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Place yourself as a witness of the cross and determine what your own testimony will be! Experience Holy Friday from the perspective of those who watched Jesus die: Mary his mother; the Beloved Disciple from the Gospel of John; Mary Magdalene and the other women from Galilee; the two men, usually identified as thieves, crucified with Jesus; the centurion and the soldiers; Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. Jews and Romans, friends and strangers, the powerful and the powerless, the hopeful and the despairing. The story of Jesus’s death is not something we just read: we think about it, and we experience it; we hear the taunts of the soldiers, the priests, and the passersby even as we hear the famous “seven last words” from the cross. In Witness at the Cross, Amy-Jill Levine shows how the people at the cross each have distinct roles to play. Each Evangelist presents a distinct picture of the death of Jesus. Each portrays different individuals and groups of people at the cross, each offers different images and dialogues, and so from each, we learn how those meanings and messages cross the centuries to any who would come to the cross today. Each Gospel has its own story to tell, all the witnesses have their own memories, and every reader comes away with a new insight. The witnesses at the Crucifixion watch Jesus die, and we watch with them, and we watch them. And we come away transformed. Additional components are available for a six-week study include a DVD featuring Dr. Levine and a comprehensive Leader Guide.
Some years ago it was my privilege to enjoy the acquaintance of Miss Frances Rolleston, of Keswick, and to carry on a correspondence with her with respect to her work, Mazzaroth: or, the Constellations. She was the first to create an interest in this important subject. Since then Dr. Seiss, of Philadelphia, has endeavoured to popularize her work on the other side of the Atlantic; and brief references have been made to the subject in such books as Moses and Geology, by Dr. Kinns, and inPrimeval Man; but it was felt, for many reasons, that it was desirable to make another effort to set forth, in a more complete form, the witness of the stars to prophetic truth, so necessary in these last days. To the late Miss Rolleston, however, belongs the honour of collecting a mass of information bearing on this subject; but, published as it was, chiefly in the form of notes, unarranged and unindexed, it was suited only for, but was most valuable to, the student. She it was who performed the drudgery of collecting the facts presented by Albumazer, the Arab astronomer to the Caliphs of Grenada, 850 a.d.; and the Tables drawn up by Ulugh Beigh, the Tartar prince and astronomer, about 1650 a.d., who gives the Arabian Astronomy as it had come down from the earliest times. Modern astronomers have preserved, and still have in common use, the ancient names of over a hundred of the principal stars which have been handed down; but now these names are used merely as a convenience, and without any reference to their significance. This work is an attempt to popularize this ancient information, and to use it in the interests of truth. For the ancient astronomical facts and the names, with their signification, I am, from the very nature of the case, indebted, of course, to all who have preserved, collected, and handed them down; but for their interpretation I am alone responsible. It is for the readers to judge how far my conclusions are borne out by the evidence; and how far the foundation of our hopes of coming glory are strengthened by the prophecies which have been written in the stars of heaven, as well as in the Scriptures of truth.
Walter Kaiser questions the notion that the New Testament represents a deviation from God's supposed intention to save only the Israelites. He argues that--contrary to popular opinion--the older Testament does not reinforce an exclusive redemptive plan. Instead, it emphasizes a common human condition and God's original and continuing concern for all humanity. Kaiser shows that the Israelites' mission was always to actively spread to gentiles the Good News of the promised Messiah. This new edition adds two new chapters, freshens material throughout, expands the bibliography, and includes study questions.
The author argues that the idea of witness is a live metaphor in the New Testament, to be understood in terms of the Old Testament legal assembly, though the Greek lawcourts are also relevant. Professor Trites contends that this idea of witness in relation to Christ and his gospel plays an essential part in the New Testament and in Christian faith and life generally.
Today more than ever before, the historical witness is now a “museum objectâ€_x009d_ in the form of video interviews with individuals remembering events of historical importance. Such video testimonies now not only are part of the collections and research activities of museums, but become deeply intertwined with narrative and exhibit design. With a focus on Holocaust museums, this study scrutinizes for the first time this new global process of “musealisationâ€_x009d_ of testimony, exploring the processes, prerequisites, and consequences of the transformation of video testimonies into exhibits.
