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La tesis consta de cinco capítulos y está dividida en dos partes muy diferenciadas. La primera dedicada tanto al uso del llamado Método del Balance Armónico (MBA) como a su fundamentación teórica. La segunda se ocupa del estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo de dos familias de ecuaciones diferenciales polinomiales en el plano. El MBA proporciona una manera de obtener aproximaciones de las soluciones periódicas de ecuaciones diferenciales, así como su periodo. En los Capítulos 1 y 2 utilizamos el MBA para encontrar aproximaciones de la función de periodo de ciertas familias de ecuaciones diferenciales en el plano. La principal contribución de la tesis en este tema ha sido el estudio analítico paralelo de la función de periodo y la constatación de que las aproximaciones obtenidas vía el MBH recogen varias de las propiedades, tanto locales como globales, de esta función. En el Capítulo 3 se demuestra que cerca de ciertas aproximaciones obtenidas usando el MBH hay soluciones periódicas reales de la ecuación diferencial estudiada. Para obtener nuestros resultados nos basamos en resultados clásicos de Urabe (1965) y Stokes (1972). En la segunda parte del trabajo se abordan problemas cuantitativos, dentro de la llamada Teoría Cualitativa de las Ecuaciones Diferenciales. Más concretamente, en ambos capítulos se determinan analíticamente cotas inferiores y superiores de los valores de bifurcación de dos familias 1-paramétricas de ecuaciones diferenciales polinomiales. La diferencia principal entre las familias estudiadas en el Capítulo 4 y en el Capítulo 5 es que la primera es lo que se denomina una familia rotatoria, lo que implica que las bifurcaciones estén más controladas, mientras que la segunda no lo es, y entonces el problema se torna más complicado. Para encontrar las cotas comentadas en el párrafo anterior se introduce un método para la construcción efectiva de curvas algebraicas sin contacto por el flujo de la ecuación diferencial. Estas curvas son buenas aproximaciones de las separatrices, tanto de los puntos críticos al infinito cómo de los finitos. La comprobación de que estas curvas son sin contacto pasa por el control del signo de familias 1-paramétricas de polinomios. Para resolver esta cuestión se introduce en la tesis el concepto de doble discriminante. Además, el control del número de ciclos límite de las ecuaciones diferenciales se realiza utilizando el criterio generalizado de Bendixson-Dulac. El paso final para ver que este criterio se puede aplicar pasa también por el control del signo de un determinado polinomio y de nuevo el doble discriminante tiene un papel relevante. Los métodos desarrollados en estos dos capítulos permiten calcular aproximaciones algebraicas de las separatrices de los puntos críticos de ecuaciones diferenciales en el plano, así como determinar cotas de los valores de los parámetros que hay en las familias de ecuaciones diferenciales para que estas tengan conexiones homoclínicas o heteroclínicas.
Subriemannian geometries, also known as Carnot-Caratheodory geometries, can be viewed as limits of Riemannian geometries. They also arise in physical phenomenon involving ``geometric phases'' or holonomy. Very roughly speaking, a subriemannian geometry consists of a manifold endowed with a distribution (meaning a $k$-plane field, or subbundle of the tangent bundle), called horizontal together with an inner product on that distribution. If $k=n$, the dimension of the manifold, we get the usual Riemannian geometry. Given a subriemannian geometry, we can define the distance between two points just as in the Riemannian case, except we are only allowed to travel along the horizontal lines between two points. The book is devoted to the study of subriemannian geometries, their geodesics, and their applications. It starts with the simplest nontrivial example of a subriemannian geometry: the two-dimensional isoperimetric problem reformulated as a problem of finding subriemannian geodesics. Among topics discussed in other chapters of the first part of the book the author mentions an elementary exposition of Gromov's surprising idea to use subriemannian geometry for proving a theorem in discrete group theory and Cartan's method of equivalence applied to the problem of understanding invariants (diffeomorphism types) of distributions. There is also a chapter devoted to open problems. The second part of the book is devoted to applications of subriemannian geometry. In particular, the author describes in detail the following four physical problems: Berry's phase in quantum mechanics, the problem of a falling cat righting herself, that of a microorganism swimming, and a phase problem arising in the $N$-body problem. He shows that all these problems can be studied using the same underlying type of subriemannian geometry: that of a principal bundle endowed with $G$-invariant metrics. Reading the book requires introductory knowledge of differential geometry, and it can serve as a good introduction to this new, exciting area of mathematics. This book provides an introduction to and a comprehensive study of the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations. It begins with fundamental theorems on existence, uniqueness, and initial conditions, and discusses basic principles in dynamical systems and Poincare-Bendixson theory. The authors present a careful analysis of solutions near critical points of linear and nonlinear planar systems and discuss indices of planar critical points. A very thorough study of limit cycles is given, including many results on quadratic systems and recent developments in China. Other topics included are: the critical point at infinity, harmonic solutions for periodic differential equations, systems of ordinary differential equations on the torus, and structural stability for systems on two-dimensional manifolds. This books is accessible to graduate students and advanced undergraduates and is also of interest to researchers in this area. Exercises are included at the end of each chapter.
