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The temperature of the upper atmosphere, as observed by satellite-drag analysis, lags the maximum of the 27-day variation in solar decimeter flux by about 1 day. This time lag is now generally interpreted to be an atmospheric reaction time in response to the varying solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) heating. The EUV flux has been observed from satellites to be closely proportional to the decimeter flux. A reexamination of Roemer's time-lag data from six satellites indicates that the apparent dependence on local time seen by Roemer is probably not significant in view of the large uncertainties. The present analysis examines the theoretical evidence for a 1.4-day time lag. This is accomplished by means of a simple analytic solution of the heat conduction equation in a suitably averaged atmospheric model. (Author).
Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts, which appears in semi-annual volumes, is devoted to the re cording, summarizing and indexing of astronomical publications throughout the world. It aims to pre sent a comprehensive documentation of literature in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics. Every effort will be made to ensure that the average time interval between the date of receipt of the original literature and publication of the abstracts will not exceed eight months. This time interval is near to that achieved by monthly issued abstracting journals, compared to which our system of accumulating abstracts for about six months offers the advantage of greater convenience for the user. Volume 2 contains literature published in 1969 and received before March 15, 1970; some older lite rature which was received late and which is not recorded in Volume 1 is also included. The authors of papers who have sent us abstracts on request have effectively contributed to the suc cess of our service. We should like to express our gratitude to them. We acknowledge with thanks con tributions to this volume by Dr. J. Bou~a, who surveyed journals and publications in Czech language and supplied us with abstracts in English, by Dr. B. Onderlicka, Brno, for providing English ab stracts of Russian papers, and by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (C.S.I.R.O.), Sydney, for providing titles and abstracts of papers on radio astronomy.
This book contains tutorial and review articles as well as specific research letters that cover a wide range of topics: (1) dynamics of atmospheric variability from both basic theory and data analysis, (2) physical and mathematical problems in climate modeling and numerical weather prediction, (3) theories of atmospheric radiative transfer and their applications in satellite remote sensing, and (4) mathematical and statistical methods. The book can be used by undergraduates or graduate students majoring in atmospheric sciences, as an introduction to various research areas; and by researchers and educators, as a general review or quick reference in their fields of interest.
This handbook is a comprehensive collection of data, formulas, definitions, and theories concerning the natural environment. It was written by scientists of the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories (AFCRL) which, in 1976, became the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory (AFGL). It was designed to serve a broad spectrum of users: the planner, designer, developer, and operator of aerospace systems; the scientist who will find the tables and figures a convenient reference in his own field; the specialist who needs environmental data in another discipline; and science minded people who seek a summary of space-age environmental research. Revisions of individual chapters and sections of this handbook will be published as additional environmental research efforts pay off in new knowledge.