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Winner of the Independent Publisher Book "IPPY" Award and an American Book Award! Growing up in Las Cruces, New Mexico, the lean child of working-class Chicago transplants, Judy Grahn hungered to connect with the larger world, to create a place for herself beyond the deprivations and repressions of small town, 1950s life. Refusing the imperative to silence that was her inheritance as a woman and as a lesbian, Grahn found her way to poetry, to activism, and to the intoxicating beauty and power of openly loving other women. In the process, she emerged not only as one of the most inspirational and influential figures of the gay women's liberation movement, but as a poet whose vision and craft has helped to give voice to long-unexplored dimensions of women's political and spiritual existence. In telling her life story, Grahn reflects on the profound cultural shifts brought about by the women's and gay rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s. The "simple" revolution she recounts involved not just the formation of new institutions (the Women's Press Collective, Oakland Feminist Women's Health Center, A Woman's Place Bookstore), but the creation of whole new ways of living, including collective feminist households that cut through the political and social isolation of women. Throughout, Grahn describes her involvement with iconic scenes and figures from the history of these years--the Altamont Music Festival, the Black Panthers, the imprisoned Manson women, the Weather Underground, Inez Garcia--sometimes as witness, sometimes as participant, sometimes as instigator. Looking at these events and people within the context of the women's movement, and through the prism of Judy Grahn's luminous poetic sensibility, we see them anew. In A Simple Revolution, Grahn refuses dramatic, psychological narratives that readers have come to expect in memoirs. What emerges is a new, deeply compelling story, grounded in honesty, humility, and compassion--compassion for herself and for the wonderful, if wounded, people who surround her... striking an artful balance between remembering her past, the past of others, and intervening politically in how we think about history. --Julie Enszer, Lambda Literary
You've heard it all before. The promises for a better life get tiresome after awhile, because you know they don't deliver. However, they do touch on a profound and inescapable truth. You were created to live your life out of a rewarding, richly textured relationship with God and others--and deep down, you long to experience that kind of life. But how? Are you willing to devote sixty days to finding out? Soul Revolution may be one of the most important books you'll ever read. In it, author and pastor John Burke guides you on a journey of experiential discovery. Called the "60-60 Experiment," it has already made a profound impact on thousands who have discovered what it means to actually "do life" with God.
Living as an Ordinary RadicalMany of us find ourselves caught somewhere between unbelieving activists and inactive believers. We can write a check to feed starving children or hold signs in the streets and feel like we’ve made a difference without ever encountering the faces of the suffering masses. In this book, Shane Claiborne describes an authentic faith rooted in belief, action, and love, inviting us into a movement of the Spirit that begins inside each of us and extends into a broken world. Shane’s faith led him to dress the wounds of lepers with Mother Teresa, visit families in Iraq amidst bombings, and dump $10,000 in coins and bills on Wall Street to redistribute wealth. Shane lives out this revolution each day in his local neighborhood, an impoverished community in North Philadelphia, by living among the homeless, helping local kids with homework, and “practicing resurrection” in the forgotten places of our world. Shane’s message will comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable . . . but will also invite us into an irresistible revolution. His is a vision for ordinary radicals ready to change the world with little acts of love.
Explores the state of the church today, offering biblical guidelines for the church, a redefinition of the institution, and seven core principles of the revolutionaries who are seeking to model the church after its biblical commission.
The material has been assembled and updated from my doctoral thesis, Social Causes of Violent Revolution in Eighty-Six Nations Since World War II, written in 1978 (found on the dissertation shelves of Norlin Library, University of Colorado, Boulder). In this current update, I have enlarged the scope of the project to include nonviolent revolutions as well. South Africa has been the obvious model here and suggests that the most successful revolutions in the world have indeed been nonviolent. There have been a few others as well in the latter part of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Examining the causes and developments preceding these revolutions and comparing them with political and social conditions today has convinced me that our own country may be facing some kind of radical social upheaval during the coming century. By examining more closely the causes of such upheavals in the world during the 20th century, I would hope we could then see how closely current conditions match those early ones. Remember that Thomas Jefferson said that this country would need a new revolution every twenty years. (God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion, Thomas Jefferson wrote to William Stephons Smith in Paris on November 13, 1787).
"In The Irresistible Revolutions, Shane Claiborne invites you into a movement of the spirit that begins in the heart and extends through our hands into a broken world. Using examples from his own unconventional life, Shane Claiborne stirs up questions about the church and the world, challenging you to live out an authentic Christian faith. This book will comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable, and invite believers to change the world with Christ's radical love."--BOOK JACKET.