Everybody knows what a notary public does, right? Actually, there is much misunderstanding and confusion about what the proper role and duty of a notary is. A notary public does not "legalize" documents, or verify the accuracy or truthfulness of the content or statements made in a document, and yet the role that a notary plays in ascertaining the identity of the person who signs a document, placing that person under oath, if required, and determining the signer's intent and willingness to consent to the transaction is vital in modern society. A notary public is a public official commissioned by the Secretary of State to administer oaths and affirmations, take acknowledgments, witness signatures, and perform other duties as permitted by state law. A notary should be familiar with the Idaho notary laws and to follow the standards of reasonable care for performing a notarial act.
In an age of relativism, tolerance and political correctness, the church is called to walk in the footsteps of Christ. As his witnesses, we must reject all forms of coercion and violence while simultaneously refusing to shy away from the authority and conviction that come from carrying his revelation. Dr. Ervin Budiselić examines the concept of “witnessing” in the writings of Luke, contextualizing it within the larger framework of Scripture’s emphasis on revelation and testimony. Like Judaism, Christianity is a religion of revelation, where specific content must be preserved, passed on and proclaimed to others. Dr. Budiselić explores the communal nature of this calling, as well as its pneumatological implications within Luke’s writings. Acknowledging the tendency within the Western church to emphasize moral transformation over physical, he reminds readers that Jesus’s kingdom ministry was accompanied by deeds as well as words. He specifically engages the dangers of normalizing a gospel disconnected from the supernatural or the miraculous, as partnership with the Holy Spirit was central to the calling given to the early church. This book offers a prophetic message for the church today as it seeks to fulfill its calling to faithfully witness to the revelation of Christ.
In this accessible and provocative study, Brian Blount reads the book of Revelation through the lens of African American culture, drawing correspondences between Revelation's context and the long-standing suffering of African Americans. Applying the African American social, political, and religious experience as an interpretive cipher for the book's complicated imagery, he contends that Revelation is essentially a story of suffering and struggle amid oppressive assimilation. He examines the language of "martyr" and the image of the lamb, and shows that the thread of resistance to oppressive power that runs through John's hymns resonates with a parallel theme in the music of African America.
A notary is a public official responsible for independently verifying signatures and oaths. Depending on how a document is written, a notarization serves to affirm the identity of a signer and the fact that they personally executed their signature. A notarization, or notarial act, officially documents the identity of a party to a document or transaction and the occasion of the signing that others can rely upon, usually at face value. A notary's authentication is intended to be reliable, to avoid the inconvenience of having to locate a signer to have them personally verify their signature, as well as to document the execution of a document perhaps long after the lifetime of the signer and the notary. An oath is a sworn statement. In most cases a person will swear that a written statement, oral statement, or testimony they are about to give is true. A notary can document that the notary administered an oath to an individual.
How do we transform American Culture through our religious convictions? Discover here the compelling stories of thirteen pioneers for social justice who engaged in peaceful protest and gave voice to the marginalized, working courageously out of their religious convictions to transform American culture. Their prophetic witness still speaks today. Comprising a variety of voices--Catholic and Protestant, gay and straight, men and women of different racial backgrounds--these activist witnesses represent the best of the church's peacemakers, community builders, and inside agitators. Written by select authors, Can I Get a Witness? showcases vibrant storytelling and research-enriched narrative to bring these significant "peculiar people" to life. CONTRIBUTORS & SUBJECTS: Daniel P. Rhodes on Cesar Chavez Donyelle McCray on Howard Thurman Grace Y. Kao on Yuri Kochiyama Peter Slade on Howard Kester Nichole M. Flores on Ella Baker Carlene Bauer on Dorothy Day Heather A. Warren on John A. Ryan Becca Stevens on William Stringfellow W. Ralph Eubanks on Mahalia Jackson Susan M. Glisson and Charles H. Tucker on Lucy Randolph Mason Soong-Chan Rah on Richard Twiss David Dark on Daniel Berrigan M. Therese Lysaught on Mary Stella Simpson