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This study was conducted to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of a second tier intervention on at risk students2 behaviors and academic success. The study included 113 middle school and junior high students identified as being at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders using the Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD). The participants were assigned to a control group (no treatment), one, two, or three semesters of the intervention. The intervention integrated components of social skills instruction, self-management techniques, and social and emotional awareness. Students2 behaviors and academic success were measured using school data (i.e. GPA, Office Discipline Referrals, attendance, and tardies) and Achenbach Teacher Rating Forms (TRF), in pretest-posttest intervention designs over a five-year period. This research used archival data funded in part by an OSEP Federal Grant (H324c030124). Primary investigator was K. Richard Young and co-primary investigator was Ellie L. Young. Results indicated that students receiving the intervention did not differ significantly from the control group in all areas measured.
A revolution in working with difficult students began during the 1980s, with a dramatic shift away from dependence on simply punishing bad behavior to reinforcing desired, positive behaviors of children in the classroom. With its foundation in applied behavior analysis (ABA), positive behavior support (PBS) is a social ecology approach that continues to play an increasingly integral role in public education as well as mental health and social services nationwide. The Handbook of Positive Behavior Support gathers into one concise volume the many elements of this burgeoning field and organizes them into a powerful, dynamic knowledge base – theory, research, and applications. Within its chapters, leading experts, including the primary developers and researchers of PBS: (1) Review the origins, history, and ethical foundations of positive behavior support. (2) Report on applications of PBS in early childhood and family contexts, from Head Start to foster care to mental health settings to autism treatment programs. (3) Examine school-based PBS used to benefit all students regardless of ability or conduct. (4) Relate schoolwide PBS to wraparound mental health services and the RTI (response to intervention) movement. (5) Provide data and discussion on a variety of topics salient to PBS, including parenting issues, personnel training, high school use, poorly functioning schools, and more. This volume is an essential resource for school-based practitioners as well as clinicians and researchers in clinical child, school, and educational psychology.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate teachers[alpha] perspectives regarding the social validity of the Positive Behavior Support (PBS) model implemented at a middle school and a junior high school. Qualitative data were collected through teacher focus groups and categorized then analyzed in order to summarize teachers[alpha] opinions regarding PBS and its[alpha] effectiveness. Both qualitative and quantitative results revealed that teachers perceived evidence of social validity in the areas of social appropriateness and social importance of effects. Four factors were also identified as the most influential areas to influence the success of PBS implementation. These included (a) administrative support, (b) consistency and clear expectations, (c) school culture, and (d) social skills and lesson plans. Results regarding social importance and teachers[alpha] perceptions of overall effectiveness of PBS showed a lack of conclusive data. Overall outcomes suggest that PBS is perceived by teachers as satisfying two of the three conditions for social validity.
As schools attempt to provide more effective and efficient discipline practices there are many systems changes that need to be employed. Positive behavior support (PBS) has proved to be an effective systems approach to positive discipline that is implemented widely in the United States. This book is about how to evaluate professional development in PBS schools and provide practical data with an empirically validated self-assessment of teacher knowledge and skills for positive behavior support. This important addition to the literature on positive behavior support is a useful resource for educators and researchers that need an effective and efficient method of measuring the knowledge and skills of the educators in a school. The Teacher Knowledge and Skills Survey for PBS is an essential tool to guide professional development and program change. No school or researcher who is working to improve discipline practices should be without this book.
Public schools are faced with the ever-increasing pressure of maintaining a safe learning environment while continuously improving student performance. Also, there has been a growing concern among administrators and teachers for implementing an effective discipline plan that will keep students in class and engaged in learning as much as possible. In response, school-wide Positive Behavior Support (PBS) models are growing in popularity to address both of these issues. An effective school-wide Positive Behavior Support model, if implemented correctly, involves an entire school population (students, faculty and school administration). This study focused on the effects of PBS implementation on office discipline referrals and TAKS mathematics and Reading scores comparing two similar suburban intermediate schools; one that implemented a school-wide PBS program and a non-PBS school during a three year period. The quantitative results of this study revealed significant differences were found during specific years of the study for in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, and student TAKS mathematics scores; however, no significant differences were found for DAEP placements and student TAKS Reading scores for all three years of the study respectively. Results from the qualitative inquiry revealed that the experimental school improved TAKS performance each year, experienced a decline in office discipline referrals, developed a strong sense of staff and student loyalty about their school, had minimal teacher turnover, conducted staff trainings with fidelity, and established very clear school-wide expectations among students and staff. Results from the control school revealed no difference in the number of office discipline referrals, an increase in serious student disruptive behaviors, a decline on TAKS performance, inconsistencies in staff trainings, and an increase in teacher turnover. Therefore, it is hard to be certain if PBS implementation made a distinct impact on student achievement during the years of this study. It is recommended that future studies are conducted over longer periods of time to assess the effects of PBS implementation versus the absence of PBS implementation at various school levels and settings.
