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"Love your neighbor" is the central obligation of Jewish life. Mussar, a late nineteenth-century Jewish renewal movement, focused on this precept as a means of self-improvement and spiritual growth. Through the practical applications of Mussar, one can learn how to awaken to a spirituality that is compassionate, moral, and generous. In this book, Rabbi Ira Stone provides a contemporary theological framework for understanding Mussar and describes how participation in a Mussar group can offer support and guidance for this powerful spiritual practice.
"Love your neighbor" is the central obligation of Jewish life. Mussar, a late nineteenth-century Jewish renewal movement, focused on this precept as a means of self-improvement and spiritual growth. Through the practical applications of Mussar, one can learn how to awaken to a spirituality that is compassionate, moral, and generous. In this book, Rabbi Ira Stone provides a contemporary theological framework for understanding Mussar and describes how participation in a Mussar group can offer support and guidance for this powerful spiritual practice.
Focusing on the challenges of the transition to responsible, sustainable lifestyles, this book examines developments over the last decade in relation to: - the creation of awareness of consumer citizenship, civic involvement and environmental stewardship - research, projects and publications on education for responsible living - the creation and implementation of relevant teaching methods and materials - policies on education for sustainable consumption and lifestyles - global processes for education on sustainable development The articles deal with topics related to policy support, institutional approaches, educators, young people, and local communities. They draw attention to successful initiatives and reflect upon what still needs to be done. The book also looks at the roles that central actors such as PERL (The Partnership for Education and research about Responsible Living) play in this process.
Use this life changing workbook and journal immediately after graduating from high school; before, during, and after college; before you enter the workforce; and before you move out on your own. This workbook was created to help you to prepare for and navigate through life by offering: Over 300 thought-provoking questions Positive affirmations Relatable personal stories Tips on how to be a responsible adult Insight on the truth about adulthood A step-by-step guide for creating your game plan for success Plenty of note pages for reflection Remember that becoming an adult is inevitable, but being a responsible adult is a mindset, a lifestyle, and a choice. What will you choose?
The bestselling author of "The Psychology of Self-Esteem" presents an illuminating guide to self-realization through self-reliance and a vision of a society transformed by a new ethical individualism.
Explains what responsibility is and ways to be responsible.
In Every Day I Am Responsible, author Shawn L. Collins Jr. shares his transcendent spiritual experiences as he transitions through life's journey to complete spirituality. Every culture, religion, philosophy and etc. has it's own terminology losing to the free will to define oneself. This book is intended to empower an holistic approach, enabling spiritual abilities to identify with the spirit of fear, considered to be a spiritual disease. Every one handles fear differently but there is a similarity with everyone. If you are reading this, believe it or not, you are a divine being, and your life has a universal responsibility, no matter who you are, and that is to live your best life regardless of the fears and setbacks you're currently facing. Bridging the gap between your physical and spiritual worlds is the way to manifest the purest version of you and this is who your world will mirror. The intention of Every Day I Am Responsible is for all of humanity to open to the idea of progressing to live their life purpose."Life belongs to the eye of the beholder."- Shawn L. Collins Jr.
Enter the packed courtroom and take your seat as a juror on the Cain v. Abel trial. Soon, the prosecution and defense attorneys (angels from Jewish legend) will call Cain, Abel, Sin, Adam, Eve, and God to the witness stand to present their perspectives on the world's first murder. Great Jewish commentators throughout the ages will also offer contradictory testimony on Cain's emotional, societal, and spiritual influences. As jurors, when we mete out Cain's punishment, must we factor in his family history, psychological makeup, and the human impulse to sin? In this highly eclectic and gripping compilation of insights by Jewish commentators on the Cain and Abel story, courtroom scenes are juxtaposed with the author's commentary, advancing novel insights and introspection. As each of us grapples with Cain's actions, we confront our own darkest traits. If Cain is a symbol for all humanity, what can we do to avoid becoming like him? Furthering this conversation, Rabbi Dan Ornstein includes a discussion and activity guide to promote open dialogue about human brokenness and healing, personal impulses, and societal responsibility.
This book takes a critical view on corporate practice, governmental action and the general approach to Corporate Social Responsibility. It draws on experience from the Workplace Innovation movement and argues that, as with motherhood and apple pie, it is hard to oppose CSR, with a community of well-meaning people. It is however necessary to challenge the foundations on which it is based. Many accounts of CSR assume a consistent model of capitalism around the world. It is suggested that capitalism can be given a human face, as companies adopt programmes which go beyond the minimum legal requirements. This builds on traditions of optional corporate philanthropy. However, without changing the underlying working of the company, only cosmetic changes are made. In the author's words: “lipstick is applied to the capitalist pig”. It can be a mistake to read too much into “Responsible Management”, when the culture of management is designed around irresponsibility. Companies have developed elaborate schemes of outsourcing, in an environment of limited liability. This cannot easily be overcome through gestures. This book seeks to engage readers and to provoke thoughts. It can be angry and polemical, but it points a finger directly at ongoing superficial developments.