The main idea of the present study is to demonstrate that the qualitative theory of diffe rential equations, when applied to problems in fluid-and gasdynamics, will contribute to the understanding of qualitative aspects of fluid flows, in particular those concerned with geometrical properties of flow fields such as shape and stability of its streamline patterns. It is obvious that insight into the qualitative structure of flow fields is of great importance and appears as an ultimate aim of flow research. Qualitative insight fashions our know ledge and serves as a good guide for further quantitative investigations. Moreover, quali tative information can become very useful, especially when it is applied in close corres pondence with numerical methods, in order to interpret and value numerical results. A qualitative analysis may be crucial for the investigation of the flow in the neighbourhood of singularities where a numerical method is not reliable anymore due to discretisation er rors being unacceptable. Up till now, familiar research methods -frequently based on rigorous analyses, careful nu merical procedures and sophisticated experimental techniques -have increased considera bly our qualitative knowledge of flows, albeit that the information is often obtained indirectly by a process of a careful but cumbersome examination of quantitative data. In the past decade, new methods are under development that yield the qualitative infor mation more directly. These methods, make use of the knowledge available in the qualitative theory of differen tial equations and in the theory of bifurcations.
Periodic differential equations appear in many contexts such as in the theory of nonlinear oscillators, in celestial mechanics, or in population dynamics with seasonal effects. The most traditional approach to study these equations is based on the introduction of small parameters, but the search of nonlocal results leads to the application of several topological tools. Examples are fixed point theorems, degree theory, or bifurcation theory. These well-known methods are valid for equations of arbitrary dimension and they are mainly employed to prove the existence of periodic solutions. Following the approach initiated by Massera, this book presents some more delicate techniques whose validity is restricted to two dimensions. These typically produce additional dynamical information such as the instability of periodic solutions, the convergence of all solutions to periodic solutions, or connections between the number of harmonic and subharmonic solutions. The qualitative study of periodic planar equations leads naturally to a class of discrete dynamical systems generated by homeomorphisms or embeddings of the plane. To study these maps, Brouwer introduced the notion of a translation arc, somehow mimicking the notion of an orbit in continuous dynamical systems. The study of the properties of these translation arcs is full of intuition and often leads to "non-rigorous proofs". In the book, complete proofs following ideas developed by Brown are presented and the final conclusion is the Arc Translation Lemma, a counterpart of the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem for discrete dynamical systems. Applications to differential equations and discussions on the topology of the plane are the two themes that alternate throughout the five chapters of the book.
This introductory text explores 1st- and 2nd-order differential equations, series solutions, the Laplace transform, difference equations, much more. Numerous figures, problems with solutions, notes. 1994 edition. Includes 268 figures and 23 tables.