This research study examined the effectiveness of a Tier I Response to Intervention (RtI) program for school-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS) in an urban northeastern school. It was designed to ascertain the effectiveness of this character program in promoting positive behavior growth of middle school students. In addition, it evaluated the perceptions of faculty regarding the implementation and effectiveness of this program as a school-wide positive behavior support model. The research questions that guided this study were: 1."To what extent" did the application of the positive behavior support program impact behavioral performance of middle school students at a northeastern, United States public school? 2. What were the perceptions of the staff regarding the impact of the positive behavior support program on students' behavior? An evaluation research design was used, and data were collected from office discipline referrals before and during implementation using a quantitative approach. The second question was answered using a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, which included a survey with a Likert-type scale with open-ended responses. T-tests and Cronbach's alpha were used during statistical analysis. Key findings of this study include that the program supports positive behavioral growth; however, the integrity of the implementation of the program influences its effectiveness. Although this study was conducted at a suburban middle school, the findings may be useful to school systems seeking to implement a school-wide positive behavioral support model in their school.
Abstract This dissertation examines the implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) at the secondary school level. The study used a mixed-method research approach. Concurrently, a qualitative survey about PBIS implementation with a quantitative open-ended question identifying how to improve implementation was administered to all secondary staff at one middle school. While the results affirmed that the four systems of PBIS were in place, this dissertation provides recommendations for implementation and how to improve implementation in a Midwestern middle school. Key words: Positive Behavior Intervention and Support, Implementation, Secondary
"Creating a safe environment, where all students can properly learn, is a huge challenge faced by many educators today. Schools are being confronted by unwanted and disruptive behaviors that directly and negatively affect the environment for both staff and students. Reactive forms of discipline, to help curb unwanted behavior, have been met with little success. Proactive forms of intervention have gained notoriety in recent years. One such system is School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS). While SWPBS is gaining popularity, it is a relatively new philosophy and system. One wonders about the true positive effects of implementing such system, and whether its popularity will be merited once it has been analyzed by empirical evidence. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the outcomes and the cost of implementing the use of SWPBS systems. Furthermore, the thesis looks to explore and find reasons why schools have varying levels of success when instituting a SWPBS philosophy."--leaf 4.
The purpose of this study was to examine teachers' perceptions of school-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS) and how the practices associated with SWPBS impact collective efficacy among teachers in a suburban elementary school located in southeastern Pennsylvania. The study focused on the perceptions of teachers regarding the impact of SWPBS on student behavior, classroom learning, and the collective efficacy of the faculty. In order to collect the necessary data the study employed survey, interview, and observation instruments. Sixteen of a potential twenty-six faculty members completed the Collective Efficacy Form-L which measured the collective efficacy of the faculty. Additionally, five interviews and three observations were conducted to collect data regarding teacher perceptions of the impact of SWPBS on student behavior and classroom learning. An analysis of the data revealed that the collective efficacy of the faculty was relatively high. Teachers reported that SWPBS had an impact on improving student behavior in the school. Furthermore, teachers reported that improved behavior resulted in increased classroom learning. Observational data confirmed the interview data.
Despite the ongoing debate and attention given to the achievement gap between racial groups there has been little progress in closing it. A factor that may be contributing to the achievement gap is a racial discipline gap in schools. Exclusionary discipline practices are used at a higher rate with students from underrepresented populations such as Black and Hispanic students (McIntosh, Chard, Boland, & Horner, 2006; Vincent, Sprague, & Tobin, 2012). Exclusionary discipline equates with a reduction in instructional time, therefore, students who are excluded from school at a higher rate than their peers have reduced opportunities for learning. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), when implemented with fidelity, serves to support a positive school environment that teaches expected behaviors in the setting and reduces office discipline referrals (ODRs) in schools (Solomon, Klein, Hintze, Cressey, & Peller, 2012). This study examined the impact of PBIS implementation on ODR rates. Two hypotheses guided the study. Hypothesis 1: When PBIS is implemented with fidelity there is a main effect for years of implementation, with fewer ODRs in the fourth year of implementation than in the first year. Hypothesis 2: When PBIS is implemented with fidelity there is a greater reduction in the number of ODRs for Black students and for Hispanic students than for White students. The data used for this study was from the database of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) National PBIS Technical Assistance Center, housed by the University of Oregon's Educational and Community Supports research unit (University of Oregon, 2016). The main hypothesis was tested with two two-way within schools ANOVAs. The first factor was the year of implementation with two levels (Year 1 vs. Year 4) and the second factor was ethnic subgroup with two levels (Black vs. White, or Hispanic vs. White). A significant interaction effect between year of implementation and subgroup would indicate a change in the size of the discipline gap from Year 1 to Year 4 for either or both comparisons. The findings for this study demonstrated no support for either hypothesis.