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"Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction" carefully deconstructs five examples of pseudoscience--UFOs, out-of-body experiences, astrology, creationism, and ESP-- and gives easy recipes to test other dubious notions so that the reader can ascertain what lies in the realm of real science and what more properly deserves the tag of pseudoscience.
The National Academy Press presents the full text of "Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction: Where Real Science Ends ... and Pseudoscience Begins." Charles M. Wynn and Arthur W. Wiggins wrote the book, which was published by Joseph Henry Press in 2001. The authors examine how science views exotic ideas, such as unidentified flying objects (UFOs), astrology, and extra sensory perception (ESP).
The General Elections of 2014 saw a resounding victory for the BJP. Projecting Narendra Modi as a decisive leader, the BJP promised sweeping changes from the Congress-led UPA governments. Its election campaign was built on the planks of sabka vikas (development for all) and freedom from corruption, along with improved governance. So, did the NDA-II government deliver on its promise of development? Or, as Amartya Sen asserted, did India take a 'quantum leap in the wrong direction'? A Quantum Leap in the Wrong Direction? compares the promises made during the run-up to the 2014 elections and the outcomes over the past five years. Each chapter of this book assesses different policies like demonetisation and GST; policies in the sectors of employment, agriculture, banking, and foreign affairs; its initiatives in the areas of health, education, environment, on gender, and for the marginalised sections. It assesses the government's successes in the area of governance and in addressing corruption.
Celtic legend Bertie Auld is one of the most controversial and colourful characters in Scottish football history. For decades he has steadfastly refused to discuss his remarkable lifetime in the game - until now! Bertie never shirked a tackle as a player and there are still no holds barred long after the boots have been put away. It's the book everyone wanted and it's a sensational read.
Relationships can be challenging. In this book you will discover how God Himself cares about your personal relationships. Whether choosing a bride or groom, a date, trusted friend, or even a business partner, God desires to be involved in your relational decisions. Unequally Yoked? A Guide to Friends, Dates and Mates will help you learn to make better relationship decisions that will cause you grow and enjoy the peace that comes from good relationships in every area of your life.
Fictional characters ""Tom Alford"" and ""D.J. Kaercher"" aren't cut out for the world of gainful employment. They resolve to quit their entry level jobs to become "explorationers," each embarking on his own solitary quest, valiantly traversing the globe in search of...well...whatever comes next. The first becomes Dolph Blackburn, a mercenary commissioned to stop an Eastern European dictator from training house pets to destroy Russia. And the latter, Erasmus Tesserman, a highly decorated inventor/innovator investigating a series of phenomena resulting in a Hypercolor(TM) Great Barrier Reef. Through their correspondence, they inspire and entertain each other with tales of adventures heroic, accomplishments paramount, and rendezvous titillating. Their courses collide when a mysterious yet familiar villain conspires to do the inconceivable - poison the world's supply of a popular, high-end brand of bottled water. Obviously, this is a fate worse than death.
Political scientists and political theorists have long been interested in social and political performance. Theatre and performance researchers have often focused on the political dimensions of the live arts. Yet the interdisciplinary nature of this labor has typically been assumed rather than rigorously explored. Further, it is crucial to bring the concepts of theatre and performance deployed by other disciplines such as psychology, law, political anthropology, sociology among others into a wider, as well as deeper, interdisciplinary engagement. Embodying and fostering that engagement is at the heart of this new handbook. The Handbook brings together leading scholars in the fields of Politics and Performance to map out the evolving interdisciplinary engagement. The authors--drawn from a wide range of disciplines--investigate the relationship between politics and performance to show that certain features of political transactions shared by performances are fundamental to both disciplines, and that they also share, to a large extent, a common communicational base and language. The volume is organized into seven thematic sections: the interdisciplinary theory of politics and performance; performativity and theatricality (protest, regulation, resistance, change, authority); identities (race, gender, sexuality, class, citizenship, indigeneity); sites (states, borders, markets, law, religion); scripts (accountability, authority and legitimacy, security, ceremony, sustainability); body, voice, and gesture (representation, leadership, participation, rhetoric, disruption); and affect (media, care, love empathy, comedy, populism, memory).
The crash of Celldesign—a Boston based start-up specializing in the creation of a gene-editing patch—on the eve of its IPO starts with the smallest of actions: Spencer Lloyd, grandson of the company’s founder, sends an email questioning the data on which the company is basing its claims. The email triggers an all-out effort to discredit Spencer, putting the great Arthur Lloyd, the company founder, in direct conflict with his grandson. Things only get worse from there, as the company careens into an all-out panic, and Arthur Lloyd falls further and further into cascading conflicts until he loses his bearings, his company, and ultimately, his family. It seems the business world and the moral universe may not be so far apart after all. In this intense legal thriller, falsified statistics land a start-up gene-editing company in scandal, ultimately tearing apart the founder’s life and ending his legacy.
Spiritual warfare needs spiritual intelligence. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, warfare was often fought in the spirit, and it manifested in the natural. Based on tried and tested methods in a remote village in India, the author carried out a 6 weeks course on Zoom. Michael Van Vlymen's book on spiritual warfare was the inspiration of this course and the writing of this book. About 60 Pastors,Leaders and Believers attended the weekly sessions where they were given teaching and practical on the job training to take grounds for the Kingdom of God. The results and feedback was phenomenal. Lives were changed and empowered by The Holy Spirit when the participants were introduced to Spiritual Intelligence in engaging the enemy's territory. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 says that, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
The Only Democracy in the Middle East is a compelling narrative non-fiction that offers a glimpse into Israel’s backstage, behind the tinseled tourism hype and worn Zionist clichés. Centered on the life of a former IDF staff captain and Israeli electoral candidate named Shaul Elkeslasi, the book is a scathing exposé that documents his confrontation with the grim realities of Israeli political deception and abuse. In punishing detail it exposes the inner workings of a state very different from the enlightened republic Israel is thought to be—a ruthless rogue regime whose bloody machinations with the Jewish people since Zionism’s inception have been kept airtight thanks to the axiomatic claim that Israel is a democracy. In the utopia envisioned by Israeli Deep State, every citizen would be born with the knowledge that Israel’s designation as a democracy is euphemistic. However the idiosyncrasies of human nature such as they are, there will always be Israelis who believe what they are taught and entertain the offensive notion that every private citizen has the right to run for office; that government was created to serve the people; that freedom of speech is an elementary right; that freedom of religion is mandated by the rule of law. That law and rights and freedoms exist. As stride confidently into the public square, they have no idea that they’re trespassing on the private property of a mafia compound. And by the time they know, it’s too late—even to warn someone else. The present chronicle has one purpose: to expose the anarchy and moral decadence that define Israeli government today, so that the next time an Israeli citizen chooses to exercise the fundamental liberties guaranteed in a democracy, he won’t find himself in the grave with a bullet in his head.