This book provides a complete analysis of those subjects that are of fundamental importance to the qualitative theory of differential equations and related to current research-including details that other books in the field tend to overlook. Chapters 1-7 cover the basic qualitative properties concerning existence and uniqueness, structures of solutions, phase portraits, stability, bifurcation and chaos. Chapters 8-12 cover stability, dynamical systems, and bounded and periodic solutions. A good reference book for teachers, researchers, and other professionals.
Bridging the gap between elementary courses and the research literature in this field, the book covers the basic concepts necessary to study differential equations. Stability theory is developed, starting with linearisation methods going back to Lyapunov and Poincaré, before moving on to the global direct method. The Poincaré-Lindstedt method is introduced to approximate periodic solutions, while at the same time proving existence by the implicit function theorem. The final part covers relaxation oscillations, bifurcation theory, centre manifolds, chaos in mappings and differential equations, and Hamiltonian systems. The subject material is presented from both the qualitative and the quantitative point of view, with many examples to illustrate the theory, enabling the reader to begin research after studying this book.
Generalized Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions highlights, to those in the area of generalized trigonometric functions, an alternative path to the creation and analysis of these classes of functions. Previous efforts have started with integral representations for the inverse generalized sine functions, followed by the construction of the associated cosine functions, and from this, various properties of the generalized trigonometric functions are derived. However, the results contained in this book are based on the application of both geometrical phase space and dynamical systems methodologies. Features Clear, direct construction of a new set of generalized trigonometric and hyperbolic functions Presentation of why x2+y2 = 1, and related expressions, may be interpreted in three distinct ways All the constructions, proofs, and derivations can be readily followed and understood by students, researchers, and professionals in the natural and mathematical sciences
This second in the series of three volumes builds upon the basic theory of linear PDE given in volume 1, and pursues more advanced topics. Analytical tools introduced here include pseudodifferential operators, the functional analysis of self-adjoint operators, and Wiener measure. The book also develops basic differential geometrical concepts, centred about curvature. Topics covered include spectral theory of elliptic differential operators, the theory of scattering of waves by obstacles, index theory for Dirac operators, and Brownian motion and diffusion.
The material collected in this volume reflects the active present of this area of mathematics, ranging from the abstract theory of gradient flows to stochastic representations of non-linear parabolic PDE's.Articles will highlight the present as well as expected future directions of development of the field with particular emphasis on applications. The article by Ambrosio and Savaré discussesthe most recent development in the theory of gradient flow of probability measures. After an introduction reviewing the properties of the Wasserstein space and corresponding subdifferential calculus, applications are given to evolutionarypartial differential equations. The contribution of Herrero provides a description of some mathematical approaches developed to account for quantitative as well as qualitative aspects of chemotaxis. Particular attention is paid to the limits of cell'scapability to measure external cues on the one hand, and to provide an overall description of aggregation models for the slim mold Dictyostelium discoideum on the other.The chapter written by Masmoudi deals with a rather different topic - examples of singular limits in hydrodynamics. This is nowadays a well-studied issue given the amount of new results based on the development of the existence theory for rather general systems of equations in hydrodynamics. The paper by DeLellis addreses the most recent results for the transport equations with regard to possible applications in the theory of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. Emphasis is put on the development of the theory in the case when the governing field is only a BV function.The chapter by Rein represents a comprehensive survey of results on the Poisson-Vlasov system in astrophysics. The question of global stability of steady states is addressed in detail. The contribution of Soner is devoted to different representations of non-linear parabolic equations in terms of Markov processes. After a brief introduction on the linear theory, a class ofnon-linear equations is investigated, with applications to stochastic control and differential games.The chapter written by Zuazua presents some of the recent progresses done on the problem of controllabilty of partial differential equations. The applications include the linear wave and heat equations,parabolic equations with coefficients of low regularity, and some fluid-structure interaction models.- Volume 1 focuses on the abstract theory of evolution- Volume 2 considers more concrete probelms relating to specific applications- Volume 3 reflects the active present of this area of mathematics, ranging from the abstract theory of gradient flows to stochastic representations of non-linear PDEs