls through life’s hardships. From this foundation, the authors present four steps we can follow to practice wisdom in the 21st Century: Receiving knowledge. Practicing detachment. Experiencing tranquility. Cultivating transcendence. These are profound and spiritual principles that can bring us immense satisfaction when we aspire to live by them. In A Time for Wisdom, the authors show us how. They commend a course of action towards the Good, the True, and the Beautiful, towards calm and clear moral reasoning. They lead us out of the circus of contemporary life and show us a path beyond our petty self-centeredness. By journeying along that path, we can, like the great sages and scientists before us, rise above the immediacy of the moment and partake of the numinous and the infinite.
This book is an intellectual journey into epistemology, pedagogy, physics, architecture, medicine and metallurgy. The focus is on various dimensions of African Indigenous Knowledge (AIK) with an emphasis on the sciences, an area that has been neglected in AIK discourse. The authors provide diverse views and perspectives on African indigenous scientific and technological knowledge that can benefit a wide spectrum of academics, scholars, students, development agents, and policy makers, in both governmental and non-governmental organizations, and enable critical and alternative analyses and possibilities for understanding science and technology in an African historical and contemporary context.
The text before you is an effort by the author to identify the reasons why counseling fails. He judged through his experience that too many counselees were simply walking away from counseling. They stated there had been no growth, or change, only dissatisfaction with their "life in Christ." Thus, there seemed to be a "missing" ingredient. Following a study of the principal themes of Proverbs the author become certain about what was lacking. He determined that his clients were working without ‘The Fear of the Lord." Their approach lacked a sincere reverence for God and few desired to make Him preeminent. Thus failure was certain. "The Fear of the Lord" is the means by which wisdom, knowledge and understanding is bestowed; humility is gained and true charity becomes the practice of the Believer’s life. Not until one truly makes God preeminent does real, biblical change: sanctification, satisfaction and true joy, become possible.
Here is a treasury of favorite and little known tales from Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, Australia, and Oceania, gracefully retold and accompanied by fascinating, detailed information of their historic and cultural backgrounds. The introduction provides an informative overview of folklore, its purpose in world cultures and in contemporary society and popular culture. Following this, the main sections of the book are arranged by tale type, covering wonder tales, hero tales, tales of kindness repaid and hope and redemption, and finally tales of fools and wise people. Each section begins by comparing the tales cross-culturally, explaining similarities and differences in the folkloric narratives. Tales from diverse cultures are then presented, introduced, and retold in a highly readable fashion.
Life's Garden of Weekly Wisdom is a charming and delightful word garden filled with tasty bites for one's soul. This garden promises to give the reader years of spiritual nourishment. Each chapter explores a practical application of principle. Sandy writes with clarity, love and self-awareness. A great book for both a spiritual seeker unfamiliar with Science of Mind principles and the spiritually mature. "My purpose in writing this book is to speak to those people who feel they are spiritual but don’t fit into a typical church philosophy. Everyone has a sense of spirituality; some just haven’t met it yet. If you are looking for a new way to view life, I invite you to check out Centers for Spiritual Living at I also encourage speakers, ministers, teachers, and others to share these ideas in your own way to inspire other people. To this end, I invite you to explore one lesson each week, by yourself or in a group. I hope you enjoy reading these thoughts on spirituality as much as I enjoyed writing them."
Prof. Ette is a graduate of Methodist Secondary School, Nto Ndang, Ikot Ekpene and the College of Education Uyo in Nigeria. He obtained the Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga before enrolling in theological studies at Emory University in Atlanta, GA where he obtained the M.Div. degree. He did further graduate work in Gerontology at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia and at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon where he obtained both the MSW and the Ph.D degrees. He has worked in the area of mental health and in various community projects. Dr. Ette is an ordained pastor and has served several Methodist and Baptist churches in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. His research and writing interests are in the areas of immigration, community development, spirituality and culture. He is currently a professor of Social Work at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho, USA.
This book reinvigorates the use of wisdom in management and work practice, promoting it as an important research topic and demonstrating how it can be applied across a number of important management areas such as knowledge innovation and strategy.
If I have to write all the experiences and miracles in my life it would be volumes. All these miracles come from One Source: the power of DIVINE INDWELLING. These stories are not fictions. They are real experiences of miracles that made me write the book in order to share with people who with their FAITH can get into the Threshold of God's Presence within the soul and let the LIGHT of God's Power shine forth to drive evil away. The Truth is in the book. The Process, that even a little child can do, is in the book. But for one story among hundreds of stories, let me share this one. "A male teenager came to my office at midnight, trembling pale drunk high with drugs, carrying a knife urged by his hallucinations to kill someone, and that was me. I knew at that moment the Lord sent this poor guy to me to be healed by the power of God's Divine Indwelling. Gently yet carefully I led him to God's Presence within him, and with the power of the prayer of faith, Iby the power of God simply commanded the evil of drug addiction to leave. Right at that moment the guy was healed. The power of God in the soul of believers is truly REAL." As I said, I can share several stories of my experiences of miracles because of God's Divine Indwelling, the very "key that opens all the treasures of God's wisdom and knowledge" (Col 2:2-3) One who is serious in following what is written in this book can also see the experience of the power of God. Hence I wrote the book to help as many as are looking for hope and peace within them. Praise our awesome God.