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Age related degradation effects in safety related systems of nuclear power plants should be managed to prevent safety margins from eroding below the acceptable limits provided in plant design bases. The Nuclear Plant Aging Research (NPAR) Pro- gram, conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, and other related aging management programs are developing technical information on managing aging. The aging management process central to these efforts consists of three key elements: 1) selecting structures, systems, and components (SSCs) in which aging should be controlled; 2) understanding the mechanisms and rates of degradation in these SSCs; and 3) managing degradation through effective inspection, surveillance, condition monitoring, trending, record keeping, mainten- ance, refurbishment, replacement, and adjustments in the operating environment and service conditions. This document concisely reviews and integrates information developed under the NPAR Program and other aging management studies and other available information related to understanding and managing age-related degradation effects and provides specific refer- ences to more comprehensive information on the same subjects.
The objective of this Safety Report is to provide information on the implementation of IAEA Safety Standards Series SSG-48, to support the ageing management and preparation for the safe, long-term operation of a nuclear power plant. It addresses ageing management of active and passive structures and components for water moderated reactors that can have an effect, directly or indirectly, on the safe operation of the plant and that are susceptible to ageing. This publication is intended for ageing management and long-term operation specialists as well as nuclear power plant managers, regulatory bodies and technical support organizations.
The International Atomic Energy Agency has issued this series of reports on the practical methods that can be used to ensure safety & protection in peaceful activities involving radiation or radioactive materials. This series covers a wide range of topics in the realm of atomic energy. Subjects covered include: nuclear installations, nuclear fuel cycle activities, transport of radioactive material, radiation protection & safety for workers & the public, medical aspects, emergency preparedness, accident response & recovery, radioactive waste management, safety assessment, & environmental impact.
This publication provides a common internationally agreed basis on what constitutes an acceptable ageing management programme, as well as a knowledge base on ageing management for the design of new plants and design and safety reviews, and aims to serve as a roadmap to available information on ageing management. It addresses ageing management of passive and active structures and components for water moderated reactors that can have an impact, directly or indirectly, on the safe operation of the plant and that are susceptible to ageing degradation. The information provided is relevant for plants under normal operation, for plants considering long term operation, as well as for new plants including new designs. It underlines that ageing management should be implemented from the start of operation of nuclear power plants and that adequate provisions to facilitate effective ageing management should be made during the plant design, construction, commissioning, operation, and decommissioning.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published its license renewal rule, Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 54, on May 8, 1995, providing the requirements for renewal of operating licenses for nuclear power plants. 10 CFR 54.21(a)(1)(i) requires an aging management review of containment structures to ensure that the effects of aging will be managed so that their intended functions will be maintained for the period of extended operation. In 1990, the Nuclear Management and Resources Council (NUMARC), now the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), submitted for NRC review, the industry reports (IRs), NUMARC Report 90–01 and NUMARC Report 90–10, addressing aging management issues associated with PWR containments and BWR containments for license renewal, respectively.
In recent decades, the number of IAEA Member States planning to extend the operation of their nuclear power plants (NPPs) beyond the time frame originally anticipated has steadily increased. These decisions have been influenced by the significant economic advantages offered by the long term operation (LTO) of existing NPPs. This Safety Report complements IAEA Safety Standards Series Nos SSR-2/2 (Rev. 1), Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Commissioning and Operation, and SSG-48, Ageing Management and Development of a Programme for Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants. It provides information on selected topics from the latter, and specifically, it addresses data collection and record keeping, scope setting for structures, systems and components, plant programmes, corrective action programmes, and documentation of ageing management and LTO assessment. The publication focuses on NPPs throughout their lifetime, including operation beyond the time frame originally established for their operation and decommissioning, while considering the different reactor designs that exist around the world. It is also relevant for facilities for spent fuel storage and radioactive waste management at NPPs. It may also be used as a basis for managing the ageing of other nuclear installations and for radioactive waste management facilities. This Safety Report is intended to provide information for operating organizations but may be also used by regulatory bodies.
Plant life management (PLiM) is a methodology focussed on the safety-first management of nuclear power plants over their entire lifetime. It incorporates and builds upon the usual periodic safety reviews and licence renewals as part of an overall framework designed to assist plant operators and regulators in assessing the operating conditions of a nuclear power plant, and establishing the technical and economic requirements for safe, long-term operation. Understanding and mitigating ageing in nuclear power plants critically reviews the fundamental ageing-degradation mechanisms of materials used in nuclear power plant structures, systems and components (SSC), along with their relevant analysis and mitigation paths, as well as reactor-type specific PLiM practices. Obsolescence and other less obvious ageing-related aspects in nuclear power plant operation are also examined in depth. Part one introduces the reader to the role of nuclear power in the global energy mix, and the importance and relevance of plant life management for the safety regulation and economics of nuclear power plants. Key ageing degradation mechanisms and their effects in nuclear power plant systems, structures and components are reviewed in part two, along with routes taken to characterise and analyse the ageing of materials and to mitigate or eliminate ageing degradation effects. Part three reviews analysis, monitoring and modelling techniques applicable to the study of nuclear power plant materials, as well as the application of advanced systems, structures and components in nuclear power plants. Finally, Part IV reviews the particular ageing degradation issues, plant designs, and application of plant life management (PLiM) practices in a range of commercial nuclear reactor types. With its distinguished international team of contributors, Understanding and mitigating ageing in nuclear power plants is a standard reference for all nuclear plant designers, operators, and nuclear safety and materials professionals and researchers. Introduces the reader to the role of nuclear power in the global energy mix Reviews the fundamental ageing-degradation mechanisms of materials used in nuclear power plant structures, systems and components (SSC) Examines topics including elimination of ageing effects, plant design, and the application of plant life management (PLiM) practices in a range of commercial nuclear reactor types
As Member States seek to extend the operating lifetime of nuclear power plants beyond that which was originally licensed, safety oversight of ageing management and long term operation (LTO) has become increasingly important. This Safety Report provides technical and practical information based on existing regulatory approaches and practices of Member States, and the application of the IAEA Safety Standards. This includes requirements and pre-conditions of the regulatory body for LTO, authorization processes applied to LTO, and regulatory practices and documentation to prepare for and implement LTO. The report is intended for nuclear safety authorities, operating organizations, licensees, manufacturers, designers and technical support organizations considering authorization for LTO of nuclear power plants.
A plant's maintenance program is the principal vehicle through which age-related degradation is managed. From 1988 to 1991, the NRC evaluated the maintenance program of every nuclear power plant in the United States. Forty-four out of a total of 67 of the reports issued on these in-depth team inspections were reviewed for insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the programs as related to the need to understand and manage the effects of aging on nuclear plant systems, structures, and components. Relevant information was extracted from these inspection reports and sorted into several categories, including Specific Aging Insights, Preventive Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance and Condition Monitoring, Post Maintenance Testing, Failure Trending, Root Cause Analysis and Usage of Probabilistic Risk Assessment in the Maintenance Process. Specific examples of inspection and monitoring techniques successfully used by utilities to detect degradation due to aging have been identified. The information also was sorted according to systems and components, including: Auxiliary Feedwater, Main Feedwater, High Pressure Injection for both BWRs and PWRs, Service Water, Instrument Air, and Emergency Diesel Generator Air Start Systems, and Emergency Diesel Generators Air Start Systems, emergency diesel generators, electrical components such as switchgear, breakers, relays, and motor control centers, motor operated valves and check valves. This information was compared to insights gained from the Nuclear Plant Aging Research (NPAR) Program. Attributes of plant maintenance programs where the NRC inspectors felt that improvement was needed to properly address the aging issue also are discussed.